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CBIS Overcloud Installation/Deployment and Sanity

The CBIS (Cloud Band Infrastructure Software) is meant for OpenStack installation in an automated way.
There are various methods of installation of OpenStack: Triple O installation method is used for
deployment of CBIS. It is a customized installation and deployment method.

Triple O means OpenStack over OpenStack. In this method an all-in-one OpenStack Undercloud will be
installed in one standalone server. After installation another Overcloud will be installed through an
orchestrator (Heat service in Undercloud) which will be a baremetal provisioning of multi-node installation
of OpenStack.

Undercloud must have been deployed on a standalone server and ready, before this MOP to be
executed. Please make sure you have a running Undercloud with root user and stack user credentials in

Yaml files used to deploy Overcloud


The user_config.yaml file is automatically transferred from the hypervisor to the Undercloud VM at
/home/stack/ as part of the Undercloud VM installation process. Open user_config.yaml and cross check
all the IPs


It should be filled according to the blades that you are using for Overcloud deployment. Open
host_config.yaml and cross check all the IPs.


Overcloud can be installed with TLS and without TLS. The deployment procedure is executed with TLS.
Method Of Procedure

Step 1.

Login to Undercloud VM as root user and ssh to Undercloud VM as stack user.

Verify the NTP clock is in sync with the client external NTP server.
[root@localhost]# ssh stack@undercloud

[stack@undercloud]# ntp –q

Verify user_config.yaml file for IP as per the IP planning sheet

[stack@undercloud]# vi user_config.yaml

Change directory to stack user home and source stackrc file

[stack@undercloud]# cd ~

[stack@undercloud]#source ~/stackrc
Step 2.

Run the script below on the Undercloud VM, as stack user:

/bin/bash /usr/share/cbis/undercloud/tools/

Step 3.

Generate the Overcloud templates configuration folder. This folder will be used later for the
hardware inspection and overcloud deployment. Run below two command to generate template.

openstack cbis template generate \

--platform hp-c7kg9 \
--destination /home/stack/templates \
--ssl-certificate server.crt.pem \
--ssl-key server.key.pem \
--ssl-root-certificate ca.crt.pem \
--user-config /home/stack/user_config.yaml

/bin/bash /usr/share/cbis/undercloud/tools/

From the Undercloud VM copy the hosts_config.yaml sample file to stack user home directory:

cp /usr/share/cbis/cbis-hw/cbis_hw/hosts_config.yaml ~
Edit the hosts_config.yaml file specific to your IP addresses in the relevant hosts groups and the
username and password of the iLOs in pm_user and pm_password fields.

[stack@undercloud ~]$ vi hosts_config.yaml

pm_user: admin
pm_password: Nokia@123

- host_group: single_nic_controller_nodes
pm_addr: [ , , ]
- host_group: single_nic_ovs_compute_nodes
pm_addr_range: [ , ,
, ]
availability_zone: zone1
Step 4.

This step will create input file hosts.yaml. Run the following hwscan command:

openstack cbis hwscan --input-file ~/hosts_config.yaml --user-config ~/user_config.yaml

Step 5.

This step will perform hardware inspection. Part of the introspection process is booting the servers.

 Import the hosts.yaml file to Ironic

openstack baremetal import --yaml /home/stack/hosts.yaml

 Configure the hosts

openstack baremetal configure boot

 Start introspection
openstack baremetal introspection bulk start
Step 6.

This step will verify hardware inspection. Run the below command from Undercloud VM.

ironic node-list

Successfully introspection happens when all the servers exist under ironic node-list, and the Power State
is power off, and the Provisioning State is available.
Step 7.

This step will deploy Overcloud based on the above set of generated templates and hardware scan. Start
screen session and run the following command from Undercloud VM. Change the values below as per
the IP planning sheet.
openstack cbis overcloud deploy --templates templates/ -e templates/common-environment.yaml -e
templates/cinder-emc-config.yaml -e templates/network-environment.yaml -e templates/storage-
environment.yaml -e templates/enable-tls.yaml -e templates/inject-trust-anchor.yaml --compute-
flavor compute --control-flavor control --control-scale X --compute-scale Y --neutron-tunnel-
types vxlan --neutron-network-type vxlan --neutron-bridge-mappings physnet0:br-physnet0 --
neutron-network-vlan-ranges physnet0:1100:1700 --ntp-server
Step 8.

In this step, you can monitor the progress of Overcloud Installation and verification. Below commands
are handy and can be used for this purpose.

heat stack-list

heat resource-list overcloud

Step 9.

This step will execute Post Install. This post install step will tunes the system (timing, etc,) according to
CBIS specs. It is a mandatory procedure in this release.

To execute the post install changes:

Login to Undercloud VM as a stack user. Make sure that salt command is working and that all controllers
and computes are online.

salt '*' "hostname ; uptime"

Execute the post installation script:

Step 10.

This step will be a sanity of the Overcloud deployment. After Overcloud deployment , run sanity checks
using below commands from undercloud

salt '*' 'ceph -s'

salt '*' 'hwclock --systohc'
salt '*' 'ntpq -pn'
openstack cbis overcloud status

heat stack-list

nova list

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