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Student’s Name- Saadullah Kundi

School’s Name- Lahore Grammar School: Johar Town

City- Lahore
The journey back home from the cinema was all about the sci-fi movie we had watched on how
the world would be 100 years from now. I was tired and hit the bed as soon as I got back

I heard a soft knock on the bedroom door. The door creaked open and Benjamin entered. He
tapped my shoulder in a futile attempt to wake me up but I did not stir. Unsuccessful, Benjamin
emitted shrill noises of an alarm clock which did the trick and I woke up with a start. He made
his way to the calendar, whirring softly, and crossed out October 16th, 2118 using his
automated arms. Like all other robots, he did chores around the house from mowing the lawn to
doing homework which was an added bonus.

After finding my bearings, I stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom where I brushed my
teeth and made my way downstairs. While coming down the escalators, I picked up the
conversations of my dad and his business partner. When I entered the kitchen, dad was
finishing his breakfast while his holographic partner was starting dinner. I placed my plate on the
countertop and ordered Benjamin to bring my breakfast. Within a few seconds, the 3D printer
started printing my pancakes. After handing Benjamin my dirty dishes, I swallowed my daily
oxygen pill, mandatory for every citizen in the country. Before leaving for school, I asked my dad
to credit my account with bitcoins so that I could buy myself a burger and a drink at school.
After 5 minutes of waiting, the driverless school bus came and stopped right in front of my
house. The door slid open automatically and I stepped in. I was greeted by children in English,
Spanish and Mandarin as these were the only three languages that people spoke and
understood. The door closed behind me and the bus began to move by itself following its pre-
set route. As I gazed outside, I could hardly make out the outlines of innumerable skyscrapers
as they were all enveloped in grey smoke and their lights could hardly filter the thick smog.

The first period was Mathematics in which the teacher asked for all students to pull out their
homework. Accordingly, everyone took out their tablets and showed teacher the Trigonometry
work. As the teacher began to check our homework, I knew it would be another mundane day at

Reaching home Benjamin welcomed me, took my bag and carried it up to my room. Hardly
fifteen minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. There was a drone delivery for my lunch. I swiped
my credit card and devoured the pizza a few minutes later.

After the busy day, I retired to bed at 10 PM and soon I was fast asleep. Suddenly, someone
shook me awake. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was not Benjamin but my mother.
Confused, I rushed to the calendar. It was October 16th, 2018.

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