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a. mengutamakan bukti : 16. 20.

b. menerima perbedaan : 7, 10, 18
c. skeptis: 5,8,9
d. rasa ingin tahu: 1, 20, 28, 30
e. positif dalam kegagalam: 6
f. bekerja sama:

kemampuan berpikir kritis pada penelitian ini adalah skor kemmapuan berpikir siswa
dlam mngkaji sebuah fenomena atau masalha untuk mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan yang
menggabungkan semua informasi selama pembelajaran dan untuk menyelesaikan
permasalahan selama pembelajaran. Kemampuan berpikir kritis yang ditelaah meliputi
pertanyaan trhadap masalah, merancang tujuan, menggunakan informasi, menyusun
konsep, merumuskan asumsi, menarik kesimpulan dan impikasi.
Kemampuan berpikir kritis yang siukur dengan menggunakan soal tes berpikir kritis
dalam bentuk…… penyusunan soal tes berdasarkan indikator/ elemen dan sub elemen
berpikir kritis Inch.

Terdapat 13 indikator yang dikembangkan dari delapan fungsi berpiki kritis menurut Inch
et. Al (2006) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kemampuan berpikir kritis ini dijaring
melalui tes bentuk pilihan ganda beralasan dn essay

Sikap ilmiah yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adaah skor atau prosentase sikap siswa
yang meliputi sikap….,….

1. A scientist must be curious about the world

Example: Galileo Galileo's curiosity about the heavenly bodies made him the first person
to use a telescope to study the moon, the sun, the planets and the stars.

2. A scientist is logical and systematic

Example: Among the reasons why Gregor Mendel discovered the principles of heredity
when others have failed was his logical experimental methods and his careful and
accurate record keeping.

3. A scientist is open-minded and free of bias

Example: An open-minded person is one who can modify plans or discard hypotheses if
necessary. One such person was Johannes Kepler who was hired to develop evidence that
planets moved along perfect circles.

4. A scientist is intellectually honest

Example: Isaac Newton built his laws of motion on the previous work of Galileo and

5. A scientist works hard and is persistent

Example: Marie Curie was the first person ever to be awarded the Nobel Prize twice. It
was not surprising considering how hard she worked.

6. A scientist does not jump to conclusions

Example: John Dalton's atomic theory was backed by experimental evidence. He was not
the first to propose that the atom was the smallest particle of matter, but he was the first
to use experimental evidence to support his theory.

7. A scientist is a creative and critical thinker

Example: Albert Einstein was able to derive his theory of relativity because he went
beyond what was given and known at that time. He saw links and connections where
others did not. He looked at things from different perspectives.

8. A scientist is rational

9. A scientist is willing to suspend judgment until he is sure of his results

10. A scientist tries new approaches to arrive at solutions

In addition:

A scientist must have an open mind and be curious. It is fine to have an idea about how or
why something is the way it is, but the scientist should then seek to prove or disprove this
"hypothesis" and should then be willing to change their ideas depending on the results of
their experiments, rather than to continue believing in their original idea even if the
evidence of their experiments is sticking up against it.

1.Keen Observer





6.intellectually honest

8.Aware of the limitations of Science


10.Open minded

Untuk kepentingan pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis, Warnich dan Inch (1994)
menyarankan perlunya dikembangkam kegiatan mengidentifikasi evidensi, mengevaluasi
argumen, menilai relevansi argumen dan alasan (reasoning), dan memahami penarikan
inferensi. Selain itu, kegiatan pemilihan evidensi terbaik untuk memdukung posisi,
pemilihan solusi terbaik dari beberapa alternatif yang ada, mengantisipasi dan
mengkonter pandangan orang lain, dan mendayagunakan alasan juga mempengaruhi
peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis.

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