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Uganda 600 Feedback – Team Dinosaur

1. Was your project a success or failure and why?

 Success from the point of view that a problem / need in the local market was
identified that all parties agreed would be a good new business opportunity.
Secondly, a solution was mutually agreed. Sadly, despite being very enthusiastic, the
Client was slow in the implementation. Something that the VC has no control over.
 my client was committed to do well but was not able to follow through because of
her life events (lots of children to take care off, illnesses, AWOL on the agreed calls,
 It was a success, because the client achieved his goal, and felt empowered.
 I think it was a success for the following reasons:
- The client now understands where growth in his business can come from
- The client now realises how much data he has to help guide the direction of his
- He is aware of what he can work on to make the business more successful
- He understands the realistic scenario for his business and getting to his ideal will
not happen overnight but over a few phases
- He has learned to do proper competitive scanning and analysing customer
feedback as opposed to insisting before that "competition is becoming tougher
and my competition are leaving bad customer feedback on my products online"
 My project was a failure. Could not get committed time with the client for
meaningful conversations, so I was not able to help her, unfortunately

2. Did you have what you needed at the outset to allow you to succeed. If
yes what were the key elements. If not what was missing?
 For me the key element in this scenario is to have experience/exposure of similar
developing markets and solutions that have been successfully introduced to solve
local problems. And being able to match these with the Client.
 Had: (1) Great local manager .... Fatuma was brilliant, (2) Positive and willing client
Missing: (1) Client was not able to connect via Skype and often her mobile was not
working, (2) Client seemed to be 'willing' , but not that 'able' or 'committed' because
of other things going on in her life (e.g. family, illness, etc.)
 No, I did not have all from the start. I was not receiving communication from the
beginning because mistyped email address, project system was not ready from the
start, and then didn't work smoothly. Otherwise most elements were available,
rough guide for VC, and access to support.
 In general yes. I think the client had a good understanding of his own business so it
was easier to shape the discussions and find out what the key opportunities are. As
the client had an online business, he also had access to data that he was not
previously using to his advantage. Because of the availability of information, it was
easier to progress the discussions.
 Yes, I had what I needed from Grow, but just could not get the client commitment
3. What did you enjoy the most and least?
 Most: The Client enthusiasm for the new business idea.
 Most (1) Local manager being totally committed, and helpful , (2) Both manager and
client were positive, willing and full of good intentions
 Most : I enjoyed working with the client, learning about his challenges and being
useful to him..
 Most I enjoyed the interactions with the client. He has a very positive outlook
on life - that everything will work out and helped me put things in
 Most enjoyed the feeling that I was overall participating in something great,
 Least: Slowness of its implementation despite everything having been agreed.
 Least (1) Difficult to communicate, (2) lots of missed appointments, (3) client not
contactable for long periods of time, (4) client not doing what was agreed, (5) spent
a lot of time wasted and on calls and all added up not much value to show for it
 Least there was not anything I particularly disliked. Instead I was a bit frustrated at
times about client's lack of communication channels, which was in the end the
nature of the project challenge, however at the start it was "painted" as if all clients
will have Skype access. Well that was not the case at all
 Least I disliked that it was difficult at times to talk to him due to connectivity issues.
For example, we would be in the middle of a discussion and he loses his connection
and we spend 10 minutes trying to reconnect. I also did not find it helpful that he
relocated to America and as a result we lost the continuity. He also stopped
focussing on the business to manage his immigration papers.
 Least enjoyed not getting to really develop conversations with my client

4. What changes would you make to improve your next assignment with
regard to the:
 Grow support:
 Have already suggested in separate emails the need for ‘Shared Services’ in
collaboration with local educational institutions and/or NGOs for marketing,
artwork, ICT, etc
 None: support was good
 there is no need for support in the country and the UK as well. The in country
support would be sufficient
 Need to give people more help in what to do when they are not having
success, and how quickly to close things down
 Client
 Select Clients with more established / larger businesses (say at least 3-5
employees) and with demonstrable comms means such as a working Skype
 be realistic what the client's communication possibilities are! Because if it is phone
only then the VC will have to invest into making phone calls
 The client had changing personal circumstances. While I selfishly would have wanted
him to be more stable, he has every right to pursue every opportunity to make his
life better. So I would not change him per se.
 Need a client that will be able to make the time to meet - I can be flexible on when
and then way we meet (Skype, Whatsapp, direct calls)
 Client manager :
 1-page description of the project on the project web page
 None: she was brilliant
 nothing to suggest really at the moment. I was happy with their support.
 Fatuma was very good and always followed up. She was also helpful in making sure
that the discussions between myself and the client were happening.
 Comms :
 Highly recommend WhastApp for communicating videos and photos of similar
solutions in other markets so that the Client can see the solutions already
implemented in reality in other markets, etc. A picture paints a thousand words….
 Monthly report with summary of how the other projects are going .... say high level
stats of the Uganda 600: % started, on track, late, dead, etc. + some high level
lessons learnt / useful advise from the others
 With regards non-project comms I prefer the WhatsApp communication. Email is
less favourable for me, the email messages can get way too long-winded.
 The PMS could be improved on. No way to upload files. It also forces you to
schedule the next meeting all the time. Could use more tools although I did see
some coming through.
 At some point, I felt a bit spammed on Whatsapp and with big files that took my 3G
capacities for downloading. While I appreciate the desire to be in touch, I honestly
thought it became too much. I think you may want to look at having a better
communications strategy, using certain channels for certain types of
communication. I started ignoring some messages as they had evolved into spam. It
would be useful to have more structured, concise communication - perhaps a
newsletter and even using the PMs since VCs would be using this platform more

5. What would help brand new VCs most in coming to grips with a
 experience/background of working in similar developing markets.
 Sharing the various experiences and approaches from the established VCs. For
example before starting a project a catch up in a pub with a few to talk it through
would work best I think as it was done in Castle pub. Otherwise everyone needs to
get through it in their own pace. But being proactive is key!
 An information pack with tools. Not everyone will have the skillset. It is good to have
a baseline toolkit and a guide. I think networking is also important although I am
guilty of not showing up lately as I am now nearly always out of town.

6. Any other comments or observations.
 I enjoyed the experience very much. I would do it again and soon
 I think it would be good to organise trips to the location.
 Try to get volunteers to go on a trip to Uganda and schedule workshops with the
clients on basic business skills. This can happen semi-annually or depending on
number of interested parties. This would be good to promote the brand in the
locations, engage with clients and VCs and press coverage both locally and
 Really want a new client! Would love to really give this a go.

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