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What is reduce?

Corazon de Maria
Make smaller the School
quantity, the size, the Recycling
intensity or the Members:
importance of a thing.
Victor Manchego
What is reuse?
Jose Mejia
it is the action that
Adrian Vilca
allows to reuse the
discarded goods and Teacher: Leticia
give them a new use. Grade: 5to “B”
What is recycling? "Year of the fight
Recycling is a process against corruption and
whose objective is to impunity".
convert waste into
new products or raw 2019
material for later use.
Reduce or eliminate the quantity of This is based on reusing an
materials destined for a single use The set of waste
object to give it a second useful
(for example, packaging). Adapt the life. All materials or goods can collection and treatment
appliances according to your needs
have more than one useful life, operations that allow
(for example, put washing
machines and dishwashers full and
either by repairing them for the them to be reintroduced
same use or with imagination
not half load). Reduce energy losses in a life cycle. The
or resources: water, disconnection for a different use. Examples:
of electrical appliances in standby use the other side of the
separation of waste at
mode, efficient driving, disconnect printed sheets, fill bottles, etc. source is used to facilitate
transformers, etc adequate channels.

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