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Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

The honorable all the juries of English Speech Contest and

My beloved friends who are happy in this place.

First of all, let’s pray and thank unto Allah SWT who has given us mercies
and blessing so we can attend and gather in this place in good and happy

Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW, The Last Messenger who has guided us from the darkness to
the brightness and from stupidity to the cleverness.

Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony
who has given me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.

In this occasion I would like to deliver my speech by the tittle, “Let’s study
English to get success”. We know that English is very necessary in our life
because it is used for international communication. So, let’s study English to get

English can bring us get success. For example, for us, as the students,
English is one of the lesson in Final National examination. If we study it, we can do
our examination very well. So, we can get good score in the exam. Moreover,
studying is also an obligation for us as Moslem. As Our Prophet Muhammad SAW

‫ب ِّاسللعسللم ِّفللرسي ل‬
‫ضةة ِّلعللىَ ِّمكلل ِّممسسللمم‬ ‫طللل م‬
“Studying is an obligation upon every Moslem”
So it is very important for us to study English to get our success.

Keep Spirit ! and always Do our Best to get the best !

Well that’s all my speech and I apologize to you for the mistakes. And the
last I say thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb.

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