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Journeys – 3rd Grade – Spelling List

Lesson1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8

Short & Long Three Letter
Short Vowel V-C-e Long a / e Long o Long i kn/wr/tch
Vowels Cluster
crop spoke lay load slight math three itch
plan mile real open mild toast scrap wreck
thing save trail told sight easy street knee
smell excuse sweet yellow pie socks spring patch
shut cone today soak mind Friday thrill wrap
sticky invite dream shadow tie stuff scream knot
spent cube seem foam pilot paid strange watch
lunch price tea follow might cheese throw knife
pumpkin erase treat glow lie June string stretch
clock ripe afraid sold tight elbow scrape write
gift broke leave window blind program spray knew
class flame bait coach fight shiny threw knock
skip life screen almost die piles strong match
swing rule speed throat midnight sticky scratch wrong
next these paint cold find each think know
hug those please most night both they catch
hospital surprise yesterday tomorrow silent comb straight wrinkle
fantastic decide explain sailboats frightening holiday scramble knuckle
Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
/ou/ /aw/ OY/OI Homophones Contractions Vowel + r Vowel + r Vowel + r
sounds in town sounds in talk sounds in joy sounds in nurse sounds in air/fear

clown talk joy hole I’d horse nurse air

round cross spoil whole he’s mark work wear
bow awful point its haven’t storm shirt chair
cloud law toy it’s doesn’t market hurt stairs
power cloth voice hear let’s acorn first bare
crown cost joint here there’s artist word bear
thousand crawl join won wouldn’t March serve hair
crowd chalk boy one what’s north curly care
sound also oil our she’s barking dirt pear
count raw soil hour aren’t stork third pair
powder salt coin their hasn’t thorn worry share
blouse wall choice there couldn’t forest turn near
frown lawn noise fur he’d chore stir ear
pound always boil fir they’re restore firm beard
house soft come road can’t dark her buy
found small are rode isn’t story girl year
mountain often poison peace we’re partner perfect earring
coward strawberry destroy piece weren’t fortune hamburger compare
Journeys – 3rd Grade – Spelling List
Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20 Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
/k/ and sounds in Compound -ed & -ing Changing Suffixes Prefixes
/j/ and /s/ spoon/wood
/kw/ Words endings y to i -ful -ly -er re- un-
age shark mood birthday coming cities singer unfold
space check wooden anyone swimming cried loudly rejoin
change queen drew sometimes dropping puppies joyful untie
jawbone circus smooth everything tapping hurried teacher reheat
jacket flake blue homework taping stories fighter unfair
giant crack balloon afternoon invited flies closely unclear
pencil second true airplane saving parties powerful repaid
circle squeeze crooked grandmother stared tried farmer rewrite
once quart chew something planned pennies quickly unhurt
large squeak tooth without changing fried careful recheck
dance quick hooves himself joking carried friendly unlucky
jeans coldest cool faraway loved babies speaker unwrap
bounce Africa food sunburned gripped spied wonderful reuse
huge Mexico pooch daylight tasted ponies truly unsure
nice black blew someone making pretty hopeful reread
place thank foot cannot stopped very safely unsafe
excited correct loose scorekeeper freezing countries listener unbuckle
gigantic question jewel everybody scared libraries calmly unknown
Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30
Suffixes VCCV Double ough & Endings in Beginnings
-less -ness Syllabication Consonants augh -er & -le a- & be-
painless person jelly taught apple below
sickness helmet bottom thought river about
sadness until pillow rough little belong
helpless carpet happen laugh October around
thankless Monday butter bought ladder again
kindness enjoy lesson cough summer alone
Blue Words:
hopeless forget cherry ought purple because
Review Words
darkness problem sudden caught later above
fearless Sunday arrow fought November between Red Words:
thickness garden dollar daughter giggle alive Challenge Words
careless order hello tough uncle behind
goodness mistake rabbit through winter begin
spotless umpire letter enough center along
softness herself button brought double before
useful after funny was flower away
weakly under better draw people want
breathless expect stubborn sought whistle awhile
eagerness wisdom mirror naughty character beyond

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