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In a world long-since forgotten, in an age

none can remember . . .


DAY BREAK on the LONG ROAD . . . the WIDOW TYBALT and her
entourage prepare to break camp after a night's stay in the shelter of a
pine stand somewhere between the LONELY HEARTH INN and

It is a busy scene – SQUIRES and PAGES saddle the horses and assist the
KNIGHTS and MEN-AT-ARMS don their armour. Pots, pans and supplies
are loaded up on the wagon train and the backs of the pack mules.
Waterskins are refilled from the a nearby stream while MORIEN forages
for food on the edge of camp. As NATALIE dismisses her TINY HUT, the
WIDOW'S CANON leads some of the men in a morning prayer.

As the day brightens, the sun begins to burn away the last of the
morning mists. In short order, the party will be back on the road and
bound for the castle-town of KINGSREACH in the KINGDOM of
SYNOPSIS over his shoulder. their main encampment is.
The Widow Tybalt's retinue is attacked by brigands on the With blinding speed, he pivots and ducks, narrowing
Long Road – but there is clearly more afoot than a random avoiding the swing morningstar of a masked rider who Regardless, one prisoner (Hedge) will begin to weep and beg
act of highway robbery. abruptly materializes through the gloom, urging his mount for mercy. He grovels pathetically, pleading to be spared. He
forward, towards the main encampment. A split-second blurts out the location of the camp – some freeholder's
QUESTIONS: later, dozens of other similar masked marauders, rush hilltop domicile about a league to the southwest from here.
towards you, weapons poised!
Group: While Morien has agreed to join your company, he He warns that there are about a dozen men there, including
nevertheless remains a bit of an enigma. He is friendly the brigand second-in-command and the wizard and his ogre
enough towards each of you, and at times carefree and cohort they have recently started running with. Thye are
A large band of mounted Brigands attacks the camp. Though
frivolous, but you have noticed that he tends to cut short any holding the sage who lived there (a gnome) and his wife
there are over a dozen, the Pcs are only concerned with 5-6
conversations that start get too deep or personal. You have captive. The main entrance is heavily guarded, but he knows
Brigands (Standards).
fought along side him on several occasions now, and feel you a secret way in.
can trust him, but you'd be hard-pressed to call him a true
Mounted Combat Rules Primer
friend, since you hardly know anything about him and he Fallout:
1/2 movement to mount or dismount (no action)
seems to be uninterested in learning anything about you. The Widow Tybalt orders the captive brigands to start
Reaction to leap off a falling mount landing on feet
How do plan to handle your relationship moving forward? digging graves for the dead. Her men deserve a proper
Controlled mounts = same initiative, move + dash,
burial, save for Sir Benton and his squire, who will be
disengage or dodge as extra action
Rowan: This morning, the Widow Tybalt invited you to join interned in Highgaurd soil.
Independent mounts = maintain individual initiative,
her and her Canon at breakfast. Over the course of
DM determines actions
conversation, the topic of the village of Fallholt came up. She She appeals to the Heroes, asking them to have the prisoner
Horse attacks = Hooves +6, 2d6 bludgeoning
reveals to you that a new alderman has been put in place, show them where the brigand camp is and the secret way in.
Warhorse attack = 20 feet straight movement +
someone you know. Who is this person and how do you feel She wants them to sack it. Bring back those who surrender,
Hooves + STR 14 or prone
about them? and deliver justice to those who refuse.
Natalie: Since departing the Lonely Hearth, you can't help THE BRIGAND BASE
At least half of the Widow Tybalt's host will be slain. Most of
but notice that Sir Cameron, the younger of the Widow After a little more than hour of riding into the frontier, you
the dead will be the Men-at-arms, several pages and some of
Tybalt's Household Knights seems rather smitten with you. spot it – a stony hill rising up from the earth in the distance.
the servants. Sir Benton will fall and so does his squire.
At least twice now, he has attempted to extend some sort of Perched atop of it is a rather large cottage-like structure that
Tybalt's Canon, Brother Malcolm will be gravely injured,
chivalrous courtesy to you. How do you respond to his looks like as though at least some of it is built right into the
having lost an eye. Several horses and a pack mule are dead.
advances, and do you do it publicly or in a more discrete hillside. It shares elements of both Dwarven and Elven design.
manner? A trail of blue smoke drifts lazily up from one of it's several
Someone will notice that the brigands are lightly equipped
and carry no provisions aside from their waterskins. There chimneys – suggesting someone is home.
Sciv: The Widow Tybalt's young Court Wizard Quentin Is
must be a main camp nearby.
intrigued with you and sorcery in general. He explains to you Hedge has warned you that if you that the main approach is
that every noble in Highguard that he has ever met has had a guarded. He suggests you scale the steep side of the hill and
The Widow Tybalt will order any surviving brigands be
Court Wizard in their service. In fact, the King of Highguard come in from the back of the place, through the vegetable
rounded up and put in irons. She tells them that they
had Red Goblin by the name of Spew serving as his Court patch and the garden door – which will get you into the root
attacked a Noblewoman of the Four Kingdoms, a act
Wizard. A memory suddenly crystallizes in your brain – Spew cellar.
punishable by death.
no longer holds this honoured position. What became of
One brigand will respond something to the effect that the Encounter:
laws of the Four Kingdoms do not apply in the Barrens. She
will reply that perhaps he is right, in which case she will not Root Cellar:
At the edge of camp, obscured by the morning mists, you can extend the courtesy of quick death and simply have them The garden door is locked by means of a simple padlock. It
see Morien, busy harvesting roots and berries. Suddenly, the eviscerated and left to bleed out instead. opens into a damp root cellar where several bushels of
elf stands bolt upright, his hands going for the longbow slung She promises to spare the first man who can tell her where vegetables and herbs are stored.
• A wooden door, kicked in (basement hallway) • Double doors (dining area) Rasmussen (Standard Caster)
• Secret Door (passage to stable) Air Elemental (Elite)
Dining Area: Damage Resistances: lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
Basement Hallway: This area has been occupied by Brigands and turned into a piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Dark, with several doors that appear to have been kicked in. barracks. Another massive stonework fireplace, a pair of Damage Immunity: poison
Conversation from one room. Stairs lead up at one end of great leaded bay windows overlooking fish pond. The long Condition Immunity: exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
the hall. table is covered in spoils, dirty dishes, empty bottles. petrified, prone, restrained, unconscious
• Larder with salted food. Several Brigands lounge here. Whirlwind (Recharge 4-6.) Each creature in the elemental’s
• Pantry with jarred preserves. • Double doors (vestibule) space must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failure,
• Ale cellar (2 Brigands trying to find wine). • Double doors (to kitchen) a target takes 15 (3d8+2) bludgeoning damage and is flung
• Stairs (up to scullery and kitchen) • Secret door ( up 20 feet away from the elemental in a random direction
and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such
Stable: Upper Hallway: as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
Made for 4 horses/mules and a wagon, presently stuffed Wide and spacious, curves, wood panelled with several sets damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is
with 6 riding horses. One of the bay doors is open slightly, of doors. thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a
horses can be heard snorting outside. • Door (master bedchamber) DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and
Door (guest bedchamber) be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the
• Bay Door (to side yard) •
target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn’t flung
• Stairs & Wooden Door (Locked, to cloak room hall) • Door (bath and latrine)
away or knocked prone
• Double Doors (library and study)
Scullery & Kitchen: • Stairs (up to Observatory)
A Brigand watches Gilda Skygazer prepare meals for the rest
Coin of Fortune – Use as part of action requiring a d20 roll.
of his fellow brigands. (She has been attempting to poison Library & Study:
Call heads or tails. Success = Natural 20, Failure = natural 1.
them for some time now, with foxglove). This large room contains Gibb Skygazer's books and tomes.
Can only ever by a person once.
• Wooden door to Basement Hall It contains a beautiful mahogany desk which has been taken
• Hallway to Dining Room over by the brigand captain and his second in command, who
along with the Ogre have Gibb tied up and are questioning
Should the heroes return to the Widow Tybalt's host they
Cloak Room Hall: him.
will see that graves have been dug and filled, and Brother
This corridor leads to the parlour (voices can be heard). Malcolm is performing last rites.
• Cloak room (filled with cloaks!) Treasure:
• Mud room (filled with boots) A gold signet ring belonging to Palantian trader Ashar
Tybalt has decided to put the brigands back in chains and
take them back to Highguard where they will become serfs
The Parlour: of House Tybalt.
The parlour has been taken over by a several Brigands who Several parchments worth of correspondence that seem to
use it as their barracks. The parlour features a great field- outline the establishment of some sort of truce between
Serfs who abandons their obligation to their liege can be put
stone hearth, a low oak table and three plush, wing back several rival bandit groups operating in the Barrens.
to death.
chairs. Three great, leaded bay windows look out over the
front yard and the main approach. Observatory:
• Loot from recent raids is spread all over this room. Large round chamber dominated by a series of suspended
• Double doors (to main entry vestibule) glass lenses for viewing the heavens. The Krondarian Wizard
Rasmussen has summoned a Air Elemental and as practising
Main Entry Vestibule: his control over it.
Large room with great double doors, oak stair case to upper
floor, and two sets of smaller double doors.
• Stairs to Double Doors (upper hallway)
• Great Double doors (front yard, main approach)
• Double doors (parlour)

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