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Facilities and Requirements-Saarang 2019

Application for the post of Super Coordinator

Name : A Kiran Kumar Nick : Teddy

Roll No. : ME16B104 Hostel : Alakananda Hostel

CGPA : 6.84 Room No. : 240

Mail Id : Contact No. : 7702210101

1.What is your vision for Saarang 2019, suggest any theme with
idea;on and also vision for Facili;es and Requirements department in

The fact that Facilities team is a huge team and it plays the
most crucial role in organizing Lit- Soc as well as Saarang
intrigues me a lot. My vision for Facilities department will be
to build a strong and dedicated team that is capable of
handling any kind of situation with ease through regular
training sessions. My aim will be to provide better facilities for
both Lit-Soc as well as Saarang and make them bigger and
better. Providing better facilities also includes inventing ways
to reduce expenditure, and optimize requirements, smoothening
cooperation with other departments and false-proof
mechanisms in the way in which things are done.

Proper usage of materials:

Using materials optimally will reduce the expenditure. This can

be followed up from the Lit-Soc events and can be reused
during Saarang too. Allotting a separate room for material
storage so that they can be used whenever necessary.
Work assignment and ethics:

Coordinators (events) will be divided on club basis under the

Super coordinators and will only look into events which fall
under their clubs. Also these coordinators will be taking care
of the same events in Saarang. Also training session to the 2nd
year coords will be conducted and this will ensure that the
team has enough ideas to work upon and relevant skill sets to
work with towards the betterment of Saarang.

Settlements and feedback reports:

The Facilities team doesn’t work that much after Saarang is

the conception of everyone. So this should be changed and the
Facilities team have to work sincerely towards leaving a better
feedback in the form of reports for the upcoming team.

Usage of Slack or Similar Communication Device :

Last Year I felt there was lack in communication which I feel

is the main cause for any delays. I feel this year if we could
connect all the department’s respective Super Coordinator to
Coordinators through different channels and a separate
channel for the cores to the Super Coordinator would surely
help us with this problem. With this we can track what work
and how much work is done by the coordinator and also helps
us track whether the work is done or not.

Finally, learning from previous years’ mistakes to ensure smooth

and defect free functioning of the team throughout the year.
2.What are the posi;ves and nega;ves of the Facili;es and
Requirements Department’s work during Saarang 2018, Lit-Soc
(2017-18) ? Comment and suggest possible improvements for the
coming year.


• In spite of rain just before the start of Saarang , the stalls

could be set up.

• We could get a tarpaulin sheet to prevent water from

entering the LED lights on the OAT stage truss.

• Electrical connections could be given on time .

• LAN was set up properly, the gaming hut was better than
the one last time.

• Transport requirements could be optimised on time.

• Volunteer and supercoord efforts helped in a lot of critical

situations faced throughout Saarang.

• Sound shack was shifted from SAC to Himalaya at the last

moment. The venue could still be set up without any

• Booking of extra HSB rooms turned out to be profitable.

• Comedy Show could be held successfully, even though it

happened in between the Streets event.

• There was a good rapport between the FR and Events

teams, with respect to division of labour, and hence,
material desk had very few issues.
• The online and offline dry runs were conducted properly,
though affected by the Inter IIT Cultural Meet.

• The layouts were finalised soon enough.

• FR could cater to last minute electrical and material


• In spite of absence of some of the supercoordinators and

the cores, events during the semester, like Club Weekender
and Freshie Nite could be conducted successfully.

Cons and feasible suggestions :

There was a huge communication gap between the Proshow

FR people and the FR supercoord.This led to unnecessary
hiccups, which shouldn’t have happened at all.

Suggestion: The Proshow FR will be an integral part of the

FR Team along with the Proshows Team. He will also be
involved in the selection of OAT coords.

There was a delay in setting up internet connections at the

Hospitality Desk. The routers were too complex to configure.

Suggestion: Buying routers is more feasible than renting

them. It would save money and also, there would be no need
to struggle with configuration.

Delay in supplying banners, and reprinting of a few banners,

was a problem.
Suggestion: Spons , Events and Design teams would be given
strict deadlines and pushed to work together. FR will let
them know the possible aspect ratios in advance. An organised
drive folder might be used to organise the banners better.

The FR Budget this year overshot by around 9 Lakhs this


Suggestion: The budget will be looked into taking every event

into consideration. This would both save money and optimise
budgets. Unnecessary spending will be reduced as much as

The Music Club spent 3.6 Lakhs out of the FR budget, with FR
having no idea about this.

Suggestion: This miscommunication will be overcome by

allocating an FR+Events coordinator to the Music, Dramatics
and a literary club.

Water supply was delayed at some venues.

Suggestion: Sabols shall be approached earlier through a

dedicated coordinator to quicken this process.

Only one minivan was used to transport materials. The Walker

van could not be used as they needed it..

Suggestion: This number will be increased to two or three,

and we’ll try to get the Walker vehicle next year.

The Choreo team put FR in a lot of pain about vinyl flooring,

though sufficient amount was already available in the green
Suggestion: The vinyl sheet will be made the responsibility of
the Choreo Club , and any requirement should be made known
well in advance.

The routers rented were tough to configure, and initially not

usable. This caused problems especially for the Hospitality and
Marketing and Sales teams.

Suggestion: Routers will be bought this time, from Gurunath,

which would cost less and be easier to use.

There was a greater loss of equipment, compared to Saarang


Suggestion: This shall be made the responsibility of the venue

coordinators. The QMS Manager shall oversee this process.

Adequate number of fans was not provided at the Fine Arts

and Gaming huts.

Suggestion: Industrial table fans will not be put in the fine

arts hut, and this requirement shall be discussed properly
during the dry runs

Lots of space was left unused in KV, due to shifting of events

and the rain.

Suggestion : The size of the KV tent shall be modified this

year, after discussion with both Saarang and Shaastra.

A Litsoc event got cancelled due to a blunder by FR..

Suggestion: It shall be ensured that the booking will be done

for the whole semester in advance.
3. Men;on the new ini;a;ves which you plan to have for the Facili;es
and Requirements department in Saarang 2019 . Also, comment on the
proposed team structure.

• Room for material storage:

A separate room can be allocated to store all materials,
equipment and banners used during Saarang and Lit-Soc
and this ensures that there will be a reduction in the

• Buying of basic requirements:

Basic FR requirements such as projector, projector screen,
spike busters, timer etc. will be bought and can be hired
from DoST office , instead of hiring so that it can reduce
the money being spent for hiring (hiring cost for entire
year is much higher than actual price). 

• Prior meeting :

Separate meeting have to be conducted during November
for Walker, Chandra and Sabols coordinators to inform
what are all changes will be there this year since the
Walker and Chandra people do their work as usual as last
year’s Saarang.
• Tendering Process:

Vendors for FR will be selected by a tendering process
instead of just selecting based on quotations. They will be
forced to reduce their costs and QMS will benefit from
this in their audit.
• Sponsors for Lit-Soc events:

Getting Sponsors for Lit Soc Events (big events) in
exchange for advertisements in the campus. This will help
in reducing the money spent for organising the events in
Lit-Soc. Potentially many vendors (Mostly Eateries) just
outside our institute will be ready for sponsoring.

4. Explain the measures you will be taking in order to meet the required
number of coordinators for the facili;es team. What is your backup plan if
the applicants received is same as or less than last year? Propose ideas to
bring girls into the team.

The reason behind the decrease in the number of applicants is

due to the misconception that FR work is mainly bull work but
not any managerial work. In order to increase the number of
applicants for the team, we have to break this myth.

• Releasing the coordinator applications before other teams

will increase the number of applicants. 

• Besides the general fundae sessions conducted, informal

sessions can be held in order to make people know what
FR work is. These will be conducted by previous year
coords (one from each department) in Himalaya. 

• Through these sessions, students will also get to know

about the experiences of Facilities coordinator. This will
eradicate the general misconception about FR from the
minds of people. This will also decrease the number of
coords the applicants have to meet for fundaes. 

• These sessions can also be used to pitch the Facilities

team, infi contacts obtained and various paths it offers to
other PoR positions. This will create an impact as
applicants will listen about the team from previous coords
who are not in the current year’s team.

If there is shortage like last year, coordinators for major

departments will be kept the same as of last year. Smaller
departments which have lesser work will be handled directly
by the Super coordinators.

Facilities work is not restricted only for boys, is also open for
girls. Girls can be material desk coordinators as the work
involved is to maintain a list and provide the requirements to
other department coordinators. Tamil speaking girls will be
very helpful to the team. Putting a female QMS Manager will
also help us bring some girl coordinators into the team.
5.Discuss the contribu;on of facili;es team towards other
departments. Suggest ways in which inter-departmental
communica;on can be improved.

• Booking and managing the venue required. 

• Coordinating with the event coordinator and getting the

requirements list. 

• Providing the requirements to the event coordinator well

in advance.
• Getting grubs for judges/artists (if needed). 

Sponsorship and PR: 

• Coordinating with the spons coordinators to get the

details about the sponsors and their stalls. 

• Setting up the sponsors’ stalls and providing them with


• Putting up Banners and Standees along SAC-Sharavati

Road, near Main gate, OAT, Gajendra Circle and CLT zones. 

Safety and Security:

• Setting up of the security desks and providing them with


• Providing them with wooden barricades in and around OAT. 


• Setting up of the desks in places wherever necessary. 

• Setting up of the control rooms and providing them with

the requirements. 

• Providing the desks with requirements like pads, papers,

pens etc.
• Providing the desks with newsletters (from production

T shirt and Ticket sales:

• Setting up of stalls for tickets and T-shirts sale. 

• Providing the requirements which they require. 


• Providing the team with projectors and screen which they

require for publicity events. 

• Providing them with the banners they require for Milans. 

• Booking of venues and getting requirements for inter



• Managing the venue should be done properly. 

• Equipment and requirements like water, power backup etc. 

• Coordination with the proshow coordinator. 

• Providing various requirements like UV light, Timer and

Buzzer etc. 

• Getting grubs for artists performing at that day.

6.What is the role of a QMS Manager? Why is the QMS manager
important for the team?

QMS is the department which takes care of smooth and

proper functioning of every department of Saarang. Being a
QMS manager his/her roles will be:

• Attending every meeting, posting Minutes of Meeting in

the group as early as possible.

• Assigning soft deadline and hard deadline for every task.

• Reminding the coordinators regularly about the work

allotted to them.

• Should be responsible for inter department mishaps.

• Preparation of timeline in collaboration with Super

coordinators and Cores.

• Should make sure that timeline is being followed properly.

• To make sure that the ISO standards are met.

• Documentation of every tasks and work being done by the

department to which he/she is allotted.

• Documentation of important files like work order, MoUs


7. Men;on the avenues in Facili;es department where we can op;mize
and reduce the budget. Also, elaborate on how you did this as a

Buying of basic requirements:

• Basic non-consumable FR requirements such as projector,

projector screen, spike busters, timer etc. will be bought,
instead of hiring so that it can reduce the money being
spent for hiring (hiring cost for entire year is much higher
than actual price).

Shaastra and Saarang FR Team Coordination

• KV tent costs very much and with a good coordination

with Shaastra FR team, we can reduce the cost that is
required to change the layout of the tent. Also non-
consumables used for both Saarang and Shaastra can be

Cost cutting from Vendors

• Budget of Chandra Electricals is increasing every year and

we have to try to reduce it. This can be done by effectively
reducing the use of requirements and bargaining them with
the help of quotations from other vendors.


• FR Transport department worked very well last year and we

will have to continue this for the coming year as the budget
will reduce drastically. Neglecting the transport department
will lead to unnecessary costs.
9. Describe the department division among FR Super Coordinators. Which
one are you more inclined to take up and why?

There are several departments under the FR Team. The Major

ones are as listed below :

1. Institute Requirements

2. PA

3. Walker Requirements

4. Chandra Requirements

5. Material Desk

6. Transport

7. Venues

8. Departments

I am more inclined towards Transport and the Material Desk

Departments as I feel I could talk to as many different vendors
possible. I love talking to vendors and I strongly believe that I
could get the requirement quoted for the least price possible.

Tie - Breakers
2. Why do you think you are the right person for this post? Please list out
relevant creden;als.

Facilities team, being one the largest department in Saarang,

are the back bone of this large extravaganza. Being a part of
such a vast team whose contribution is of enormous importance
to Saarang demands a person with a strong set of skills like
leadership, comprehensive knowledge of the department and
the right aptitude to keep the system moving as efficiently as
possible. Past managerial

experience, determination to achieve targets, promptness,

ability to work under pressure and a willingness to take up
challenges are my qualities that I believe make me an apt
choice for this post. I understand the challenges involved and
the magnitude of responsibility associated with me.

Being part of the Facilities team last year, as a coordinator, I

know how important the team is to others in Saarang. The
team works for the entire year and it is the hardest working
department of Saarang. I wish to involve myself into the team
for helping out in bringing a bigger and better Saarang. Having
past managerial experience, I feel I can put my knowledge to
proper use in contributing a significant part towards this
coming Saarang.
• Coordinator, Facilities and Requirements, Saarang 2018
• Coordinator, Events , Mechanica 2017
• Coordinator, Facilities and Requirements , Institute 2018
• Coordinator, Finance , Shaastra 2018

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