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The film festival that I have chosen is the RainDance Film Festival that starts summations on the on the 18th of
September and sips taking submissions on the 29th of September and if you win you become eligible for an Oscar
award and the BAFTA awards which is a really hard thing to qualify for and normally only professionals are entered in to
these competition.

The way you enter this competition is on film freeway , withoutabox or festbox.

Final Idea

My story follows a young man by the name of Vince who is struggling in the world of work he has no money
and still lives with his parents and whats to make lots of money and provide a good life for himself so he makes
the choice of going in to the life of crime but he doesn’t what to just be your friendly neighbourhood drug dealer
no he has set his mind on my bigger more serious money making way so he decides too start off in the world of
scamming he starts of with little things like online shopping scams were he gets people card details and take all
of the money but as he gets old he become greedy and starts doing much bigger things like trick the banks to
thing that all of the money that hold is all his and takes it all he gets away with all of this at first but when he
starts getting so much money he doesn’t know what to do with he buys houses and cars and this is when the
police start taking notice of where all of this money is coming from so he finds himself in a situation where the
police are outside of his home and he need to escape them so he gets in to to his car that is kept inside the
garage which is connected to the house so that the police don’t grab him when he walks out as soon as the
police boot down the front down he boots it off the property and gets court in a road block and is sent straight to

Target audience

My target audience that I am aiming my film towards is around the age of 16 to 18 I am going to achieve this by
sending out surveys so that I can get information from them first hand so that I can make sure that I can hit the
target that I have set.
What I got back from my first survey is that they what to see lots of fast paced fight and chase scenes with
really fast camera movement to make the scenes faster and more exciting to watch so that the views want to
keep watching to see more.
What I also got from my survey was that I need to make sure that I choose the right locations for filming so that
the scene fits around what effect that I am trying to achieve in serene scenes so that I doesn’t just look random.
I also need to add lots of fast cuts so that the fast camera movement fit with the editing because if I have slow
transitions with really fast camera movements it will not fit together and would make some scene look really out
of place.

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