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3 Proximate Analysis (ASTM E711-87)

The following tests are to be conducted three times per sample.

Percentage volatile matter (PVM):

To determine the PVM, 2g of pulverized briquettes sample in a crucible will be placed in

the oven until a constant weight is obtained. The briquettes will be kept at a temperature of 550

°C for 10 minutes and weighed after cooling and the PVM is determined with the formula:

PVM = 𝑥100

Where B is the weight of oven dried sample (after cooling) and C is the weight of sample after

10 minutes in the furnace at 550 °C.

Percentage Ash content (PAC):

The PAC will be determined by heating 2g of the briquette sample in the oven at a

temperature of 550 °C for 4 hours and weighed after cooling. The PAC is determined:

PAC = 𝑥100

Where D is the weight after 4 hours and B is the weight of oven dried sample (after cooling).

Percentage fixed carbon (PFC):

The PFC will be calculated by subtracting the sum of percentage volatile matter (PVM) and

percentage ash content (PAC) from 100.

PFC = 100 – (PVM + PAC)

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