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5 Year Plan

I am currently 18 years old in the end of my Senior year at Merced High School.

So far, I have slowly began to start paying for some of my own bills. Starting next month

I will be paying my own phone bill which is $145 just for me. I also pay for a couple

other things monthly now that I have my own bank account. I have been working for

almost 3 years now, at my current job. The money I made was always spent on

whatever I wanted, but now I have to spend it wisely since I am going to be paying

some of my own bills.

When I started working, I was a sophomore in high school. Since then I have

been making my own money. With graduation approaching and Senior year being

somewhat expensive, having my own money has definitely been helpful one me. Not

having to rely on my mom or worry about if we can pay for what I want or need is a

relief. Graduation is approaching a lot faster than I realized. With only 31 days left until

graduation and 27 days left of school, having a plan for afterwards is vital.

I do not plan on attending college, instead I would rather work. I do not know

what I want to do for the rest of my life so going to college for something I am unsure of

is not appealing to me. Although, I am currently working on getting my real estate

license to work under my mom who has her own company. Real estate is not something

I can see myself doing for the rest of my life but neither is being a waitress and that is

what I currently do.

My plan for after graduation is to start saving money and buy my own car. After

that I want to then save up to move to Los Angeles. It has always been one of my main

goals to move over there but I know that it will not be easy or cheap. I do plan on
moving out to my grandparents house soon, before I leave for good to Los Angeles.

Living there I will be able to save up to reach the goals that I currently have set for


In 5 years, I see myself living in Los Angeles with a stable job or hopefully my

career job. As far as being married or living with a significant other I can’t say yet. My

main concerns are making sure that I am stable before making such big change. I do

not like relying on people, especially when they are not family so having my own money

and car and place to live is necessary.

If in 5 years I do find my dream career or what I would like to do for the rest of my

life, then if college is required I will do what it takes to get there, but as of right now I

don’t think that college is for me. Starting to slowing pay for my own things now ,such as

my own bills, will help me adjust to being completely on my own. I know that it is not

going to be easy, but it’s not impossible. Living with family versus me living on my own

are complete opposites and I need to make sure I am financially, emotionally, mentally,

and physically ready for that before I leave to Los Angeles.

In Los Angeles, I would like to go up before I leave and find a place to live and a

job then move over there. I am not only choosing to move out on my own, but I am also

choosing to move somewhere that is a lot more expensive than Merced, Ca. That is

why it is vital that I am financially prepared for such a drastic change. Getting my real

estate license is something that I can put to use over there and my experience from

being a waitress will also help me find a decent job over there.
With time, effort, and commitment I can accomplish anything I want and put my

mind to. So, in 5 years I see myself living in Los Angeles with my career set in place,

financially stable, and happy. Having everything I want is nothing if I am not happy but

being able to work for what I want ,on my own, will be better than having someone tell

me I couldn’t have what I have without them. 5 years seems like a long time but it will go

by fast and if I use my time wisely then I have no doubt that I will accomplish what I


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