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Top 10 Occurrences Before and After Death

by Mary Werner

The human body is such a complex and interesting series of energy give and take.
But what happens when an individual�s health deteriorates and, finally, they come
face-to-face with death itself? I am of the opinion that in order to understand how
the body runs and operates, it is essential to know how the body operates when it�s
not, well� operating. What happens when cells no longer divide and ATP (energy
carriers in cells) is no longer available? Even the moments up until the final
breath give insight into abnormal functioning of a human body. This list will show
you, in rough order, 10 significant changes in the human body that occur peri
(during) and post mortem. Memento Mori. PLEASE NOTE: some of the entries on this
list may be disturbing or upsetting � but care has been taken to ensure that no
gruesome images appear.

Death Rattle


The death rattle is a common term used in the hospital to describe the chilling
sound made by an individual very near death. It occurs after loss of the cough
reflex and loss of the ability to swallow. This causes an excess accumulation of
saliva in the throat and lungs. Although it rarely causes pain to the patient,
family members often find the sound unsettling and disturbing. Anyone who has ever
heard the unsettling death rattle will never forget the way it sounded. Suctioning,
anti-pain and anti-anxiety medications are normally administered to alleviate the
patient�s discomfort, and to allow the unavoidable dying process to proceed.
[Image: Lord Byron on his Death-bed; Joseph Denis Odevaere]

Cheynes-Stokes Respiration

Deathbed 3

This is a very abnormal breathing pattern characterized by very rapid breathing and
then periods of no breathing (apnea). In short terms, the heart is weak and
overworked and this makes the body want to hyperventilate (breathe abnormally fast)
and, subsequently, there is no more energy to breathe for a period of time (apnea).
This means the organs are getting less blood and, thus, less oxygen. Without
oxygen, the cells in the organs begin to die, then the organs die and finally the
individual dies. Although it can also occur in people with heart failure, or other
respiratory disorder, it is usually present at a time of impending death. [Image:
By the Deathbed; Edvard Munch]


Young Woman Death Bed Hi-1

Upon death, every muscle in the human body will cease to receive energy in the form
of ATP. As a result, the bowels will relax and a bowel movement can occur. This is
especially true in individuals who have eaten a meal in the period shortly before
their time of death. Another factor contributing to post mortem defecation is how
quickly an individual�s body normally digests food. It is found more often in the
unexpected deaths of, otherwise, healthy individuals. Patients in hospice centers
may not have an appetite for several days before death and, thus, will probably not
defecate upon their death beds (no pun intended). [Image: Young woman on her death
bed; Anonymous, Flemish School]

Rigor Mortis


Everyone has either heard of rigor mortis, or has found a dead pet with rigor
mortis. The most well-known post-mortem occurrence is rigor mortis, or �stiffness
of death.� After death, the body is unable to break the bond that causes a
contraction � causing a perpetual state of contraction. It works in a head-to-toe
fashion. In most cases, rigor mortis begins within 1-3 hours after death, and it
begins to pass after 24 hours. Even the eyelids get rigor mortis, so if they are
not closed shut after death, eye caps (a big round lens with spiky protrusions) are
used to get them open. Since it affects all the muscles, it can make the heart
appear larger than normal, cause semen to be released post mortem, and can cause a
goose bump appearance on the corpse. [Image: At the death bed; Samal Joensen

Livor Mortis

Gustav-Klimt--Ria-Munk-On-Her-Deathbed-By-Savio-S-Vintage-Art-Qpps 411393873630167

Livor mortis is the purple-red coloration that appears when blood sinks to the
dependent portions of the body. It does not occur, however, in areas of the body
touching the ground, or that are receiving pressure because the capillaries are
compressed � this is similar to pressing your finger on your arm for a couple of
seconds and observing your fingerprint in white for about three seconds. This
concept helps coroners determine the position of death. Its presence or absence can
also help coroners to determine an approximate time of death. It generally begins
1-2 hours after death and becomes permanent or �fixed� within 6-12 hours. [Image:
Ria Munk on her Deathbed; Gustav Klimt]

Algor Mortis

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Also known as the �death chill;� it is the reduction in body temperature that
occurs following death. Cooling takes place only if the ambient temperature is
cooler than the body temperature at the time of death. The rate of cooling varies:
body location (shade versus sun), clothing and the temperature of the room they die
in. A cold bathroom floor would cause much quicker cooling than would be found in
someone who dies outside in 95 degree weather. Obese people lose heat slower than
infants, who cool rather quickly. If the time of death is within 24 hours, then
this is a helpful tool. Otherwise, it takes the body about 24 hours to completely
cool, or become the same temperature as its environment. [Image: Death of Pierrot;
Aubrey Beardsley]

Tache Noire

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Tache noire, literally meaning �black spot,� is a dark, reddish brown strip that
will form horizontally across the eye ball. During life the eye balls are kept
moist by blinking, but sometimes they are no longer protected upon death.
Therefore, tache noire will occur in individuals whose eyelids are not closed post
mortem. Similarly, other mucous membranes like the tongue will darken after
prolonged air exposure to the normally moist tissue. If the individual drowned, or
the body was found in water, the tache noire would not be present. The eye balls
have to be exposed to air for it to occur. [Image: The Death Bed; Kathleen Walne]

Purge Fluid


This is a putrid, reddish-brown fluid with a very foul smell that can emerge from
the oral and nasal passages. It is easily mistaken as a brain injury, assault or
just simple blood. It emerges as a result of the gases forming throughout the body.
When gas formation occurs in the stomach and intestines, the abdomen can become
tense and distended. Subsequently, the increase in abdominal pressure causes a
purge of foul, blood-tinged fluid from the mouth, vagina and nose. A similar feces-
mixed fluid will also emerge from the rectum. Purge fluid can be useful in
determining the time of death. If an individual dies in a hotter climate, like
Texas or Mexico, the purge fluid can be seen in less than 24 hours. [Image: Puppet
on his Death Bed]


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Degloving is the actual removal of the body�s skin post mortem. Most notably, the
fingers and nails detach with sheets of skin thick enough to form �gloves� or
�socks� as some people call them. It occurs as a result of the gaseous swelling of
the neck, trunk and limbs, that become so swollen that one can mistake it for gross
obesity. When the putrid gases are under a substantial amount of pressure, they
flee from the body and the entire mass of decaying soft tissues disintegrates. The
word �degloving� is an appropriate term because you can actually remove the skin of
the hands like you would remove a glove from your own hand. Though, interestingly
enough, the underlying skin can still provide a fingerprint for the examiners.
[Image: Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill; Pieter Claesz]



Maceration means �to soften by soaking� in Latin. It refers to infants that die in
utero, between the sixth and the ninth month of pregnancy. Their decomposition is
slightly different due to prolonged exposure or �soaking� in the amniotic fluid.
They resemble a corpse soaked in water. The infant�s skin will look like scalding
or �boiling burns� due to their skin slipping off the body. Serosanguineous fluid-
filled blebs form on the infant, and the bones are very soft and flexible. If the
child is kept in utero for several days, the skull collapses and the brain will
begin liquefying. If the infant is removed from the uterus within 24 hours after
they die, and air enters their body, putrefaction occurs instead of maceration.
[Image: Danse Macabre; Bernt Notke]

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