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Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 20(4): 468-472, October-December 2021

ISSN: 022-457X (Print); 2455-7145 (Online); DOI: 10.5958/2455-7145.2021.00059.X

Short Communication

Seasonal changes in sequestered soil organic carbon

under short dry and tall wet grasslands of Jhilmil
Jheel wetland, Haridwar - Uttarakhand, India

Received: 3 January 2020; Accepted: 12 July 2021

Wetland ecosystems have the ability to remove atmospheric carbon from the atmosphere by storing it in
the biosphere by the process called as carbon sequestration. So, the present study was conducted in
Jhilmil Jheel wetland which is a conservation reserve for Swamp deer (Rucervus duvaucelii) categorized
as “Vulnerable” under IUCN Red Data Book with an aim to estimate seasonal changes in soil organic
carbon in percentage under two different land uses i.e., tall wet grassland and short dry grassland
during autumn, winter, spring and summer season. Soil samples were collected from the depth of 0-30
cm by digging pit from both the sites and were taken into laboratory for further analysis. The result
revealed that under short dry grassland site, maximum (1.25±0.15) values of soil organic carbon was
observed during winter season followed by spring (1.22±0.12), autumn (1.21±0.09) and minimum
(1.18±0.05) during summer season. Similarly, under tall wet grassland site, maximum (2.11±0.19) value
was observed during winter season followed by summer (2.10±0.17), autumn (2.08±0.15) and minimum
(2.05±0.22) during spring season. One-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey test was also applied to
analyze and compare the mean significant difference between each season under both short dry grassland
and tall wet grassland sites. The statistical analysis revealed that the percentage values of soil organic
carbon estimated during different seasons under both the sites were observed significantly different at
(p<0.05 level).
Key words: Grassland, Carbon sequestration, Wetland, Soil organic carbon, Conservation reserve and

Wetlands are described as “the kidneys of the Jhilmil Jheel is a saucer shaped wetland situated
landscape” because of the functions that they on the left bank of River Ganges between N 29°32’
perform in hydrologic and chemical cycles and to 29°50’ and E 78° to 78° 15’ covering an area of
because they function as the downstream receivers 3,783.50 ha of Reserve Forest. The altitude of the
of wastes from both natural and human sources. area varies from 200 to 250 m above msl. It is located
Carbon sequestration is the process of removing on the Haridwar – Highway and besides the natural
additional carbon from the atmosphere and course of the Ganges to the south of it in Chidiyapur
depositing it in another reservoir principally Forest Range of Haridwar Forest Division,
through change in land use (Mandal and Laake, Uttarakhand.
2005). The process of transforming carbon in the
air (CO2) into soil carbon, long term storage of The total area of the core zone of the wetland
carbon in the terrestrial biosphere, underground or conservation reserve covers an area of 148 ha, out
the oceans reduces the build-up of carbon dioxide of which short dry grassland site covers an area of
concentration in the atmosphere. Carbon 95 ha and tall wet grassland site covers an area of
sequestration is the extraction of the atmospheric 53 ha. This core zone is the main feeding ground
carbon dioxide and its storage in the terrestrial for the Swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli). The IUCN
ecosystem for a very long time period, may Red List of threatened species classifies the Swamp
thousands of years (Waran and Patwardhan, 2001). deer as “Vulnerable”. The area experiences
Therefore, the present study was aimed to study subtropical climate, coldest month being December
the amount of atmospheric carbon that’s been when temperature drops as low as 6°C. Winter rains
sequestered under the soil (short dry grassland and and subsequent heavy fog are also prevalent in the
tall wet grassland) of Jhilmil Jheel wetland. area. Summer is very hot and humid like any other

Ecology, Environment and Forest Influence Division, Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University, Dehradun-248006,
*Corresponding author Email id:

Fig. 3. Graph of monthly average rainfall (mm) for the year

Fig. 1. Map of core zone of Jhilmil Jheel wetland (Source:
Haridwar Forest Department) and removing twigs, gravels and pebbles, the soil
samples were ground in a pestle mortar and then
Terai area when temperature soars up to 39.4°C, sieved through 2 mm mesh sieve to determine the
often accompanied by hot dust storms. The area percentage soil organic carbon in the laboratory.
experiences monsoon by end June, which continues The analysis was done following chromic acid
till September. Average rainfall in the area is 901.54 titration method (Walkley and Black, 1934). The
mm per annum and most of the rain falls between percentage SOC was calculated by using the
July and September (Fig. 2 and 3). following formula:

Soil samples were collected from both the sites (B-S) × 0.003 × 1.33
% Organic Carbon = –––––––––––––––––––––
of Jhilmil Jheel Wetland for estimation of soil 2 × weight of soil taken
organic carbon during the year 2013 to 2014. At each
Whereas; B = Reading of blank titration; S = Reading
site, 30 soil cores were obtained randomly at a depth
of sample titration
of 0-30 cm by digging pit during autumn, winter,
spring and summer season for the period of two After the analysis of the soil samples of both
years. The samples were collected, mixed the sites, it was observed that under short dry
thoroughly and were kept in polythene bags and grassland site, maximum soil organic carbon
used for further analysis. The collected soil samples content was during winter season followed by
were brought into the laboratory. After air drying spring, autumn and the least was observed under
summer season while under tall wet grassland site,
the maximum soil organic carbon content was
depicted under winter season followed by summer,
autumn and the least was observed under spring
season (Table 1). The study revealed that the soil
organic carbon content under short dry grassland
and tall wet grassland site was maximum during
winter season and the minimum was observed
during summer season under short dry grassland
and during spring season under tall wet grassland
site of grassland. Grasslands sequester most of their
carbon underground, while forests store it mostly
in woody biomass and leaves. When wildfires cause
trees to go up in flames, the burned carbon they
formerly stored is released back to the atmosphere.
When fire burns grasslands, however, the carbon
Fig. 2. Graph of monthly maximum, minimum and mean fixed underground tends to stay in the roots and
temperature (°C) for the year 2013-14 soil, making them more adaptive to climate change
470 SALIM [Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 20(4)

Table 1. Seasonal changes in soil organic carbon (%) under amount of SOC from the grassland decreases and
short dry grassland and tall wet grassland sites of Jhilmil they have little access to the wet grassland site
Jheel Wetland
which makes it less vulnerable to grazing activity.
Seasons Sites Overgrazing is the main mechanism of grassland
Short dry Tall wet degradation and associated loss of SOC stocks as
grassland grassland Dlamini et al. (2016) observed in his study that
(%) (%) significant reduction of SOC stocks by 16% in dry
climates (1000 mm) and found that Asia was the
Autumn 1.21c±0.09 2.08a±0.15
most affected continent (-23.7%) due to grassland
Winter 1.25 ±0.15 2.11c±0.19
degradation and overgrazing. Martinsen et al.
Spring 1.22c±0.12 2.05b±0.22
(2011) found that SOC stocks declined by 14% after
Summer 1.18 ±0.05 2.10c±0.17
7 years of grazing in Norway, with 0.76 kg C m2 in
F value 6.906 15.083
ungrazed compared to 0.64 kg C m2 in heavily
P value 0.000 0.000
grazed grasslands. Steffens et al. (2008) found that
(Means with similar superscripts in a column are not 30 years of grazing in semi-arid Mongolian
significantly different from each other) grasslands resulted in 45% decrease in SOC stocks,
with 0.64 kg C m2 in grazed compared to 1.17 kg C
(Kerlin, 2018). Low soil organic carbon content m2 in ungrazed grasslands. It becomes clear from
under short dry grassland site was may be because the above studies that grazing activity puts a lot of
the above ground herbaceous biomass dies in pressure on the grassland and reduce huge quantity
during the colder months and put more organic of SOC from its soil.
matter into the soil and regenerates in spring in the Along with grazing activity, soil compaction
perennial grasslands and that their root systems due to movement of the herd of swamp deer might
also had a rapid turnover but on a longer time scale, be another reason for reduction of SOC under short
an estimated 55% of temperate grassland root dry grassland site as compare to tall wet grassland
biomass turns over annually (Gill and Jackson, site as compaction of soil reduces the overall fertility
2000; Gill et al., 2002). of the soil. Similar findings were made by Brevik et
In nature, grassland locked in a significant al. (2002) in his study where it indicates that the
amount of soil organic carbon and the presence of compacted layer on the trail alters the soil carbon
extensive root biomass of grass communities may pool by limiting additions of fresh organic matter
be one of the reasons for higher soil organic carbon to the soil, limiting vegetative production, and by
content (Balesdent and Balabane, 1996) and since “pooling” carbon additions in the upper 10 cm of
roots are considered to be more stable form of the soil.
carbon supply to the soil than litter (Denef and Six, Soil carbon emission increased linearly with
2006). Residues and roots of grasses decomposes mean annual precipitation in Southern Great Plains,
faster than the residues and roots of broadleaf trees, USA (Zhou et al., 2009), and not only summer
and likely due to lower lignin found in grasses. It rainfall but also winter snow accumulation in
is generally accepted that within a year up to 50% grassland affects carbon cycling processes in winter
of the biomass carbon (both roots and above ground and subsequent summer (Chimner and Welker,
biomass) dies, decomposes and as a result as 2005). Atmospheric warming is enhancing soil CO2
residues in the soil organic carbon pool (Follet et efflux, leading to concerns over declining SOC and
al., 2001). increasing atmospheric CO2 (Bond and Thomson,
The present study revealed that under short dry 2010). The distribution of biological soil crusts
grassland, minimum soil organic carbon content (BSCs) as well as their chlorophyll and carbon
was observed during summer season. Increased content was greater in winter compared with
temperature, precipitation, and plant growth were summer rainfall areas across southern Africa (Budel
the fundamental factors that resulted in increased et al., 2009). Seasonal dynamics of soil organic
soil carbon emission during growing season (peak carbon in wetland of Yellow River Estuary, China
vegetation) which was reported by Dhital et al. and reported that during the month of august, it
(2014). Presence of swamp deer at dry grassland was hot and rainy in the area of the Yellow River
site makes it a more prominent factor in reduction estuary, which provided the proper conditions for
of SOC as this site is the main feeding ground for organic carbon mineralization and decomposition,
them and because of the grazing activity, huge and, thus, the content of soil organic carbon was

reduced in August compared with that in May (Luo homogenous subsets under short dry grassland site.
et al., 2014). The present study also observed similar Likewise, no mean significant difference was
findings where low soil organic carbon content was observed between winter and summer season while
depicted during autumn and spring season. strong mean significant difference was observed
Soil carbon density in mangrove swamps and between autumn, spring summer season and also
Spartina patens marshes were studied by Chmura between autumn, spring and winter season (Table
et al. (2013) in the western and eastern Atlantic and 1).
Pacific coasts, as well as the Indian Ocean,
Mediterranean Ocean, and Gulf of Mexico and
reported that soil organic carbon content declined The study showed that in Jhilmil Jheel wetland
with increased average annual temperature which area, the highest percentage soil organic carbon was
was probably due to increased decay rates at higher observed during winter season under both the sites
temperatures. Above findings showed that during while it was lowest under short dry grassland site
summer season, soil organic carbon content during summer season and under tall wet
decreased with the increased in temperature but grassland, it was lowest during spring season.
contrary to that, tall wet grassland site showed high Overall study revealed that tall wet grassland site
amount of soil organic carbon content during had maximum percentage of soil organic carbon
summer and winter season as compare to the spring as compared to the short dry grassland site.
and autumn season. The freshwater input could Wetlands have the potential to sequester large
increase soil organic carbon loss through changing quantities of carbon from the atmosphere and to
soil salinity since soil salinity was strongly reduce the concentration of atmospheric CO 2,
negatively correlated with microbial biomass which will help abate global warming. If the
carbon and soil organic matter content (Morrissey wetland carbon stock is destroyed, a large amount
et al., 2014; Reitz and Haynes, 2003) which might of carbon accumulation could be discharged from
explain that with the addition of fresh water/
wetland soils in a short period of time. And as we
rainfall, there would be low soil organic carbon
recently witnessed the forest fire in Amazon with
content during spring and autumn season as both
tons of carbon escaping into the atmosphere for
the seasons added freshwater in the form of rain
days which were sequestered from the atmosphere
and flood which alters the pH of soil. Akpa et al.
until the forest fire broke out and covered the sky
(2016) studied soil organic carbon stocks and
with a thick blanket of smoke. Such large scale
potential carbon sequestration for Nigeria using
disaster would have a huge negative impact on the
legacy soil data under forest, shrub land, savannah,
changing climate scenario and adds up more and
grassland and cropland. Their result revealed that
more carbon into the atmosphere. Declaration of
the soil organic carbon content was (51 Mg ha-1)
observed under grassland. Dass (2018) conducted Jhilmil Jheel as conservation reserves for Barasingha
a study at University of California, and found that doesn’t only provide a focussed approach to protect
grasslands and rangelands were more resilient the species but also allows to manage and conserve
carbon sinks than forests in 21st century California. the habitat which will ultimately sequester more
As such, the study indicated they should be given and more carbon from the atmosphere and remain
opportunities in the state’s cap-and-trade market, as a safe haven for this magnificent species in
which was designed to reduce California’s Uttarakhand.
greenhouse gas emissions to 40 per cent below 1990
levels by 2030. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

One-way ANOVA was applied to compare the Sincere thanks are offered to my supervisor and
mean difference between seasons with respect to co-supervisor for their help and guidance during
soil organic carbon and the result showed my research work.
significant mean difference between difference
seasons at (P < 0.05 level). When Post-hoc test was
applied, the data showed that winter and summer Akpa S.I., Odeh I.O., Bishop T.F., Hartemink A.E. and
season showed significant mean difference between Amapu I.Y. 2016. Total soil organic carbon and carbon
sequestration potential in Nigeria. Geoderma 271: 202–
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on the other hand, no significant mean difference
Balesdent, J. and Balabane, M. 1996. Major contribution of
were observed between autumn and spring season roots to soil carbon storage inferred from maize
with respect to soil organic carbon stock for cultivated soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28: 1261–1263.
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