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Jonah has always lived an uneducated and alcoholic life. He is currently living in a motel and has been
suffering with liver cancer for the last two years. Jonah is unemployed and on disability, his only outings
are going to his doctor appointments, and picking up his prescriptions and food at the pharmacy. One
day weigh leaving the pharmacy a group of teenagers stop him and ask if he can sell his Antidepressants,
and Adderall to them. He has never seen so many wealthy teenagers before, so he takes the extra cash.
He can get another prescription soon. When the teenagers leave, a teenage girl walks up to him and tells
Jonah she has something better than money for his prescriptions, a night together. He figures what’s the
worst that could happen, and they go back to his motel. The next morning there is blood on his sheets
and the girl is dead. Johanna has no clue how she died. He dose’t remember murdering her. He’s not a
killer or has evne had thoughts to kill someone. Panicking, Jonah has no clue what to do but wrap her up
and throw her in the dumpster. He has never felt such a rush in his life. As more teenagers come to the
pharmacy and asking to buy his drugs, more teenage girls end up with blood on his sheets and in the
motel’s dumpster.
Chapter one
Jonah had to walk four miles in the pouring rain to his therapist’s office. Today he was getting a
new therapist to talk to; he had a falling out with his previous one. He did not think his previous
one knew what he was struggling with. She made no attempt to help him. Jonah wanted help,
but also knew he couldn’t be fixed. When he was a child he made no attempt in school. His
parents were never around to help with anything. Dinners were always from a can or frozen.
When he was 12 he took one of his parent’s beers and drank it, then had another. From that day
on it was always another beer. He always went to school drunk, but the teachers never noticed
the alcohol on his breath, or the obnoxious behavior, they assumed he had “special needs”.
When he was 16 he dropped out of school, and got a job at a bar cleaning. About 2 years ago
we has diagnosed with Liver cancer, with all the canned food and alcohol he consumed
throughout his life it was only natural for this to happen. He quit his job at the bar and applied
and got accepted for disability. His demons were becoming too hard to handle, there was no
way he could maintain a steady life. He could not wait to die, he was not living a happy go lucky
life. His life semmed so boring, and he was to poor to afford anything but his alachol, frozen
dinners, and oscanoly a pack of cigerets. but two years later after medicans, and cosuming more
alchol he is somehow still alive.

His new therapist came out to get him from the waitingroom,“Hello I’m Seth”, he said.

Seth was in his late 20’s or early 30’s, half of Johanna’s age and had more success than Johann
will ever have. Jonah walked with him to his office.
“So, Jonah tell me about yourself.” Seth said.

“I’m not telling some college student my life story”, Johanna slurred.

Seth took a breath and replied, “Well, what do you want to talk about today Jonah?”

Jonah replied “Why haven’t I died yet? I mean I have had liver cancer for the last 2 years, I still
drink, and I have no job or education! There is my life story.”

“Have you ever attempted suicide?” Seth asked.

“Too much work”, Jonah replied.

“Have you ever been to rehab for you addictions?” Seth asked.

“Yeah, too much work”, Jonah replied.

Jonah was not connecting with this therapist. He felt as if he was to into his personal life.
“You give up easily, you sould set more goal for yourself. What was the last goal you set for

Jonah did not want to tell the truth, the last “goal” he set, was to have an affair with Deb, the
lady who lives next door to him. Deb was big, and bleached blond; she wore too much make up,
and her pajamas out, where ever she went. Jonah was sexually attracted to her. She is in an
open relationship with her boyfriend, Richard. Jonah saw Richard whenever he came by. Richard
knew that Jonah had affairs with Deb, but he was also having affairs with women, so it never

“I tried to get my high school education, but I had a hard time focusing.” Johanna lied.

“How long ago was that?” Seth asked.

“Three years ago” Johanna said without a beat.

“I can prescribe you a medication to help you foucs better.” Seth said.

The medication was a main reason why Johanna went to these appointments. He loved the way
the medications made him feel. It was like street drugs, and his insurance covered them. Many
anxiety, depression, and hyper active drugs are the same things as street drugs, everybody
knows that, but not everybody’s insurance covers prescriptions, or get prescriptions of them.
Johan has always been on prescription drugs, even when he was a kid he took Ritalin for as long
as he could remember.

After his therapy session he had to walk back to the rain to his house.
Jonah didn’t live in a house or apartment. He moved out of his parent’s house fifteen years ago.
He lived at the creek side motel. It sure was not a sight. Most of the doors were nothing more
than pieces of wood, the window’s glass were paper thin, and his room smelt musty. But for
Jonah it was a perfect fit. He lived alone, so he only needed one room. Before he was digonisted
with liver cancer, and went on disability he thought about moving. But now the motel is within
walking distance from his pharmacy, there is a bus stop right on the corner, and most of the
people except guest knew him, and they were used to him. It was the perfect home for him.
If you didn’t know Jonah, and the fact that he had liver cancer ,and an alcohol, and drug
addiction you would, easily think he was a murderer. He had big buged eyes and a shaved head.
But on top, his left and his right side of his head lies uneven patches of hair. His hair was
starting to comeback after the chemo therapy treatments, but just those 3 places had uneaven
patches of hair. Sometimes he would wear a hat to cover it, but he also in braced his murdered
style. No one came near him on the bus in fact; one time a lady got on and as soon as she saw
Jonah she had to get off. Jonah did not need a job. When he walked on the streets kids would
point and stare at him. Parents would snath their kid’shands and walk a quicker pace avoiding
all contact with him. Like Jonah even wanted their precious brats. His vichious looks were more
of an advantage than disadvantage to him.

When he got to his Motel he spoted Deb leaving. It was raining out and Jonah was tired. He did
not want to leave the motel for the rest of the day. Seth already offended him, thinking he
knows what best for him. Deb was the only person who didn’t offend Jonah. She understood
why he had addictions, why he looked like a murderer. Deb had a simler story like Jonah; except
she was in two abusive relationships. Deb had parents who were never there for her, and she
had no education.

“Jonah, babe Richard ain’t commin over tonight, and I’ve been so cold these nights.” Deb said.

Jonah just wanted to drink a few beers and watch the complementary HBO on the 1980’s
teavisons that the motels gave them. Alone. But he knows Deb liked that too, and he did like
Deb. He nodded and walked in. Jonah didn’t know where Deb was going to today, but it must
have not been that important if she would rather have sex with Jonah and get drunk.

Jonah had not eaten all day he did not want to get drunk and have sex on an empty stomach.
He was getting low on food and money. He knew he could swindle Deb out of food- and maybe
even some cash.
“Babe, I’m hungry, and I don’t have any money. Do youthink you could make an old man like me
a sandwich?”Jonah asked Deb.
Deb was always half out of it. It was easy for anyone to take advantage of Deb. Jonah; on the
other hand knew how to put his foot down.
“Pukeie, we need to talk.” Deb said in a serious tone. “Richard and I are thinking about getting
into more of a serious relationship.”
“What?” Jonah asked in shock. “Are you going to live with him? That scum? You made a life
here! We have more of a relationship than you have with Richard!”

“Jonah listen to me, Richard would be a good provider for me. He’s going to be a manager for
the restaurant he works at. He’s moving up!”, Deb replied.
“Are you going to move?” Jonah asked again.
there was a slince between those two and Deb started to unzip Jonah’s pants.

“NO!” Jonah said slping her hand away. “I want an answer.”

“Look Jonah, One day I am going to move out of here with Richard. It maybe next month, It
might not be for a year. We want to see how we do in a commited relationship. But that wont
start until tomorrow” Deb replied falling on the bed.
Deb was Jonah’s only friend. She gave him food, money, and pleasure. Jonah did not want this
to be his last time, but he wanted to always remember this.

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