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Fiction Evaluation Form

(Picture Books, Folklore, Modern Fantasy, Contemporary Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Multicultural Books)

Your Name: Abigail Torres-Jimenez Book Title: ​Dragons Love Tacos

Author: Adam Rubin Illustrator: ​Daniel Salmieri

Genre: ​Fiction Publisher/Year: ​Penguin Young Readers Group/2012


STYLE and Language​: Using examples from the book, e​xplain the following: word choices, dialogue,
rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or interesting information the reader
learns from the story. Give examples.
The word choice of the book is simple for young readers to follow along with and even read
themselves. The sentence length is short with occasional lengthy sentences but I find the length to be
appropriate for young readers.

CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: ​Who is the main character? Explain the
character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
The main character of the book is a kid whose name is not mentioned and dragons. Through the story
the kid is discovering why dragons love tacos. The character is relatable in the why he questions why
dragons love tacos and also for having a dog.

1. PLOT: ​summarize the major events in the story-

The story begins with the kid being asked “did you know that dragons love tacos” and the plot moves
along to the answer the question. Along with answering the question of why dragons love tacos their
is another question asked which is why do dragons hate spicy salsa. Once again throughout the book
it explains why dragons hate salsa.

2.SETTING ​– Explain the place and time of the book.

​ hat is the story’s theme/message?
Setting: ​The setting of the book is not specified but I believe its in current time and takes place in the
kids home as he is throwing a taco party.
Theme: ​I find that the message of the book is finding out what is liked and disliked by people and
using it to throw a party.

ILLUSTRATION –​Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the categories
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style​ ​(realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
The style of the book is cartoon art, I find it to be cartoon art because it uses dragons which
aren’t animals we’d find in real life.

Media choices ​(paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk​) :
The media used in the book I would say is pencil and watercolors because the colors are
bright and have a smooth effect that you don’t get crayon or chalk.

Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations​:
Line: ​The book has various lines that consisted of straight and curved. The straight lines are
used for the home and basic shapes in the book and the curved lines are for the dragons.
Shapes ​In the first two pages of the book it has the most shapes. The shapes in those pages
consist of squares, rectangles, circles, hexagons, and ovals.
Color ​The color used in the book is bright but in the pastel category as the give a soft toned
Texture ​I would say that the main texture in the book is smooth because while reading I had
the urge to touch the pages.

Explain how​ ​illustration​ and ​text​ ​are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show that text does not
The illustration and text combined help tell a story by giving a visual for the text.
Furthermore, the illustrations help show missing element of the text such as emotion and
Page design: ​Summarize the following​:​ p​ lacement of illustrations and text; the use of borders and white/dark space; are both
pages designed the same or differently?
The page design is mostly set up by having the text on the left top corner and illustration
below. The illustrations take up both bottom left and right page. The book does have white
space but it also has small color specs that are all throughout the white space.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES​ – ​CHOOSE​ 2 ​of​ ​theories below and evaluate the book according to the
developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)

Name the stage_____​Concrete Operational ​_____ and the age___7-11________
Explain the cognitive development from the stage: ​Begin to use concepts
of time, space, volume and number

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage: ​The book talks about
the amount of tacos Kid needs to have a taco party for the dragons. Another aspect that the
book uses for number are different forms of measurement such as buckets of tacos, boats of
tacos, and plantloads


Name the stage __________________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the social development for this stage:

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:

Identify the Age ____​3-6 years ​______________________________
Explain the emotional development for the age​:​ ​More accuracy and complexity in
understanding consequences, causes, and behavior signs.

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the age:
Tha main example I found in the book for understanding consequences is when the Dragons
accidently eat spicy salsa and all get sick and end up destroying kids house. Since the dragons
destroyed Kids house they helped him rebuild it which I think is a wondering example of
understanding consequences and causes.

2. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 ​ 2 ​ 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)

The book is a simple read for young readers making it appropriate to read one on one or in a
group. The sentences aren’t too lengthy making the story flow easily. The main reason for me
rating the book a two is that although it is a fun read but may not be appealing to older

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