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Subject: History Period: IV Grade: 9th B
Instructor: Ernesto Figueroa Date:
Student´s name:

Life in the Industrial Age a. psychoanalysis

b. radioactivity
IDENTIFYING TERMS (3 points each) Match each description with the c. pasteurization
correct term at the right. Write the letter of the answer in the space provided. d. special theory of relativity
There is one extra term in the right column. e. genetics
f. naturalist
1. Process by which atoms of certain elements disintegrate and g. quantum theory
release energy h. evolution
i. impressionist
2. Theory that energy can be released only in definite j. regionalism
“packages” k. romanticism
3. Theory that motion can be measured only relative to some
particular observer
4. Theory that plant and animal life developed from com-mon
ancestors over millions of years
5. Study of how inborn characteristics are passed on
6. Process of revealing and analyzing the unconscious
7. Artistic style that glorified emotion and instinct
8. Artist whose paintings portrayed scenes as they might be seen in a
uick glance
9. Writer whose work portrayed life in its less attractive but real
10. Process of heating liquids to kill bacteria

IDENTIFYING ARTISTS (2 points each) In the space provided, write the name of the
writer, painter, or composer identified by each description. Choose your answers from
the list below. There is one extra name in the list.

Ludwig van Beethoven Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky Leo Tolstoy

Henrik Ibsen Johann Wolfgang Victor Hugo
Sir Walter Scott von Goethe Frédéric Chopin
Vincent van Gogh Mark Twain Henri Matisse
1. Wrote War and Peace________________

2. Composed Romeo and Juliet ______________________

3. German author of Faust___________________________

4. American author of humor ous novels about life along the


5. Dutch painter who used thick brus h strokes of pure color and dis
torted perspectives_____________________________________
6. Romantic composer of the Pastoral


7. Author of A Doll’s House________________

8. French author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame


9. Scottish author of Ivanhoe___________________

1 0. French painter who emphasized design at the expense of realism


UNDERSTANDING IDEAS (5 points each) In the space provided, write the letter of
the best answer.

1. The new source of power for 5. The development of antiseptics

industry that became available in dur-ing the 1800s was important
the 1870s was because they
(a) steam. (a) eliminated pain during surgery.
(b) atomic power. (b) made longer operations possible.
(c) electricity. (c) killed disease-causing germs.
(d) gas. (d) eliminated several epidemic
2. Mass production of the diseases.
automobile was made possible by 6. The greatest growth in
the develop-ment of population during the 1800s
(a) the internal-combustion engine. occurred in the United States and
(b) cheaper steel. (a) Europe.
(c) rubber for tires. (b) South America.
(d) the electric motor. (c) Southeast Asia.
3. In the 1800s the people of (d) Africa.
Europe moved out of cities and 7. The study of the human
into the country. mind is called
(b) saw little improvement in (a) anthropology.
sanitation. (b) psychology.
(c) enjoyed museums, parks, and (c) biology.
new sports. (d) social Darwinism.
(d) were much less mobile than in the
1700s. 8. Sociology can be best defined
as the study of
4. An important discovery by (a) earth movements.
biologists of the 1800s was that the (b) inanimate aspects of nature.
basic unit of all living matter is the (c) living organisms.
(a) amoeba. human relationships in society.
(b) microbe.
(c) bacterium.
(d) cell.
2. g 4. h 6. a 8. i
10. c
Identifying Artists
1. Leo Tolstoy
2. Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky
3. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
4. Mark Twain
5. Vincent van Gogh
6. Ludwig van Beethoven
7. Henrik Ibsen
8. Victor Hugo
9. Sir Walter Scott
10. Henri Matisse
Understanding Ideas
1. (c) 3. (c) 5. (c) 7. (b)
2. (a) 4. (d) 6. (a) 8. (d)
Composing an Essay
Identifying Authors Many people in the 1800s supported universal, free
education. Reasons include the fact that industrialists
1. d 3. h 5. f 7. a 9. j wanted literate workers; the belief that state spon-
2. g 4. c 6. i 8. k 10. e sored schools would develope patriotic citizens; the
Identifying Leaders belief of ordinary citizens that education would
1. m 4. b 7. o 10. a 13. d FORM A TESTS
2. h 5. j 8. c 11. 1 14. k
3. p 6. g 9. n 12. f 15. i

❏ CHAPTER 19 (Modern Chapter 6)

Identifying Terms
1. c 3. a 5. b 7. j
9. g
2. i 4. k 6. f 8. h
10. e
Identifying People
1. d 3. b 5. a 7. f
9. i
2. j 4. e 6. g 8. h
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10. k
Understanding Ideas
1. (b) 3. (c) 5. (d) 7. (c)
9. (d)
2. (c) 4. (a) 6. (a) 8. (b)
10. (c)
Composing an Essay
Karl Marx believed that human history passed through
several stages. According to his theory, peo-ple first
lived in small communities or tribes, sharing property
and work. Then there was a period of slav-ery, when
people were owned like property. This was followed
by feudalism, when landowners controlled the lives of
serfs, and then by capitalism, when capi-talists owned
machinery and tools and employed workers in their
factories. Marx believed the final stage of history
would be pure communism, with each person
contributing what he or she could and receiv-ing what
he or she needed.

❏ CHAPTER 20 (Modern Chapter 7)

Identifying Terms
1. b 3. d 5. e 7. k
9. f
improve their children’s lives; and the need of mili-
tary leaders for educated soldiers. The spread of edu-
cation had several effects. With education, people
became more informed about issues, and they took
greater interest in government activities. Since more
people could read, newspapers, magazines, and books
began to be published in massive quantities. As peo-
ple became more educated and informed, they began
to demand a greater say in the issues that affected
their lives.

❏ CHAPTER 21 (Modern Chapter 8)

Identifying Terms
1. f 3. k 5. h 7. i
9. g
2. a 4. c 6. e 8. b
10. j
Identifying People
1. William Gladstone
2. Cristabel Pankhurst
3. Abraham Lincoln
4. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
5. Louis Philippe
6. Napoleon III
7. Otto von Bismarck
8. Toussaint-Louverture
9. Simón Bolívar
10. James Monroe
Understanding Ideas
1. (b) 3. (b) 5. (c) 7. (d) 9. (a)
2. (a) 4. (d) 6. (a) 8. (a) 10. (d)
Composing an Essay
By the late 1700s, there was increasing unrest in Latin
America, partially due to news of successful
revolutions in North America and France. Mestizos
and mulattoes were especially stirred by the equality
proclaimed by the American and French Revolutions.
Creoles were discontented with the class system and
with rule by Spanish officials. Colonists resented the
mercantilistic restrictions that raised the prices of
imported goods and kept the colonies dependent on
the home country. The Spanish colonies also resented
having to pay taxes to finance Spain’s wars.

❏ CHAPTER 22 (Modern Chapter 9)

Sequencing Ideas
Group One: The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
Group Two: The correct order is 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
Identifying People
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. c
Identifying Locations
1. Schleswig
2. Sardinia
3. Hungary
4. Prussia
5. Sicily
Understanding Ideas
1. (b) 3. (d) 5. (b) 7. (a)
2. (a) 4. (b) 6. (c) 8. (b)


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