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Please write down your reflection on the learning process you have gone through from Meeting 9

to 15!

1. What do you think you have learnt from this class?

Week 9 :
I’ve learnt so much about Rozzitsa’s Iife, like don’t give up on your dream. I see the point of the
story of Rozzita’s life is how hard you get how hard your life, you have to keep going and try to
be better as long as we have time to change.

Week 10 :
I learnt that if grammar is so important to us. And I reviewed the Lesson I got in schools before
go to college. There’s present tense and past tense. I realized if I still didn’t understand about
grammar, but I am glad that Finally I knew.

Week 11 :
I learnt about MUST, HAVE TO and NEED TO. I don’t know about it untill we learnt about that.
I can see the difference between it and I can use it for warning. We even make a group to discuss

Week 12 :
This week we had presentation. I learnt about teamwork and the mistakes we do when make
sentences about warning.

Week 13 :
what I learned from this week, how effective is non-verba communication and what should we
do about it. I even discuss it with my friends.

Week 14 :
We played KAHOOT! It was fun because we havr disccus about it. And we can see teamwork at
this week. And how fast you answered the questions
Week 15 :
In the last week, we learnt about how to be registered nurses and how much we will earn in
USA. I can see the difference between USA, UK and Indonesia. And we plyed something funny
about what the best struggle we had in classrooms this far. We made circles and discuss it.

2. What do you think of the use of PLICKERS and KAHOOT in the classroom? (How
effective is it? How challenging is it? etc)
= I think it was funny, even I don’t understand a bit because we always use English but if we talk
about how effective it is. Yep! It is effective to students because we can focus on the lesson and
didn’t get bored.

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