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Sample Questions.

Test task #10

Procedure: During the test class you come one-by-one to the teacher’s computer. After that you
are given with the simple question (randomly chosen by you) to be answered in 2 minutes (not
more), then, you can continue your test.

Assessment Criteria: Full-answer – 1 point; Incorrect/No answer – 0.

Sample Questions:
1. Make freeze panes
2. Change cell formats
3. Make table of contents
4. Change chart format
5. Apply conditional formatting
6. Consolidate tables
7. Calculate NPV, IRR
8. Calculate conditional sum/average (SUMIFS, AVERAGEIFS)
9. Fit table to be printed out on one sheet of paper
10. Create IF-statement
11. Calculate the age/weekday with given date
12. Create the new text string from given text (use LEFT, RIGHT, MID)
13. Apply massive formula (with SUM, COUNT)
14. Get external data
15. Sort the table (advanced sort)

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