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TG-MUREŞ V ânãtoareadecomori


Ediția a III-a, 28 mai 2016
Proba scrisă - Clasa a VI a
Varianta 1


SUBJECT 1. Read the text carefully and solve the tasks based on it:

The legendary hero lived in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. According to legend, Robin was
dressed in green and armed with long bows and his band robbed the rich to help the poor. He
became leader of an outlaw band during the time of Richard the First, who was king between 1189
and 1199.

When Richard was away from England on crusades he left his brother Prince John in charge of the
country. Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham declared Robin Hood an outlaw. Robin’s band
included Little John, Will Scarlet and Friar Tuck. No historian has ever found the document to
prove the existence of Robin Hood beyond doubt because in those times the only way to become
famous was by way of mouth. Some scholars do not even consider Robin Hood a historical figure
but the original ballads of this popular hero contain valuable information about medieval England.

From the 14th century onwards tales and ballads about Robin Hood began to appear. He was
described as a good archer, a brilliant swordsman and a fighter for the cause of the wronged
people. Robin came to represent a universal desire to escape oppression and get ultimate
freedom by living in the forest. The stories about Robin Hood were on the theme of ‘good’ and
‘bad’ and there was even a bit of romantic interest. The legend of this hero has become a popular
subject for many films and TV series. The first film about him was made in 1908. Each production
has introduced a slight change in the subject but the basic story is the same and Robin Hood
remains the same charming character.

A. Decide whether these sentences are true or false. (10 points)

1. Robin Hood lived in London.

2. He became the leader of the band during the time of King James.
3. Robin Hood was dressed in green.
4. Robin Hood was a very good swordsman.
5. Historians have found documents to prove the existence of Robin Hood.
B. Answer the following questions. (10 points)

1. When and where did Robin Hood live?

2. Why did the Sheriff of Nottingham declare Robin Hood an outlaw?
3. How did the ballads describe Robin?
4. What did Robin come to represent?
5. Why couldn’t historians prove Robin’s existence?

SUBJECT 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct plural form of the following nouns (sheep, wish, dish,
child, dress, tooth, foot, lady, fish, city). (10 points)

1. He had bad breath because of his rotten _______.

2. There were big _______ in the lake.
3. They have been to all the big _______ in the world.
4. Stinky always washes the crew’s _______ after every meal.
5. Most family plan pirate parties for their _______’s birthdays.
6. The heavy box fell on his _______ .
7. The fairy will make his _______ come true.
8. The stolen _______ are in the trunks below deck.
9. There were three _______ in the carriage.
10. The shepherd was watching his _______ when the pirates arrived on the island.

SUBJECT 3. Open the brackets to form correct sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present
progressive. (10 points)

1. Angus rarely (DANCE) at parties.

2. The crew (SLEEP) for one hour every afternoon.
3. They (EAT) seafood every day.
4. He (TALK) to the captain about the treasure map.
5. Greedy (PLAY) the guitar for their guests at the moment.
6. The pirates are on deck. They (LISTEN) to their captain.
7. Storky (NEED) some money to buy rum.
8. They (PLAN) a trip to the Treasure Island right now.
9. It (SNOW) heavily at the moment.
10. Finn (NOT CARRY) a sword every day.

SUBJECT 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Tense. (10 points)

1. They (GO) to that island last year.

2. He (NOT WEAR) an eye patch a year ago.
3. They (BUY) a monkey from the port.
4. They (MEET) her in the village an hour ago.
5. He (NOT UNDERSTAND) the captain’s questions.
6. He (TAKE) his smoking pipe out of his right pocket.
7. Corky (CRY) out to the other men to stay behind him as he (BE NOT) scared of the bear.
8. We (DO) our homework and then (WATCH) “The Pirates of the Caribbean”.
SUBJECT 5. Decide if the verbs in the sentences are in the correct form or not. Tick the correct
sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. (10 points)

1. Jim was falling off the ladder while he was painting the boat.
2. He was waiting for me when I arrived.
3. We didn’t set sail yesterday because it rained at that moment.
4. He was sitting on the grass under the tree and he smoke a cigar.
5. When I was waking up the sun was up.
6. What was you doing yesterday at 8.00 pm?
7. I was reading the map when the captain was getting back.
8. I was turning off the light and went to bed.
9. While I was having a bath in the river, somebody shouted for help.
10. Corky was turning the map over, but there was nothing on the back side.

SUBJECT 6. Add one more sentence using the words in the brackets and the Present Perfect
Tense. (10 points)

1. He can’t go on the voyage. (catch a cold)

2. He can’t walk very fast. (hurt/leg)
3. I can’t get in. (lose/key)
4. I know „The Treasure Island” very well. (read the book)
5. They know Fishbone. (meet him before)
6. We don’t know much about Skully. (not hear from him )
7. He won’t take a cigarette. (give up smoking)
8. The captain was 90 kg. Now he’s 75 kg. (lose weight)
9. Stinkalot has a lot of bags. (take his part of the treasure)
10. You look different. (cut/hair)

SUBJECT 7. Fill in the blanks with some or any. (10 points)

1. The pirates didn’t take _______ money.

2. Do you need _______ help with the treasure?
3. I will go to the island and take _______ fresh water.
4. There are _______ people here to see the captain.
5. Could you lend me _______ money?
6. O’Grady didn’t make _______ plans.
7. Do you have _______ pets?
8. There aren’t _______ valuable things in my village.
9. Are there _______ pets on board of the ship?
10. They asked their captain _______ questions.

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul de lucru este de 1 oră.
Se vor acorda 20 puncte din oficiu.
TG-MUREŞ V ânãtoareadecomori


Ediția a III-a, 28 mai 2016
Proba scrisă - Clasa a VI a
Varianta 1


Subject 1
A. ( 5 x 0,20 = 10 points)
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F

B. (5 x 0,20 = 10 points ) Any other correct answers.

1. Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest, Nothinghamshire during the time of King Richard the
2. Because he used to rob the rich to help the poor.
3. Robin was dressed in green and armed with long bows.
4. Robin Hood came to represent a universal desire to escape oppression and get ultimate
freedom by living in the forest.
5. Because in those times the only way to become famous was by way of mouth.

Subject 2 ( 10 x 0,10 = 10 points)

1. teeth 5. children 9. ladies

2. geese 6. feet 10.sheep
3. cities 7. wishes
4. dishes 8. dresses

Subject 3 (10 x 0,10 = 10 points )

1. dances 5. is playing 9. is snowing

2. sleep / sleeps 6. are listening 10.doesn’t carry
3. eat 7. need
4. is talking 8. are planning
Subject 4 ( 10 x 0,10 = 10 points )

1. went 4. met 7. cried, wasn’t

2. didn’t wear 5. didn`t understand 8. did, watched
3. bought 6. took

Subject 5 ( 10 x 0,10 = points )

1. fell 5. woke up 9. 
2.  6. were 10.turned
3. was raining 7. got
4. was smoking 8. turned

Subject 6 ( 10 x 0,10 = 10 points)

1. He has caught a cold. 6. We haven’t heard from him.

2. He has hurt his leg. 7. He has given up smoking.
3. I have lost my key. 8. He has lost weight.
4. I have read the book. 9. He has taken his part of the treasure.
5. They have met him before. 10. You have cut your hair.

Subject 7 ( 10 x 0,10 = 10 points )

1. any 5. any 9. any

2. any 6. any 10.any
3. some 7. any
4. some 8. any

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul de lucru este de 1 oră.
Se vor acorda 20 puncte din oficiu.

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