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Should I take a gap year?

1, What is a gap year?

'Gap year' means a period of time taken out by students after leaving college and
before starting university. However, gap years now happen at any stage, they can
be taken by anyone, and for varying amounts of time.

2, What are the benefits of taking a gap year?

+) Gain experience
+) Learn a new craft, new life skills.
If there's something you've always wanted to try, your gap year is a great
time to give it a go.
+) Save money for university
Another advantage to spending at least part of your gap year working is to
earn money that can be used to fund your life as a student.
+) Give you time to decide if university is right for you
Should you be in two minds whether you wish to devote the next few years
of your life to studying for an undergraduate degree, a gap year can give you the
breathing space to consider your options. A break from study often helps to provide
clarity and it can even open up new avenues for a future career.
3, Disadvantage
- It can cost a lot of money: money for travelling, courses, other gap year
- You’ll be a year behind everyone who graduted secondary school with you,
of they don’t take a year off themselves
- You may get injured or sick during your travels.

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