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Yoshigeidis Jam Bustillo

Maria Marriaga Alcazar

Anyis Ramos Romero

Estudiantes de licenciatura con Énfasis en Ingles. Sexto semestre de la universidad



the culture predominates a lot in the behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, values language among

other variables that differentiates one culture from another, in particular to men and

women, in other words, our society itself has divided categories to stigmatize and define

roles that affect emotionally to the human being, the pretension of this article is to rescue

that the differences are not arbitrary, the unjust are the discriminatory actions that are made

against the individuals (man - woman)

Key words: variables, variation

men and women see the world in a different way, since there are still inequalities between

the female and the male, these differences exist since the individual is formed in the womb

of his mother, to better understand I mean, the woman pregnant who chooses her clothes,
classifying the colors depending on the sex of the baby, a clear example is blue for boys

and pink for girls; as the baby is growing they are instructed to have toys that in an indirect

way have an impact on the discriminatory and unequal role that underlies society.

What determines male and female identity and behavior is not the biological sex, but the

fact of having lived from birth the experiences, rites and customs attributed to men or

women; In addition, the assignment and acquisition of an identity is more important than

the genetic, hormonal and biological load (Stoller, 1968).

On the other hand, when students finish their studies they are forced to choose traditional

careers and at the end of studies women may have fewer opportunities in the workplace

than men, that is, once they work they get a lower salary and salary that the opposite sex, to

itself the women are not taken into account to make labor decisions, and much less are

promoted, it would have to be said that, when they start a family They are a kind of

octopus, with this I do not want to be sarcastic but the reality is that men see us as an

octopus of eight to ten arms because we have to divide or rather multiply the tasks of work

and home that in the latter includes cater to children, while men work and are well paid

In view of the fact that women are forced to leave their jobs because of the commitment to

take care of household chores, including taking care of children, it is important that

companies have flexible schedules and equal promotion opportunities to help them pay for

daycare, it is worth mentioning support for maternity and paternity training.

It is also quite clear that men and women have differences in many fields. The study of

language began thousands of years ago, while the study of gender is quite short. On the
other hand, the context in which the individual finds himself affects what the language is, in

a specific way, I mean, education, social class, religion and so on.

Gender, language and the brain as an ally of these

There are some proverbs that reflect the vision between both sexes as it is, "man is

from the street and woman is in the house"; with this I mean, the only mention of men

or women, Language is a way of representing the world and it has a dual reproductive

power and transforming reality. For example, women often convey words as I feel, I

think while men are more likely to tell the fact, women use more social terms, to talk

about families, friends, and use communication verbs such as: speaking or listening

with more frequency that men, men use the word “we” in a fascinating way and it

means that he is unique, a clear and common example is when they say: we have to

take out the garbage, when he really means, “you take out the garbage”, but This is

because there are different core and structures that differ between men and women, It

should be added that the brains of men are more asymmetric than women, said the

above it is true that all the brains of men and women are asymmetric. The left side is

generally responsible for more cognitive tasks, calculus, language, speech, reasoning

and so on. while the right side is responsible for more artistic tasks, and emotional as

art, painting, emotions, and so an example can be a test called magnetic resonance

where you see through a machine the brain, we mean that a man enter this machine

and have a task like solving a Sudoku active region of the left brain appears, if the

person we enter is a woman active that same region of the left brain but also a little

the right hemisphere, which It determines that the woman has a greater connectivity

between the hemispheres in definite less asymmetry, which means that women have
more facility to do some tasks as they are: verbal fluency, speed of perception,

arithmetic calculations, precision in manual tasks, multitasking (They can do many

tasks at the same time) On the contrary, men have a better analysis of spatial

relationships, mathematical reasoning, skills motor skills aimed at a goal,

concentration (they are good at doing one thing and then doing another)





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