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Reflection Paper
English Language Assessment class

As we know, learning about the assessment of English for prospective teachers is very
important. In this class, I learned about how to design tests for test takers. To make a good test,
we need several criteria, such as the practicality of reliability validity. etc. Practicality is a test
that must be practical and easy. This means the testing is not too expensive and is relatively
easy to do. Reliability is the consistency of the results of the assessment. In reliability, the test
will be given twice to the same test participant and the test must produce the same results.
Validity measures what must be measured. That means the test must be suitable for testing
students' abilities. Washback is the effect of testing on teaching and learning. The positive
effect is for example tests can encourage students to learn more, and negative effects refer to
the unexpected or dangerous consequences of the test.

In the English Language Assessment I was also taught about standard tests. The
standard test is a test that can be tested and has good criteria. The criteria in large-scale
standardized tests are designed to be applied to broad competency groups that are usually not
exclusive to one curriculum. The test he tested was TOEFL, TOIEC, IELTS test. Standard tests
also have advantages and disadvantages. One example of the advantages of standardized tests
is practical. it's easy to manage. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of standard tests is that
standardization of items does not assess higher level thinking skills.

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