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Chawnacee Teschera

Mrs. Mua

Public Health Honors, Period 3


Pride Essay

Something that I am proud about throughout my High school years is joining the

Medical Technology program and Link crew at Merced High. Both of these programs make an

impact on people as well as an impact on me. The Medical Technology program actually teaches

us about the medical field and what we get from it but it also allows us to be in an internship.

Currently, I am involved in an internship at a place called Day Inn Day out. At the Day Inn Day

out, I am working with usually elders who have had a medical issue that they have went throgh

either recently or in the past. Most of these elders live by themselves or they live with a family

member. During this expiernce so far I have talked to a good amount of the people in that

program and even made a friendship with some as well. These elders look forward to when we

come to speak to them and spend time with them since most really have no one to be there for

them. I have started a friendship with a man named Rem who really is into art and puts his effort

and time into the work he does. He has made an impact on me as well as me impacting him. I

was so lucky to be apart of this program and expierence because I feel proud that I can be a

friend to someone in need. Rem even decided to paint something for me and I was so happy that

I could be apart of that. Link crew is very similiar to the experience I have been having with the

Day out program. In link I help freshman who have trouble doing their work and getting good

grades. Most of these freshman have a behavior problem and are on a bad path to not being able
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to graduate their senior year. During my time in this expierence with these kids I have had a lot

of good and bad moments all year. I have helped them get their work done in class and even

would help by doing grade checks. I am so grateful to have had an expierence with these kids

because they have showed me that I can make a difference with them as long as I do not give up.

These children are very hard to handle and difficult to keep on track but I have devloped

friendship and trust with some of these children. I am proud to say that I have made a difference

in some of their lives even if it was just helping them get on track so that they can graduate. Both

of these programs have made a differnce in my life and have made me proud in many different

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