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1. MARGARETA LAURA (P17220171003) as speaker or extension agent 2
2. LINDA SAPUTRI (P17220173010) as speaker or extension agent 1
3. AHMAD ALFIANDI N. as Aini’s Husband
4. AINI NURMA A. as Andi’s Wife
5. ZUMROTUL HASANAH as Residents

Linda: Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. Good morning. Let us introduce our self. We are
college student from Lawang, who will provide counseling about exclusive breast
milk. My name is Linda and here is my partner Laura
Linda: Oh I see… whereas breast milk is far better than formula milk, sir
*Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding only to infants aged 0-6 months without
providing other food or drinks. According to health experts, infants at that age have
only fulfilled their nutrition with breast milk alone. The benefits of exclusive
breastfeeding are for babies to be immune to various diseases at later ages
* Benefits of breastfeeding for babies
a) ASI as nutrition
b) The most complete food for babies, consists of a proportion that is balanced
and sufficient because it contains nutrients needed for the first 6 months.
c) Contains antibodies (especially colostrum) that protect against diseases,
such as diarrhea and respiratory problems.
d) Promote motor development so that babies who are given exclusive
breastfeeding will walk faster
e) Protect against allergies because they do not contain substances that can
cause allergies
f) Contains enough liquid for the needs of the baby in the first 6 months (87%
of breast milk is water).
* Benefits for mother
a) Reduces bleeding after giving birth. If the baby is breastfed immediately
after birth, then the possibility of bleeding after childbirth will decrease
because the level of oxytocin increases so that the blood vessels close and
bleeding will stop quickly.
b) Reducing anemia.
c) Sparing pregnancy. Breastfeeding is a safe, inexpensive and quite successful
method of contraception. As long as the mother gives exclusive
breastfeeding and has not had menstruation, 98% will not get pregnant in
the first six months after giving birth and 96% will not get pregnant until
the 12 month old baby
d) Shrink the uterus. Oxytocin levels in nursing mothers will help the uterus
return to its size before becoming pregnant.
e) Reducing the risk of breast cancer
* Breastfeeding (ASI) is a fat emulsion in a solution of protein, lactose, and organic
salts released by human mammary glands. As the only natural food that comes from
the mother, breast milk is the best and perfect food for babies because it contains
nutrients according to the needs for baby's growth and development
*Ho to give exclusive breast mil
1. Try to position the mother and baby well enough in a sitting or lying
2. Hug the baby and place the head on the baby's elbow.
3. Most of the areola area enters the baby's mouth including the mother's
4. You hear the sound of a baby swallowing milk
*How to multiply breast milk
1. Breastfeeding as often as possible, a few moments after delivery of milk
only a little is also called colostrum.
2. Strong self motivation for breastfeeding to increase breast milk
3. Pregnant gymnastics will improve blood circulation in the breast, so that the
blood circulation process in ASI production will also be good.
4. Breast examination to increase breast milk expenditure can also be planned
from afar
Linda: Yes mam. So the point is breast milk is the best food for babies as well as
Linda: Ok thanks for your time, I hope the knowledge we provide ca benefit us all
and we hope that this information can be shared with other communities.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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