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<< Project Dissertation Report on >>

Font size : 20 , Times New Roman , Bold


Font size: 20, Times Roman, Bold

Submitted By :

<<Student Name >>

<<Roll no:/Enroll no.>>

Font size : 14 , Times New Roman

Under the Guidance of :

<<Internal Guide Name>>



Delhi Technological University
Font size: 16 Times New Roman, Bold

Bawana Road Delhi 110042

The content of the Project report should be arranged as per the order given below. The report
should have about 50-70 pages.

 Title page
 Certificate
 Declaration
 Acknowledgement
 Abstract/Executive summary
 Table of contents (including page number)

1. Introduction (10-20 Pages)

1.1 Industry Profile
1.2 Organization profile
1.3 Objective of the study
2. Literature review (05-10 Pages)
3. Research methodology (05-10 Pages)
4. Case Study (If any) Or Analysis, Discussion and Recommendations (20-30 Pages)
 Introduction to the case
 Data collection sources/techniques
 Data analysis
 Findings and Recommendations
 Limitations of the study
5. Bibliography/References
6. Annexure

Executive Summary

Executive Summary is a brief and condensed statement by the student of the essentials ideas of the
student’s work. It must include a brief overview of the training, Objectives of the project, an
explanation of type methods and procedures used in gathering data and a summary of the findings.


1. Colvin, G. (2008, July 21). Information worth billions. Fortune, 158(2), 73-79. Retrieved from Business
Source Complete, EBSCO. Retrieved from
2. Frank, R. H., and Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of macro-economics (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
3. Congressional Budget Office. (2008). Effects of gasoline prices on driving behavior and vehicle markets: A
CBO study (CBO Publication No. 2883). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from

(The report must be typed in MS-Word as per the following format specification)
Paper size Good quality white size A4 size paper

Font Running text in Times Roman or Ariel

Chapter heading Boldface capitals

Section headings Boldface lower case

Sub section headings Underlined lower case (no boldface)

Font size 12

Left Margin 3.5 cms

Right Margin 3.0 cms

Line spacing One and half

Margins 1” on top bottom
Page numbering Start numbering in roman styles for pages from certificate to last page of list
of tables (I , ii , iii , etc)
Then start numbering in Arabic numerals from chapter 1 as page 1 (number
every page) till the end of the report including appendices.
Page number must be given at the bottom centre of every page.
Chapters Start each chapter on a fresh page
Tables Number tables sequentially within each Chapter starting with table 1.1, 1.2.
Each Table should have an appropriate caption. It should not run on two
Figures Number figures sequentially within each Chapter starting with Figure 1.1,1.2
etc ( as given in any text book)
Figures may be placed in the text at appropriate places (Close to the
citation).Figures comprises drawings, sketches, photographs and graphs.
Each Figure should have an appropriate caption.
Photographs Each photograph is to referenced as a figure . Number each photograph
sequentially within each chapter along with the other figures.
Page limit 50-70 Pages

Binding Hard bound – Black Color

Grammar Third person , simple past or past perfect tense

Discussions of tables, graphs, figures that are in the text should be in present

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