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Stimulant ADHD Medications:

Methylphenidate and Amphetamines

Stimulant medications including How Are Prescription Stimulants
amphetamines (e.g., Adderall) and Used?
methylphenidate (e.g., Ritalin and
Concerta) are often prescribed to treat Prescription stimulants have a calming
children, adolescents, or adults diagnosed and “focusing” effect on individuals
with attention-deficit hyperactivity with ADHD. They are prescribed to
disorder (ADHD). patients for daily use, and come in the
form of tablets or capsules of varying
People with ADHD persistently have more dosages. Treatment of ADHD with
difficulty paying attention or are more stimulants, often in conjunction with
hyperactive or impulsive than other psychotherapy, helps to improve ADHD
people the same age. This pattern of symptoms along with the patient’s self-
behavior usually becomes evident when a esteem, thinking ability, and social and
child is in preschool or the first grades of family interactions.
elementary school; the average age of
onset of ADHD symptoms is 7 years. Many
people’s ADHD symptoms improve during Prescription stimulants are sometimes
adolescence or as they grow older, but the abused however—that is, taken in
disorder can persist into adulthood. higher quantities or in a different
manner than prescribed, or taken by
ADHD diagnoses are increasing. those without a prescription. Because
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease they suppress appetite, increase
Control and Prevention, as of 2011, 11 wakefulness, and increase focus and
percent of people ages 4–17 have been attention, they are frequently abused
diagnosed with ADHD. for purposes of weight loss or
performance enhancement (e.g., to help
study or boost grades in school; see

Stimulant ADHD Medications • January 2014 • Page 1

Because they may produce euphoria, When taken in doses and via routes
these drugs are also frequently other than those prescribed,
abused for recreational purposes (i.e., prescription stimulants can increase
to get high). Euphoria from stimulants brain dopamine in a rapid and highly
is generally produced when pills are amplified manner (similar to other
crushed and then snorted or mixed drugs of abuse such as
with water and injected. methamphetamine), thereby disrupting
normal communication between brain
cells and producing euphoria and, as a
Do Prescription Stimulants result, increasing the risk of addiction.
Make You Smarter?
A growing number of teenagers and What Are the Other Health Effects of
young adults are abusing prescription Prescription Stimulants?
stimulants to boost their study
performance in an effort to improve Stimulants can increase blood pressure,
their grades in school, and there is a heart rate, and body temperature and
widespread belief that these drugs decrease sleep and appetite. When they
can improve a person’s ability to learn are abused, they can lead to
(“cognitive enhancement”). malnutrition and its consequences.
Repeated abuse of stimulants can lead
Prescription stimulants do promote to feelings of hostility and paranoia. At
wakefulness, but studies have found high doses, they can lead to serious
that they do not enhance learning or cardiovascular complications, including
thinking ability when taken by people stroke.
who do not actually have ADHD. Also,
Addiction to stimulants is also a very
research has shown that students
real consideration for anyone taking
who abuse prescription stimulants
them without medical supervision.
actually have lower GPAs in high
Addiction most likely occurs because
school and college than those who
stimulants, when taken in doses and
don’t. routes other than those prescribed by a
doctor, can induce a rapid rise in
dopamine in the brain. Furthermore, if
How Do Prescription Stimulants stimulants are abused chronically,
Affect the Brain? withdrawal symptoms—including
fatigue, depression, and disturbed sleep
All stimulants work by increasing patterns—can result when a person
dopamine levels in the brain— stops taking them. Additional
dopamine is a neurotransmitter complications from abusing stimulants
associated with pleasure, movement, can arise when pills are crushed and
and attention. The therapeutic effect injected: Insoluble fillers in the tablets
of stimulants is achieved by slow and can block small blood vessels.
steady increases of dopamine, which
are similar to the way dopamine is
naturally produced in the brain. The
doses prescribed by physicians start
low and increase gradually until a
therapeutic effect is reached.

Stimulant ADHD Medications • January 2014 • Page 2

Learn More
Do Prescription Stimulants
Affect a Patient’s Risk of For more information on prescription
Substance Abuse? stimulants, visit
Concerns have been raised that
stimulants prescribed to treat a child’s research-reports/prescription-
or adolescent’s ADHD could affect an drugs/director.
individual’s vulnerability to
developing later drug problems—
either by increasing the risk or by
providing a degree of protection. The
studies conducted so far have found
no differences in later substance use
for children with ADHD who received
treatment and those that did not. This
suggests treatment with ADHD
medication appears not to affect
(either negatively or positively) an
individual’s risk for developing a
substance use disorder.

Stimulant ADHD Medications • January 2014 • Page 3

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