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Bahay na bato

The Rizal Shrine in Calamba is an example of bahay

na bato.

Bahay na bato (Tagalog, literally "house of

stone") is a type of building originating
during the Philippines' Spanish Colonial
Period. It is an updated version of the
traditional bahay kubo. Its design has
evolved throughout the ages, but still
maintains the bahay kubo 's architectural
basis which corresponds to the tropical
climate, stormy season, and earthquake-
prone environment of the whole
archipelago of the Philippines and fuses it
with the influence of Spanish colonizers
and Chinese traders. Thus created was a
hybrid of Austronesian, Spanish, and
Chinese architecture with American
influence during the American era,
supporting the fact that the Philippines is
a result of these cultures mixing together.
Its most common appearance is that of an
elevated, overhanging wooden upper-story
nipa hut (with balustrades, ventanillas, and
capiz shell sliding windows) that stands
on Spanish-style solid stone blocks or
bricks and posts as foundation instead of
just wood, bamboo stilts, or timber posts.
Roofing is either Chinese tiled roof or
thatch (nipa, sago palm, or cogon), of
which many today are being replaced by
galvanized or other modern roofing. It
followed the bahay kubo's arrangements
such as open ventilation and elevated
apartments used as living space with the
ground floor used for storerooms, cellars,
and other business purposes. Like bahay
kubo, much of this ground level was
reserved for storage; in business districts,
some spaces were rented to shops.
Horses for carriages were housed in
stables called caballerizas.[1] Bahay na
bato had a rectangular plan that reflected
vernacular Austronesian Filipino traditional
houses integrated with Spanish style.[2]

It was popular among the elite or middle-

class, and integrated the characteristics of
the nipa hut with the style, culture and
technology of Chinese and Spanish
architecture. The 19th century was the
golden age of these houses, when wealthy
Filipinos built fine houses all over the
The same architectural style was used for
Philippines' Spanish-era convents,
monasteries, schools, hotels, factories,
and hospitals, and with some of the
American-era Gabaldon school buildings,
all with few adjustments.[3] This
architecture is still used during the
American colonization of the Philippines.
After the Second World War, building these
houses declined and eventually stopped in
favor of post-World War II modern

Today, these houses are more commonly

called ancestral houses, due to most
ancestral houses in the Philippines being
of bahay na bato architecture.

An example of bahay na bato Philippine architecture

Though the Filipino term bahay na bato
means "house of stone", these houses are
not fully made up of stone; some are even
dominated more by wooden materials, and
some more modern ones use concrete
materials. The name got applied to the
architecture as generations pass by,
because contrary to its predecessor bahay
kubo, which are fully made of organic
materials, it uses stone materials.[3]


Vega Ancestral House Spanish colonial-era nipa

mansion, a "Proto-bahay na bato style" house in
Poblacion, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental Mindanao
Precolonial Philippine architecture is
based on the traditional stilt houses of the
Austronesian people of Southeast Asia.
The first buildings during the early years of
Spanish occupation were of wood and
bamboo, materials with which the pre-
Hispanic indigenous Filipinos had been
working expertly since early times known
as bahay kubo (later named by the
Americans as "nipa hut"). Bahay kubo's
roofs were of nipa palm or cogon grass. In
its most basic form, the house consisted
of four walls enclosing one or more rooms,
with the whole structure raised above
ground on stilts. Its resemblance to a cube
earned its description in Spanish, cubo.
Clusters of these wooden houses clearly
were predisposed to fire.[3]

The Spaniards then quickly introduced the

idea of building more permanent
communities with the church and
government center as a focal points. By
the mid-1580s, through the efforts of
Domingo Salazar, the first bishop of
Manila, and of the Jesuit Antonio Sedeño,
edifices began to be constructed of stone.
Fr. Sedeño built the first stone building,
which was the residence of Bishop
Salazar. By 1587, Governor General
Santiago de Vera required all buildings in
Manila to be built of stone. For this
purpose, the Chinese and the indigenous
Filipinos were taught how to quarry and
dress stone, how to prepare and use
mortar, and how to mold bricks. Thus
began what has been called the first
golden age of building in stone. This new
community setup made construction using
heavier, more permanent materials
desirable. Some of these materials
included bricks, mortar, tiles and stone.
Glowing accounts of towering palaces and
splendid mansions reached the peninsula.
However, the ambitious plans of the
Spaniards were dashed in 1645 when a
terrible earthquake struck Manila.[3]
Bahay na bato founded from a river canal

Bahay na bato in Luneta, with a thatch roof

reminiscent of its bahay kubo architectural basis.

The twin dangers of fire and earthquake

gave rise to another type of architecture.
Finding European construction styles
impractical in local conditions, Spanish
and Filipino builders quickly adapted the
characteristics of the bahay kubo of the
natives and applied it to Spanish Colonial
architecture. This type of construction was
soon called bahay na bato or as Jesuit
Ignacio Alzina calls it, "arquitectura
mestiza" or “mixed architecture”. These
houses are now commonly called
ancestral houses.[3]
Calle Hidalgo, Once dubbed as the most beautiful
street in Manila. Manila during the early 1900s was
filled with majestic bahay na bato architecture on its

Under more than three centuries of

Spanish initiative, buildings of wood,
stone, and brick were constructed all over
the archipelago, from the Batanes Islands
in the north to Tawi-Tawi in the south, from
Palawan in the west to Samar in the

During the Second World War, many of

these houses were destroyed by both the
American and Japanese forces.

Old painting of Manila procession, with Bahay na

bato with its windows and ventanillas removed,
exposing the interior from top to bottom

Different styles depend on each house's

individual appearance. For example, some
Bahay na bato do not have ventanillas,
some do not have Capiz windows, and
some lack both. Some have galvanized
roofs, some have tiled roofs, and some
have nipa or cogon roofs. First-level walls
may be made of bricks, adobe stones, or
coral stones; more modern structures
uses concrete or wood. Although retaining
the basic form, the 19th-century bahay na
bato reflected changing tastes through the
incorporation of motifs from the prevalent


Bahay na bato houses

Houses like the Vega Ancestral House that
have almost fully wooden materials even
to the first level walls are still considered
Bahay na bato; the name Bahay na bato
was applied to this architecture as
generations passed by, as most of these
houses use stone materials, contrary to
the precolonial era that used no stones at
all. The same principle applies to the nipa
hut - not all nipa huts use nipa materials;
some use cogon. Its local name, bahay
kubo, means "cube house", though not all
are of a cubic shape.[3]

These houses have an unprecedented

mixing and matching of architectural
styles, such that a Bahay na bato can have
Neogothic and Neo-Mudejar (Neo-
Moorish) details in the same corners —
that is, on top of the Baroque (which may
be of a particular style, e.g. the spare-by-
comparison Viennese Secessionist style).
These quaint mixes give the Bahay na bato
an architectural style that evolved from
both East and West, and thus makes it
truly Filipino, as it corresponds to
Philippine history of being a melting pot of
east and west.[5] Although retaining the
basic form, the 19th-century bahay na bato
reflected changing tastes through the
incorporation of motifs from the prevalent
styles such as Victorian. Neoclassical
decorations included columns, pilaster,
caryatids, and friezes adopted from Greek
and Roman architecture.


Bahay na bato roof tops in the old

view of Manila

Style may also vary by area. Each region

evolved its own building style, which were
in many cases dependent on the materials
available. As construction techniques were
developed, quarries opened, and kilns
constructed, various parts of the country
began to show a preference for specific
building materials.[3] As a result, Bahay na
bato has several variations along ethnic
lines. The Bahay na bato in Cebu, for
example, differs from the one in Samar.

The Ivatans in Batanes, however, have a

very different Bahay na bato called
Sinadumparan. This house is Native Ivatan
architecture in principle, adopted to
Philippine' Spanish colonial construction
technology. Sinadumparan's main house,
Rakuh, is very similar to the traditional
Bahay na bato on the mainland. and has a
crossbred appearance between Ivatan
traditional house'and Bahay na bato from
the mainland.

Examples of regional variants:

Streets of Manila painting by José Honorato Lozano

with its Bahay na bato houses

Metro Manila
Manila, the capital of the Philippines, has
one of the most diverse style of Bahay na
bato, ranging from the early period of
Spanish colonization to the American era.
Many were destroyed by World War II.
However, the Metro Manila area still has
one of the largest concentration of Bahay
na Bato houses.[3] Most of the buildings in
Manila and Central Luzon were of adobe, a
volcanic tuff quarried from the hills which
is entirely different from the material of the
same name found in Latin America (adobe
in those Hispanic countries refers to mud
and straw formed into rectangular blocks
which are then dried in the sun).[3]
The largest, fanciest, and most prestigious
companies were eventually established
along a nearby street called the Escolta; by
the second half of the 19th century this
was the most important commercial
district in the country. The opening of
Manila as a free port encouraged British,
Germans, French, and other foreigners to
set up businesses on the Escolta and
adjacent streets, and the majestic Bahay
na Bato buildings were built.[3]
Inside the old walled city of Intramuros

Casa Manila
Casa Bizantina from Manila

Pre-War Intramuros
Kapitan Moy Ancestral house in Marikina

Northern Luzon
Ilocos Style Bahay na bato

Edralin Ancestral house House has the

typical wooden upper half and solid lower
half of many Bahay na bato in the
half of many Bahay na bato in the
Philippines except the lower half is made
with bricks typical to Ilocos
Ilocos style Bahay na bato with exposed
Cariño ancestral house in Candon, Ilocos

Calle Crisologo

The Northern region have some of the best

preserved Bahay na bato in the whole of
Philippines. The unique style of the north,
commonly in the Ilocos Region, usually
bases its design on brick materials,
common in Bahay na bato, churches and
other constructed buildings, walls,
monuments and fortification of the area.[3]
Brick was the essential building material in
northern Luzon; houses and churches of
brick were also built in scattered areas of
the Archipelago, all the way down to Jolo,
Sulu.[3] Unique designs of the north may
include having the facade walls of the
second level made up of stone material in
many buildings, rather than the more
common wooden second level facade.
However, it still remains faithful to the
Nipa hut principle. These non-wooden
(stone) second level facade walls style are
also present in some of the Bahay na bato
of other regions besides the north, like the
1730 Jesuit house of Cebu in Visayas.[3]
The wooden second level facade Bahay na
bato are still present in the North.[3]

In Vigan, capital of Ilocos Sur, many home

owners chose to build both stories in brick,
which was available in large quantities.
With the massive walls, the volada
disappeared in many residences and the
kitchen became an extension in stone,
with vents piercing the walls to let out


Calabarzon is one of the regions of The

Philippines that has some of the best
preserve heritage houses. Towns along the
coasts of Luzon, especially to Batangas,
used roughly hewn blocks of coral stone.[3]
Marcela Agoncillo house

Taal Batangas old house

Felipe Agoncillo House

Cuenca Ancestral house

Sariaya Quezon

Central Luzon
Jose bautista Ancestral house Bulacan

Sevilla Ancestral House

Don Hilarion Esquivel Ancestral House
from Nueva Ecija

Nueva Ecija
Carvings typical to Bulacan

The Bahay na bato in Bulacan and many in

Central Luzon are famous for their
carvings. The most famous ones are in the
Malolos, in its heritage core where
ancestral houses are located.[3] Since
adobe lends itself to sculpture, houses in
Bulacan had facades decorated with
carved flowers, leaves, and religious


Many constructions in the Bicol peninsula

took advantage of the abundant volcanic
Bahay kalakal

Juban Sorosogon
Carigara Leyte Ancestral house

Bahay na bato in Cebu with its Coral

stones typical to Visayas
Elizalde Ancestral house in Iloilo City

Panares Ancestral house

Yap-Sandiego Ancestral house

Casa Gorordo in Cebu Visayas

Most Bahay na batos' foundations in
Visayas are coral stone material though
many are still adobe and bricks. Cebu,
Bohol, Negros and Iloilo are famous for
their Bahay na bato houses.[3] Throughout
the Visayas, the craft of cutting stone or
coral was virtually elevated into a fine art,
with blocks fitting so precisely into each
other that not even a razor blade could be
inserted between blocks. The material was
so durable that it did not have to be
protected with a layer of paletada. This art
was brought by the Visayan settlers to the
coastal towns of Mindanao.[3]

Ivatan people of Batanes have a very

different style of Bahay na bato. They are
called Sinadumparan. As the islands of
Batanes was absorbed to the colonial
nation the Philippines much later through
Spanish conquest, the Sinadumparan was
developed much laters as well. Combining
Pre-colonial Ivatan style and Colonial
Filipino style (Bahay na bato).
Sinadumpraran house has two buildings;
One is kitchen and Another is the living
area building called Rakuh. The Filipino
colonial style (Bahay na bato) influence is
very evident in the Rakuh building.
Rakuh part of Sinadumparan

Other buildings
Many convents, monasteries, schools,
hospitals, offices, stations, etc. also
adapted the Bahay Kubo architecture to
the Spanish colonial style. As a result,
many of these buildings ends up being a
Bahay na bato as well, with very few
differences such as size and proportion.

Examples of such buildings include the

University of Santo Tomas (Intramuros),
Colegio de Santa Rosa Manila, San Juan
De Dios Hospital, Tutuban Station,
AMOSUP hospital, Hotel de Oriente in
Binondo, Malacañan Palace and many
other church convents which are still
standing today.[3]

Malacañang Palace (Philippine president's

Lazi Convent
Camarines Sur National High School

Batangas City National High School

Adamson School of Industrial Chemistry

Tutuban Train Station, 1890's

Old San Juan De Letran

Aguinaldo palace
Zamboanga City hall

El Amanecer Building
San Juan De Dios Hospital Manila

Hotel De Oriente
Museo De Loboc/Convent

Taal, Batangas Convent

Sultan's palace in Sulu, Mindanao Islamic
South-Western Philippines

Parts of Bahay na bato

Facade with volada, ventanilla and

capiz window

Accessoria - Apartment-type dwelling

characterized by common party walls
shared by adjoining units with a
separate door in front of each
Aljibe - Cistern
Antesal - Caida
Aparador de tres lunas - Armoire with
three sections
Arko - Arch
Azotea - Open-air balcony beside the
kitchen that housed a cistern (aljibe)
and the bathroom, and was usually a
work area
Atlas, Atlantes - A column in the shape
of a man
Balconaje, Balcon - Balcony
Banggera - A wooden dish rack that
extends outside the kitchen window.
After the dishes are washed, they are
placed here to be air-dried. The inverted
cups are placed on the ends of the
wooden sticks and the plates are placed
in between or above the slats. On the far
left is a tapayan/banga, an earthenware
jar that keeps water cool.
Bañera - Bathtub
Baño - Bathroom
Barandillas - railing or balustrade
(usually wooden)
Barrigones - "Buntis" (or bombere,
pregnant) grillworks on windows, to
accommodate planters
Batalan - Rear part of house used for
washing and water storage, with a
flooring often made of slatted bamboo;
more a part of a bahay kubo (but may be
present as well at the rear of a bahay na
Baul mond - Traveling trunk
Bentwood beech chairs and other
furniture - Imported dark wood furniture
Brackets - Series of often diagonal
braces placed in support of the volada
on the second floor
Butaka - A version of silla perezosa with
no leg rests
Caida - Landing on the upper entrance
hall; foyer of the second floor; also
called "antesala"
Calado - Lace-style fretwork or
latticework used to adorn room dividers
and to allow air to circulate
Capilla - Long bench, a staple item in the
Capital - Topmost member of a column
(or pilaster) mediating between the
column and the load"
Capiz window - (Often) sliding window
made of capiz shells cut into squares

Bahay na Bato interior

kama or Bed

Caryatid - A sculpted female figure
serving as an architectural support
taking the place of a column or a pillar
supporting an entablature on her head
Clerestory - Any high windows above eye
level for the purpose of bringing outside
light, fresh air, or both into the inner
Cocina - Kitchen, which was typically
built separately from the house
Colonette - A small, thin decorative
column supporting a beam (horizontal
timber) or lintel (beam spanning a door
or window)
Comedor - Dining room
Comun - Toilet; also called "latrina"
Corbel - A projection jutting out from a
wall to support a structure above it; also
Cornice - A ledge or generally any
horizontal decorative molding that
crowns a building or furniture element
Court, courtyard - A space enclosed by
walls and is open to the sky; has azotea
or balconaje
Cuartos - Rooms
Cuatro aguas - Hip roof, which has more
corners and angles, making it stronger
than the dos aguas (gable) or high-
pitched roof due to stronger
aerodynamics (i.e., more wind
resistance); also has the advantage of
providing an overhang, which is effective
for protecting the house from rainwater
and from direct sunlight
Dapugan - A platform in the kitchen
where the kalan or clay stove is placed
Despacho - Office; also "oficina"
Dispensa - Pantry
Dos aguas - Gable or high-pitched roof
Eave - Bottom edge of a roof
Engaged column - Column in support of
the roof above
Entresuelo - Mezzanine; literally
meaning "between floors", this is the
area where clients, tenants or estate
managers (if the owner was a rich
landowner) wait before being admitted
to the oficina (office)
Escalera - Stairway
Escritorio - A large chest of drawers,
commonly adorned with inlay work
Estante - Dining room cabinet where
chinaware and silverware are displayed
Façade - Front
Finial - A usually foliated ornament
forming an upper extremity
Fresquera - Storage room for salted
food, etc.; placed on the wall of the
house facing outside
Gable - The part of a wall that encloses
the end of a pitched roof


Gallinera - Literally, "chicken seat";

"usually found outside the oficina of a
landowner; coming from the Spanish
word 'gallo' (chicken), this church bench-
inspired settee is used for farmers to
place chickens on the cage underneath
in exchange for paying cash" (Old Manila
Nostalgia blog)
Gargoyle - A carved stone grotesque
with a spout designed to convey water
from a roof and away from the side of a
building, thereby preventing rainwater
from running down masonry walls and
eroding the mortar between
Gingerbread trim, running trim - 19th
century Victorian style of fancifully cut
and pierced frieze boards, scrolled
brackets, sawn balusters, and braced
arches, to transform simple frame
cottages into one-of-a-kind homes;
usually attached to the eaves to make it
more decorative and to curving iron rods
that help support the media agua
Kama - Four-poster bed
Kama ni Ah Tay - A once popular
signature four-poster bed design that
was carved by a famous Chinese
furniture maker named Eduardo Ah Tay.
To have this bed was considered a
symbol of status during the Spanish
Kantoneras (brackets) - Either plain
calado cut-outs or fully carved
embellishments usually placed where
beams and columns intersect especially
under the soffit or overhanging ceiling
outside house; also seen to decorate
door or window openings, hallways or
simply dividing spaces


Lansenas - Kitchen sideboards

Latrina - Comun
Load-bearing wall - Wall used in place of
posts to bear weight
Machuca tiles (formerly known as
"baldozas mosaicas") - colorful
Mediterranean-style cement tiles used
for the zaguan flooring, often in
harlequin pattern; manufactured by the
Machuca company; another brand is
Mascaron - An architectural ornament
representing a face or head, human or
animal, that is often grotesque or
Media aguas - Canopy or roof shed,
consisting of a piece of metal roof that
protects the window from rain or heat;
not to be confused with awning
Mirador - Lighthouse; lookout tower
Moulding, molding - A strip of material
(such as wood or metal) with some
design or pattern that is used as a
decoration on a wall, on the edge of a
table, etc.
Oratorio - Prayer room with an altar of

Old containers
Painted metal sheet ceiling - Pressed tin
or copper ceiling from maybe late
Victorian to early American colonial
period, to prevent decay by moisture or
worms (or even mouse)
Paminggalan - A cabinet where leftover
food and preserves are stored. The
doors of the cabinet have slats so that it
can absorb air and room temperature
inside. To avoid ants from coming up
and getting to the food, the legs of the
cabinet are placed on containers filled
with kerosene or any liquid.
Pasamano - Window ledge
Persiana - Louver window
Piedra china - Chinese stone used to
pave the floor of the zaguan
Pilaster - False pillar used to give the
appearance of a supporting column and
to articulate an extent of wall, with only
an ornamental function

Ground floor chamber

Platera - Aparador or cabinet for
kitchenware (chiefly china)
Porte cochere - Horse carriage porch or
portico at the main entrance
Portico - "(From Italian) a porch leading
to the entrance of a building, or
extended as a colonnade, with a roof
structure over a walkway, supported by
columns or enclosed by walls"
Puerta - "Door of the entrada principal
(main entrance)"
Puertita - "small cut door that is part of
the puerta"
Pugon - Clay oven
Punkah - Ceiling cloth fan
Sala mayor - Main living room, place for
late-afternoon parties called tertulias
and dances called bailes
Sala menor - Secondary living room
Sillas Americanas - "American chairs,
considered the Monobloc chairs of their
time (due to ubiquity)"
Silla perezosa - Lazy chair
Solihiya - Typical wicker weave pattern
in furniture
Stained glass - "gGlass colored or
stained (as by fusing metallic oxides
into it) for decorative applications (as in
Transom - "Transverse horizontal
structural beam or bar" often in floral
tracery design
Trompe l'oeil - "A style of painting in
which things are painted in a way that
makes them look like real objects"
Tumba-tumba - Philippine rocking chair
Valance - "A length of decorative drapery
hung above a window to screen the
curtain fittings"
Ventana - "Wooden window panel that
uses a grid pattern with flattened Capiz
shell pane"; often in sliding style, as
opposed to flinging out

Some Bahay na Bato are falling into abandonment.

Ventanilla - Literally 'small window';

"sliding panels between the floor and
windows" to allow more air and light;
"usually protected by balustrades which
can either be wooden or wrought iron
Volada - "An enclosed overhanging
balcony"; "a gallery (along the elaborate
system of windows) which protects the
rooms from the heat of the sun"
Yerong pukpok - Gingerbread trim
Zaguan - Ground floor (literally
"passageway" in Arabic) to
accommodate horse carriages and
carrozas (processional carriages)[5]

See also
History of the Philippines
Culture of the Philippines
Architecture of the Philippines
Nipa hut
Ancestral houses of the Philippines
Earthquake Baroque
Rumah adat
Rumah Melayu
Spanish Colonial architecture
Chinese architecture
Sino-Portuguese architecture

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