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CONSUMER 1: I need travel or urgency to Canada for my work.
CONSUMER 2: Yes, I too, I go with you on the flight.
CONSUMER 1: Come on, if it will not be late, let's take a taxi.

CONSUMER 1: Hello, Good mornig. I need the next fly to Canada i very important,
in class economic, please.
DEPENDENT: I so sorry, I don`t have ticket`s in this moment in economic class, but
I have in first class, but is very expensive.
CONSUMER 2: No, we need in economic class, we have not a lot of money for pay,
but is a emergency, is for our work.
DEPENDENT: The next fly is in three hour in economic class, woul you like take it?
CONSUMER 2: (angry) NO, You are bad working, you can`t do something to fix it?
CONSUMER 1: We have to arrive before 10 o'clock at night
DEPENDENT: One momento please, I'll see what I can do
MANAGER: Hello, my worker has told me that they have a problem in which I can
help them?
CONSUMER 2: We want to go to canada for our work and we need to arrive before
10 o'clock at night.
MANAGER: I am so sorry, but if you had booked it before you would have had a
discount or found a flight in economy class.
CONSUMER 1: We are frequent customers of this airline, as it is possible that they
treat us like this?
MANAGER: Can I give you a 45% discount in first class is it ok?
Consumer 1 and 2: Yes we are in agreement with the flight.

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