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Int J Urol 1997;4:111-125

Neural Control of the lower Urinary Tract

Naoki Yoshimura* and William C. de Groat
Department of Pharmacology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, USA

Key words: lower urinary tract, micturition, urinary continence, neural control, plasticity, afferent pathway
~~ - ~ ~ - ~~~~~~~

pressure to remain low over a wide range of bladder

volumes. During voluntary voiding, the initial event is
The urinary bladder and its outlet, the urethra, serve a relaxation of the pelvic floor and striated urethral
2 main functions: the storage of urine without leakage, sphincter muscles, followed by a detrusor muscle con-
and the periodic release of urine. These 2 functions traction and opening of the bladder neck. Reflex inhi-
are dependent on central as well as peripheral bition of the smooth and striated urethral sphincter
autonomic and somatic neural pathways.l-b Since the muscles also occurs during micturition. This activity
lower urinary tract switches, in an all-or-none man- is mediated by 3 sets of peripheral nerves: para-
ner, between storage and elimination of urine, many sympathetic (pelvic), sympathetic (hypogastric) and
of the neural circuits controlling voiding exhibit somatic (pudendal) nerves1-’ (Fig. 1). These nerves
phasic patterns of activity rather than the tonic pat- also contain afferent axons terminating in the lower
terns occurring in autonomic pathways to other
viscera. Micturition is a special visceral mechanism

r e1
dorsal root ganglion
because it is dependent on voluntary control, which 9-
requires the participation of higher centers in the
brain, whereas many other visceral functions are regu- inferior T1l-u
lated involuntarily. Because of these complex neural meclenteric
regulations, the central nervous system control of
the lower urinary tract is susceptible to a variety of
neurologic disorders.
This paper reviews studies in animals and
humans that have led to our current concepts of the
neural mechanisms underlying urinary continence
and micturition. In addition, the final section of the
paper focuses on recent evidence indicating that ‘pelvic ganglion

plasticity in bladder afferent pathways is involved in

urinary bladder
the reorganization of the micturition reflex pathways

in various pathologic conditions. nerve 1 1

internal sphincter
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY extemai sphincter
(striated muacle)
The storage and elimination of urine are dependent Fig. 1. Diagram showing the sympathetic, parasympathetic
on the reciprocal activity of 2 functional units in the and somatic innervation of the lower urinary tract. Sym-
lower urinary tract: (1) a reservoir (the bladder); and pathetic preganglionic pathways emerge from the
(2) an outlet (bladder neck, smooth and striated thoracolumbar cord (Tll-L2) and pass to the inferior
sphincter muscles of the urethra). During urine stor- mesenteric ganglia. Preganglionic and postganglionic syni-
pathetic axons then travel in the hypogastric nerve to the
age, the bladder outlet is closed and the bladder pelvic ganglia and lower urinary tract. Parasympathetic
smooth muscle is quiescent, allowing intravesical preganglionic axons, which originate in the sacral cord
(S2-S4),pass in the pelvic nerve to ganglion cells in the
pelvic ganglia, and postganglionic axons innervate the
~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~- bladder and urethrd smooth muscle. Sacral somatic path-
Received for publication Feb 5, 1997 ‘Correspondence and ways are contained in the pudendal nerve, which provides
requests for reprints to Department of Pharmacology, University of an innervation to the external urethral sphincter striated
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, W1353 Biomedical Science Tower, muscles. Afferent axons from the lower urinary tract are
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261, USA carried in these 3 nerves.

0919-8172/97/0402-0111/US$03.00 0 JUA/CLJ 1997 111

Int I Urol 1997;4:111-125

urinary tract; the most important afferents for

initiating micturition are those carried in the pelvic

Efferent Pathways
The parasympathetic efferent pathway represents
the major excitatory input to the bladder. Para-
sympathetic preganglionic axons originate in the
intermediolateral column of the S2 to S4 spinal cord
and terminate on postganglionic neurons in the blad-
der wall and in the pelvic plexus, which is a neural bstgingIionics
network located on lateral surface of the rectum in
humans (Fig. 1). The parasympathetic preganglionic
axons release acetylcholine, which activates post-
synaptic nicotinic receptors (ganglionic type; N,). I 4 , l 5
Nicotinic transmission at ganglionic synapses can be
regulated by various modulatory synaptic mechanisms
that involve muscarinic (MI, M,), adrenergic (a, my
purinergic, and enkephalinergic r e ~ e p t o r s ' ~ ' (Fig.
2A). Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons in turn
provide an excitatory input to the bladder smooth
Parasympathetic postganglionic nerve terminals
release acetylcholine, which can excite various
muscarinic receptors including 2 subtypes (M?, MJ , W
which are present in the detrusor muscle."-'-'
Receptor binding and molecular biological techniques Fig. 2. Diagram of the interaction between neurotrans-
indicate that M, receptors are predominant in mitters and their receptors in the parasympathetic pathways
to the lower urinary tract. (A) ganglionic level. Homo-
detrusor muscle o? animals and humans.25 However,
synaptic and heterosynaptic (sympathetic) modulation of
M, receptors are most important for mediating ganglionic transmission are shown. (B)postganglionic level.
neurally evoked smooth-muscle contractions in the Facilitatory and inhibitory responses are indicated by plus
It has been postulated that M, receptors and minus in parentheses, respectively; circles indicate
may function to inhibit adenylate cyclase and thereby exocytosis from synaptic vesicles; dotted line indicates dif-
fusion. Abbreviations: acetylcholine (ACh), enkephalin
block the Padrenoceptor signaling mechanism, which
(ENK), norepinephrine (NA), vasoactive intestinal
facilitates bladder relaxation during urine storage." polypeptide (VIP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nitric oxide
M, receptors are also involved in a presynaptic inhibi- (NO), neuropeptide Y (NPY), nicotinic receptor (NJ,
tion of acetylcholine release from postganglionic nerve muscarinic receptors (M,, M2,and M,), adrenergic receptors
terminals in the bladder. Presynaptic MI muscarinic (a,,a?,and /T), purinergic receptor (P2x), NPY receptor (Y),
autoreceptors, which are activated during high- VIP receptor (VIP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate
(cCMP). Note that NO, which is a gas, diffuses into the
frequency nerve firing, can facilitate acetylcholine postsynaptic site and increases the concentration of
release, amplify the parasympathetic excitatory input intracellular cGMP, which in turn induces other actions.
to the bladder, and thereby promote complete bladder
e m ~ t y i n g ~ (Fig.
~ . ' ~ 2B).
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a cotrans- release of nitric oxide, which directly relaxes the ure-
mitter also released from parasympathetic post- thral smooth In contrast to other trans-
ganglionic terminals acts on P,, purinergic receptors mitters that are stored and released from synaptic
to induce a rapid onset, transient contraction of vesicles by exocytosis, nitric oxide is not stored, but
the bladder15i30(Fig. 2B). Due to the presence of is synthesized immediately prior to release by the
adenosine triphosphate-mediated neural transmis- enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NOS is acti-
sion, antimuscarinic agents do not completely abolish vated by calcium ion (Ca2+)influx during the action
neurally evoked bladder contractions in animals or potential and then generates nitric oxide from
humans, although the contribution of the purinergic L-arginine. Nitric otide, which is a gas, can diffuse out
pathway in humans seems to be sma11.7~30-32 of the nerve terminals. NOS-containing nerve termi-
The parasympathetic input to the urethra elicits nals are found more densely in the bladder base and
inhibitory effects mediated at least in part via the urethra than in the detrusor.'*

Neural Control of the lower Urinary Tract N. Voshimura and W.C. de Groat

Although the primary inhibitory transmitter in ure-

thral smooth muscle seems to be nitric 0 x i d e , ~ 3 ~ ~ , ~ " * ~ ~ sympathetic
another factor mediating long-lasting urethral relaxa- pregangllonlcs
tion is released during high stimulation frequency.3g
in other parasympathetic pathways such as those to
vascular smooth muscle, the stomach, or the airways,
@ A

vasoactive intestinal polypeptide peptide has been

sbnwn to colocalize with nitric oxide and act as a
Ilt 3
second relaxant factor.I5 Similarly, in the rabbit
urethra, it was found that fast and slow components

of neurally evoked relaxation were suppressed by a
NOS inhibitor and a vasoactive intestinal polypeptide sympathetic
(VIP) antagonist, respectively."n Vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide-containing nerve terminals are prominent
in the urethra3"; and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide,
choline acetyltransferase, and NOS appear to colo-
calize in neurons in the major pelvic ganglia of the
rat.4' Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that the
excitation of sacral parasympathetic efferent path-
eJ 14
ways induces a bladder contraction via acetylcholine/
adenosine triphosphate release and urethral relaxa-
tion via nitric oxide/vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
release (Fig. 2B). a,%
theSympathetic preganglionic
intermediolateral neurons
cell column located
of the T11 within
to L2 (+I
UU (+I fi2 Bl
(-1 (-)
spinal cord make synaptic connections with post- urethra bladder
ganglionic neurons in the inferior mesenteric gan-
Fig. 3. Diagram of the interaction between neuro-
glion, as well as with postganglionic neurons in the transmitters and their receptors in the sympathetic pathways
paravertebral ganglia and pelvic ganglia1-'~1"~"2
(Fig. 1). to the lower urinary tract. (A) ganglionic level. (B) post-
Ganglionic transmission in sympathetic pathways is ganglionic level. Facilitatory and inhibitory responses
also mediated by acetylcholine acting on N, nicotinic are indicated by plus and minus in parentheses, respec-
tively; circles indicate exocytosis from synaptic vesicles.
receptors (Fig. 3A). Sympathetic postgangkonic ter- Abbreviations: acetylcholine (ACh), norepinephrine (NA),
minals, which release norepinephrine, elicit contrac- neuropeptide Y (NPY), nicotinic receptor (NL),muscarinic
tions of the bladder base and urethral smooth muscle, receptors (MI),adrenergic receptors ( a l ,a,,PI and PJ, NPY
and relaxation of the bladder body mediated mainly receptor (Y).
though al- and /I,-adrenoceptors, respectively,
although the possible- involvement of a,- and PI-
adrenoceptors has also been suggested' '-'A' (Fig. 3B). bladder outlet resistance and contributes to urinary
In addition, postganglionic sympathetic input to blad- continence.
der parasympathetic ganglia can facilitate and inhibit Several other nonadrenergic-noncholinergic trans-
parasympathetic ganglionic transmission via a, and /I mitters have been identified as modulators of efferent
adrenoceptors and a, adrenoceptors, respectively2-1i,1x inputs to the lower urinary tract. Leucine enkephalin
(Fig. 2A). In urethral and prostatic smooth muscle, released by preganglionic neurons inhibits cholinergic
sympathetic excitation is mediated by an alA transmission via 6 opioid receptors in pelvic gan-
adrenoceptor subtype."' glia'.2"."q(Fig. 2A). In contrast, vasoactive intestinal
Somatic efferent pathways that originate from polypeptide and substance P facilitate ganglionic
the motoneurons in Onufs nucleus of the anterior Neuropeptide Y,
transmission in pelvic ganglia.1b,5n,51
horn, of the S2 to S4 spinal cord innervate the which is contained in adrenergic and cholinergic
external striated urethral sphincter muscle and the nerve terminals, elicits a prejunctional inhibition
pelvic floor musculature (Fig. 1). Somatic nerve of norepinephrine and acetylcholine release from
terminals release acetylcholine, which acts on postganglionic nerve terminal^^'^^^ (Figs. 2B and
nicotinic receptors (skeletal muscle type; N,) to 3B).
induce a muscle contraction. The striated ure-
thral sphincter also receives noradrenergic inputs Afferent Pathways
from sympathetic The combined activa- Sensory information, including the feeling of bladder
tion of sympathetic and somatic pathways elevates fullness or bladder pain, is conveyed to the spinal cord

Int J Urol 1997;4:111-125

dorsal mot gangllon

via afferent axons in the pelvic and hypogastric
nerves.HI 3 Neuronal somata of these afferent nerves
are located in the dorsal root ganglia at the S2 to S4
and T11 to L2 spinal segmental levels (Fig. 1). The
afferent fibers carry impulses from tension receptors
and nociceptors in the bladder wall to neurons in the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Afferent fibers passing
in the pelvic nerve to the sacral cord are responsible
for initiating the micturition reflex. These bladder
afferents have small myelinated (AGfiber) or un-
myelinated (C-fibers) ax on^.^^-^" Electrophysiologic
studies in cats and rats have shown that the normal
micturition reflex is mediated by small, myelinated
AGfiber afferents that respond to bladder disten-
tion.5n.54In cats, the C-fiber afferents have high
thresholds and are usually unresponsive to mech-
anical stimuli such as bladder distention; they
have therefore been termed "silent C-fibers". How-
ever, many of these fibers do respond to chemical, Fig. 4. Diagram showing the interaction of neurotransmitters
noxious or cold s t i m ~ l i . ' * .A
' ~recent
. ~ ~ study in the rat and chemical mediators with their receptors in bladder affer-
using patch clamp techniques revealed that C-fiber ent pathways (especially in C-fiber afferents):(A) spinal cord,
afferent neurons are relatively inexcitable due to (B) urinary bladder. Abbreviations: calcitonin gene-related
peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA),
presence of high-threshold, tetrodotoxin-resistant proton (Hi), histamine (Hist), bradykinin (BK), glutamate
sodium channels and low-threshold, A-type potas- (Glu), nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin (PG), CCRP receptor
sium channels.5x Activation of C-fiber afferents by (CGRP), tachykinin receptors (NK, and NK,), glutamater-
chemical irritation induces bladder hyperreflexia gic receptors (N-methybaspartate INMDAI and a-amino-
.~-hytlroxy-5-methylisox~~~ol~-4-propioii~~te IAMPAI), vmi-
that is blocked by administration of capsaicin, a
lloid receptor (Caps), histamine receptor (H,), bradykinin
neurotoxin of C-fiber afferents. 1-5" However, since receptor (6 ,), prostaglandin receptor (PG), cyclic guanosine
capsaicin does not block normal micturition re- monophosphate (cGMP), cyclo-oxygenase (COX). Note that
flexes, C-fiber afferents are not essential for normal protons, histamine, and bradykinin released by inflanima-
voiding.l,ll,bO"2 tion induce an influx of calcium ions (Ca"), which triggers
the release o i neuropeptides and/or production of
Immunohistochemical studies indicate that blad-
prostaglandin mediated by cyclo-oxygenase. Prostaglandin,
der afferent neurons contain various neuropeptides which is also released from target cells (e.g., mast cells) by
such as substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide tachykinins, can act back on afferent terminals and sensitize
(CGFU'), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and afferent receptors to facilitate the release of transmitters.
enkephalin (Fig. 4).1.12*b3-b4 The distribution of these Circles indicate exocytosis froni synaptic vesicles; dotted
line indicates diffusion.
peptidergic afferent terminals in the spinal cord is
similar to that of central projections of bladder affer-
ent neurons."."' Substance P and calcitonin gene-
related peptide are present in a large percentage of
C-fiber afferent neurons."."~ The release of these
peptides in the bladder wall is known to trigger in- erties of the bladder wall, and quiescence of the
flammatory responses, including plasma extravasation parasympathetic pathway to the bladder.1.'*5In addi-
or vasodilation."9li tion, during bladder filling, afferent activity arising
in the bladder activates a sacral-to-thoracolumbar
intersegmental spinal reflex pathway, which triggers
REFLEX MECHANISMS CONTROLLING firing in sympathetic pathways to the bladder.',"'
MICTURITION Activation of sympathetic efferents then mediates an
inhibition of bladder activity and contraction of the
Storage Reflexes bladder neck and proximal urethra."8 Pudendal
The bladder functions as a low pressure reservoir motoneurons are also activated by vesical afferent in-
during urine storage. In both humans and animals, put as the bladder fills, thereby inducing a contraction
bladder pressures remain low and relatively constant of the striated sphintter muscle, which contributes to
when bladder volume is below the threshold for void- ~ ~ " urine storage is mainly
urinary ~ o n t i n e n c e ? ~Thus,
ing. This is mainly due to the combined effect of a controlled by reflexes integrated in spinal cord (Fig.
passive phenomenon depending on viscoelastic prop- 5A). However, it is also reported that a supraspinal

Neural Control of the Lower Urinary Tract N. Yoshimura and W.C. de Groat

Urine storage center is located in the dorsolateral and cat are small myelinated A6-fibers.j' j b These
pns. Descending inputs from this region activate the bladder afferents in the pelvic nerve synapse on
#udendal motoneurons to increase urethral resistance neurons in the sacral spinal cord, which then send
pig. 5A).713'i their axons rostrally to a micturition center in the
dorsolateral pons. This center contains neurons that
Uoiding Reflexes are essential for inducing voiding r e f l e x e ~ . ~ 7b~,~~,'~
h e n Madder volume reaches the micturition Bilateral lesions in the region of the locus coeruleus in
,&dmld, afferent activity originating in bladder the cat or the dorsolateral tegmental nucleus in the rat
acchanoceptors triggers micturition reflexes, which abolish micturition, while electric or chemical stimu-
consist of firing in the sacral parasympathetic path- lation of this region induces a bladder contraction and
ways and inhibition of sympathetic and somatic path- a reciprocal relaxation of the urethra, leading to blad-
ways (Fig 5B). This leads to a contraction of the der 77 Studies in the rat and cat indicate

bladder and a concomitant relaxation of the urethra. that activity ascending from the spinal cord may pass
The afferent fibers that trigger micturition in the rat through a relay center in the periaqueductal gray
before reaching the pontine micturition center.'X-Hn
Thus, voiding reflexes depend on a spinobulbospinal

pathway, which passes through an integrative center
in the brain (Fig. 5B). This center functions as an 'on-
off switch activated by afferent activity derived from
A: storage reflexes B: voiding reflexes
bladder mechanoceptors, and also receives inhibitory
and excitatory inputs from the brain regions rostral to
the pons.
Neurotropic viruses, such as pseudorabies virus,
have been particularly useful in identifying the central

\I neural pathways involved in micturition. These

viruses can be injected into a target organ (urinary
bladder, urethra, or urethral sphincter), and then
move intra-axonally from the periphery to the central
nervous system, where they replicate and then pass
retrogradely across synapses to infect second- and
third-order neurons in the neural pathways. Since the
pseudorabies virus can be transported across many
synapses, it could sequentially infect all of the neurons
that connect directly or indirectly to the lower urinary
tract. The pseudorabies virus has been used in the
ratx' w and catRi to identify neurons in the spinal
cord and the brain involved in the control of the
lower urinary tract. In the rat, transneuronal virus-
tracing methods have identified many populations of
Fig. 5. Diagrams showing neural circuits controlling con- central neurons that are involved in the control
tinence and micturition. (A) urine storage reflexes. During of bladder, urethra, and urethral sphincter. Injection
urine storage, bladder distention produces low level firing in of pseudorabies virus into the bladder labeled several
bladder afferent pathways, which in turn stimulates ( 1 ) the areas of the brain stem, including the laterodorsal
sympathetic outflow to the bladder outlet (bladder base and
urethra) and ( 2 ) pudendal outflow to the external sphincter tegmental nucleus (the pontine micturition center);
muscle. These responses are elicited by spinal reflex path- the medullary raphe nucleus, which contains
ways. Sympathetic firing also inhibits detrusor muscle activ- serotonergic neurons; the locus coeruleus, which con-
ity and transmission in bladder ganglid. A region in the tains noradrenergic neurons, the periaqueductal grey,
rostral pons (pontine storage center) increases external and noradrenergic cell group-A5. Several regions in
urethral sphincter activity. (B) Voiding reflexes. During
elimination of urine, intense bladder afferent firing activates the hypothalamus and the cerebral cortex also had
spinobulbospinal reflex pathways passing through the virus-infected cells. Neurons in the cortex were
pontine micturition center, which stimulate the para- located primarily in the medial frontal cortex. Similar
sympathetic outflow to the bladder and internal sphincter brain areas were labeled after injection of virus into
smooth muscle and inhibit the sympathetic and pudendal the urethra and drethral sphincter, suggesting that
outflow to the bladder outlet. Ascending afferent input from
the spinal cord may pass through relay neurons in the coordination b e h e e n different parts of the lower uri-
periaqueductal gray (PAC) before reaching the pontine nary tract is mediated b y similar populations of neu-
micturition center. rons in the brain.

Int J Urol 1997;4:111-125

Reflex voiding is also facilitated by afferent inputs of glutamate seems to vary under different experi-
from the urethra. This urethrovesical reflex, triggered mental conditions. In anesthetized rats, intravenous
by urine flow into the urethra, enhances bladder con- or intrathecal administration of NMDA or AMPA/
tractions6 During voiding, activity in the pudendal kainate receptor antagonists suppressed the micturi-
efferent pathway to the striated urethral sphincter is tion reflexRR qo-’2; whereas in unanesthetized rats, an
suppressed to reduce outlet r e ~ i s t a n c e . ’ ~ ~This
~~,’~ NMDA receptor antagonist had a slight facilitatory
mechanism is mainly due to an inhibition of the effect on bladder activity although an AMPNkainate
pudendal motoneurons by the descending inputs receptor antagonist still had a depressant effect.qL”“
from the dorsolateral As mentioned above, However, a recent study indicated that synergic
an excitation of the sacral parasympathetic pathway activation of both types of glutamate receptors is
also directly induces a relaxation of urethral smooth necessary to induce reflex activation of the bladder in
muscle mediated by the release of nitric oxide and unanesthetized decerebrate rats.95 AMPNkainate or
vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. NMDA receptor antagonists also suppress bladder
contractions induced by electric stimulation of the rat
Supraspinal and Spinal Neurotransmitters pontine micturition center, indicating that AMPA/
Controlling Micturition kainate and NMDA glutamatergic excitatory mecha-
Various neurotransmitters at the spinal and supra- nisms are involved in the descending limb of spino-
spinal level are involved in regulation of micturition bulbospinal micturition reflex.qb,qi
and continence (Fig. 6). Glutamic acid, which is the Recent studies using spinal slice preparations from
major excitatory transmitter in the central nervous neonatal rats revealed that the sacral preganglionic
system, has an important role in the control of neurons directly receive glutamatergic excitatory
the micturition reflex. Both N-methyl-D-aspartate inputs from spinal interneurons in the region of the
(NMDA) and a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylis- sacral parasympathetic nucleus.’* These inputs are
oxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)/kainate receptors are mediated by both NMDA and AMPNkainate re-
involved in glutamatergic transmission in the ceptors. Interneurons in these regions also exhibit
micturition reflex However, the function increased expression of an immediate early gene, c-fos,
in response to stimulation of bladder afferents.” In
addition, c-fos expression in the spinal cord induced
by chemical bladder irritation is suppressed by
the NMDA or AMPNkainate receptor antagonists,
indicating the involvement of glutamatergic trans-
mission in bladder afferent pathways.”*lo0Thus, it is
likely that the micturition reflex is dependent upon
glutamatergic transmission at various sites including
the descending projections from the pontine micturi-
tion center to the sacral preganglionic neurons, the
spinal processing of afferent inputs from the bladder,
and the synapses between spinal interneurons and
preganglionic neurons.
The micturition reflex pathway can be modulated
by a variety of other transmitter mechanisms at both
spinal and supraspinal sites. In the spinal cord, modu-
lation can occur by segmental interneuronal mecha-
Fig. 6. Diagram of neurotransmitters in spinal and nisms, or by descending input from the brain (Fig. 6 ) .
supraspinal sites. Glutamate is the major excitatory trans- A bulbospinal noradrenergic pathway arising from
mitter in the control of the micturition reflex. Modulation of the locus coeruleus in the rostra1 pons has a facilita-
the micturition reflex in the spinal cord occurs by segmental tory effect on the micturition reflex. This pathway has
interneuronal mechanisms (ENK, GABA) or by descending
been demonstrated in anesthetized cats by measuring
input from the brain (5-HT, NA, CRF). Modulation in the
pontine micturition center can be activated in part by bladder activity or neuronal firing in the sacral spinal
input from cortical-diencephalic areas. Facilitatory and cord elicited by electric stimulation of noradrenergic
inhibitory responses are indicated by plus and minus in neurons in the locus coeruleus. The excitatory effects
parentheses, respectively. Abbreviations: acetylcholine of locus coeruleus stimulation were blocked by intra-
(ACh), dopamine (DA), enkephalin (ENK), glutamate
thecal administratiod of prazosin, indicating that al-
(Glu), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), norepinephrine (NA),
corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), dopamine receptors (D, adrenergic receptois mediate the effect.'"'^'"' Since
and D,), opioid rekeptors ( p and a, yaminobutyric acid destruction of the noradrenergic pathway by 6-
(GABA‘) receptors (A and B). hydroxydopamine caused urinary retention, and this

Neural Control of the Lower Urinary Tract N. Yoshimura and W.C. de Croat

effect was partially reversed by intrathecal application multiple receptors at presumably different sites in the
of the a,-adrenoceptor agonist, phenylephrine,1"3 it brain.
was concluded that this pathway must play an impor- Enkephalinergic pathways in the central nervous
tant role in the control of micturition. This is consist- system have an inhibitory effect on the micturition
ent with the results of a recent pharmacologic study in reflex. Enkephalinergic varicosities are found at van-
conscious rats showing that intrathecal administration ous sites, including the pontine micturition center, the
of an a,-adrenergic antagonist suppressed reflex sacral parasympathetic nucleus, and the urethral
bladder contractions in the normal rats, and that sphincter motor nucleus. Administration of leucine
these effects were more profound in the rats with enkephalin or opiate drugs to the brain or the spinal
bladder hypertrophy."' Spinal a,-adrenoceptors are cord suppresses micturition and sphincter reflexes,
also reported to facilitate the micturition reflex in whereas administration of an opioid receptor antago-
he rat.105,i0b However, other studies revealed that nist (naloxone) facilitates the micturition reflex in
a-adrencrgic antagonists did not alter voiding in animals and humans, indicating that endogenous
conscious cats or rats, suggesting spinal noradrenergic opioid mechanisms exert a tonic inhibition on the
mechanisms may not be active under normal micturition reflex.h4-l17,1
I R Among the 3 opiate recep-

conditions.I w , l o R tors @, 6, and K subtypes), the inhibition of the

Sphincter function is also modulated by the spinal micturition reflex at the spinal cord level is mediated
noradrenergic pathways. It has been shown that by Greceptors, whereas in the brain, p and 6receptors
striated sphincter reflexes are inhibited by a,- are involved in enkephalin-mediated inhibition of
adrenoceptor agonists in cats and rats,lob~"'qand that micturition in the cat.L19'"0In addition, sphincter
central sympathetic and somatic outflow to the lower muscle activity is suppressed by Kreceptor agonists."L
urinary tract in cats is suppressed by a,-adrenoceptor In the rat, both p and 6 receptors mediate the inhibi-
antagonists such as prazosin. I 10,1 I I These data indicate tory effect on the micturition reflex in the spinal cord
the existence of a,-receptor-mediated tonic facilita- and the brain.O-'
tion of sphincter function and a putative a?inhibitory Inhibitory amino acids also have a role in modulat-
mechanism in the spinal cord. ing the micturition reflex. y-Aminobutyric acid
In the brain stem, cholinergic mechanisms may be (GABA) has been implicated as an inhibitory trans-
involved in both inhibitory and facilitatory modula- mitter at supraspinal and spinal sites, where it can
tion of the micturition reflex. Microinjection of acetyl- act on both GABA, and GABA, receptors.'~'''~'''A
choline into the pontine micturition center in cats can recent study using patch clamp techniques showed
increase or decrease the threshold volume for induc- that GABA released from interneurons mediates in-
ing a reflex contraction of the bladder."*l" These hibitory synaptic inputs to the sacral parasympathetic
effects were blocked by atropine indicating a role of preganglionic neurons in the neonatal rat spinal
muscarinic receptors. Clinical studies also revealed that intra-
Pharmacologic studies in rats revealed that activa- thecal administration of a GABA, receptor agonist
tion of central D, dopaminergic receptors facilitates (baclofen) increased the bladder volume threshold for
the micturition ieflex pathway.'I' In cats, micro- inducing the micturition r e f l e ~ . ~ " - 'Glycine,
.~'~ another
injection of dopamine to the pontine micturition inhibitory amino acid, is also released from inter-
center also reduced bladder capacity and facilitated neurons in the spinal cord and mediates recurrent
the micturition reflex,!" whereas intracerebroven- inhibition on the micturition reflex pathway.""
tricular administration of dopamine or a D, dopamine Glycinergic inhibition occurs on the descending limb
receptor agonist (SKF38393), inhibited the of the micturition reflex pathway but not at the level of
micturition reflex.I' ' Experiments in monkeys with the preganglionic neurons in the cat,"" although
parkinsonism induced by a neurotoxin, 1-methyl-4- glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents elicited by
phenyl- 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), revealed inhibitory interneuronal inputs to sacral preganglionic
that dopaminergic neurons originating in the sub- neurons have been detected in the neonatal rat spinal
stantia nigra tonically inhibit the micturition reflex. slice preparation."'
MPTP-treated monkeys exhibited hyperreflexic T h e sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic
bladders as reported in patients with Parkinson's nuclei, as well as the sphincter motor nuclei, receive a
disease.115.1 111 In these monkeys, stimulation of D, prominent serotonergic input from the raphe nuclei in
receptors with SKF38393 suppressed the detrusor the caudal brain stem. Activity in the serotonergic
hyperreflexia, whereas the nonselective dopamine pathway generally fnhances urine storage by facilitat-
receptor agonist (apomorphine) and the D, receptor ing the vesicosyppathetic reflex pathway and in-
agonist (quinpirole) reduced the bladde; volume hibiting the parasympathetic micturition pathway.'.'
threshold."" Thus central dopaminergic pathways Among the various subtypes of 5-hydroxytryptamine
exhibit different effects on micturition via actions on (5-HT) receptors, 5-HT, receptors mediate excita-

Int J Urol 1997;4:111-125

tory effects on sympathetic and somatic reflexes to also enhance the bladder motility and neuropeptide
increase outlet resistance; whereas 5 - H T l c or 5-HT3 ' ~ ~4).
r e l e a ~ e ] ~ ~(Fig. '~~,'~~
receptors are involved in inhibition of the micturi- These changes in target organs also affect the
tion reflex. 127-130 5-HTl, autoreceptors in the raphe central processing in afferent pathways. It appears
nucleus are likely to exert an inhibitory control over that tachykinins, which are released from central
activity of raphe neurons.'27 terminals, enhance afferent transmission in the
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which is spinal cord, thereby inducing bladder hyperactivity.
contained in neurons within the pontine micturition Bladder hyperreflexia in a rat model in which cystitis
center,I3l seems to be an inhibitory co-transmitter is induced by intravesical instillation of capsaicin
in the descending glutamatergic excitatory path- is suppressed by intrathecal application of NK, and
way to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus because NIC, receptor antagonists.'38,139Since tachykinins
intrathecally applied corticotropin-releasing factor are predominantly found in C-fiber afferent nerves,66
inhibits the bladder contractions produced by it is assumed that cystitis elicits bladder hyper-
stimulation to the pontine micturition center in the activity by enhancing central neurotransmission
rat. 132,133 mediated by C-fiber afferents. Nitric oxide is another
candidate for cystitis-induced changes in afferent
neurotransmission in the spinal cord. NOS
immunoreactivity in bladder afferent dorsal root
Recent studies provide evidence that capsaicin- ganglion neurons increases in the rat with chronic
sensitive, C-fiber afferents innervating the bladder are cystitis induced by c y c l ~ p h o s p h a m i d e . 'In
~ ~ addi-
at least in part responsible for changes in bladder tion, intrathecally administered NOS inhibitors
motility induced by various pathologic conditions suppress bladder hyperactivity associated with chemi-
such as cystitis, bladder outlet obstruction, and spinal cally induced cystitis, but had no effect on the nor-
cord injury. It is also suggested that the reorganization mal micturition in the rat.14' Thus, plasticity in
of bladder reflex pathways in neuropathologic con- afferent neurotransmission in the spinal cord seems
ditions is influenced by neural-target-organ inter- to play an important role in cystitis-induced bladder
This section of the paper focuses on the hyperactivity.
recent findings concerning disease-specific changes in
C-fiber bladder afferent pathways. Bladder Outlet Obstruction
Bladder hyperactivity often occurs in the patients with
Cystitis bladder outlet obstruction induced by prostatic hyper-
The effect of bladder inflammation on the micturition trophy. Animal models of outlet obstruction pro-
reflex has usually been investigated using animals in duced by partial urethral ligation have been used to
which cystitis is induced by intravesical instillation of study mechanisms underlying bladder hyperactivity
chemical or pharmacologic agents. Electrophysiologic induced by obstruction.' It has been reported that a
studies in the cat revealed that C-fiber afferents, spinal micturition reflex is unmasked or enhanced
which originally d o not respond to the mechanocep- in rats with urethral obstruction.'42 Afferent neuron
tive stimuli, are sensitized to respond to those stimuli hypertrophy and increased afferent projections in the
after chemical irritation of the bladder." It is known spinal cord have also been detected in these a n i r n a l ~ . ~ '
that the majority of C-fiber afferents are sensitive These changes in bladder afferent pathways are due
to capsaicin, which acts on a capsaicin-binding site at least in part to increased levels of nerve growth
(vanilloid receptor) and causes dose-dependent exci- factor in the hypertrophied bladder smooth muscle,
tation, desensitization, and neurotoxicity. I , ' ' Inflam- since autoimmunization against nerve growth factor
mation is accompanied by a reduction in tissue pH, reduced urinary frequency and afferent neuron hyper-
which may play a role in afferent sensitization. Pro- trophy in the obstructed rat.' J 3 , ' 4 4 It has been specu-
tons (H') are known to activate vanilloid receptors in lated that the bladder hypertrophy and increased
afferent nerve terminals, induce an influx of Cali ions, levels of nerve growth factor are triggered by increased
and then release neuropeptides such as tachyltinins bladder work in response to increased outlet resist-
(substance P and related substances), calcitonin gcne- ance. A high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptor, trkA,
relating peptide, or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, that binds nerve growth factor is expressed in C-fiber
which produce local inflammatory responses includ- afferents. 1 4 j Thus, plasticity in the C-fiber affcrcnt
ing plasma extravasation or vasodilation''." (Fig. 4). pathway may be inyolved in bladder hyperactivity
Other endogenous substances such as bradykinin, his- associated with outlet obstruction. It has also been
tamine, and prostaglandins, which are released in re- proposed that enhanced afferent transmission in the
sponse to the actions of afferent neuropeptides and spinal cord mediated by tachykinins contributes to
other chemical changes induced by inflammation obstruction-related bladder hyperactivity, since the

Neural Control of the lower Urinary Tract N. Yoshimura and W.C. de Groat

effects of intrathecal administration of an NIC, recep- gence of the C-fiber-mediated spinal micturition
tor antagonist on the micturition reflex were greater in reflex. Since urinary diversion in spinalized rats pre-
the rat with urethral obstruction than in the normal vented the hypertrophy of the bladder and of the
rat,lis bladder afferent n e ~ r o n s , ' ~it" has been suggested
that neurotrophic factors released in hypertrophied
Spinal Cord Injury bladder muscles by functional bladder outlet obstruc-
Spinal ccrd transection rostra1 to the lumbosacral tion secondary to bladder-sphincter dyssynergia are
;we1 abolishes voluntary control of voiding as well as responsible for the afferent neuron plasticity and thus
thc apinobulbospinal micturition reflex. However, contribute to the emergence of bladder hyperactivity
after an initial period of detrusor areflexia, a spinal after spinal cord injury.
reflex pathway emerges that mediates automatic
micturirion and detrusor hyperreflexia.134,135 Electro- Clinical Studies
physiologic and pharmacologic studies in chronically The involvement of C-fiber afferents in neurogenic
spinalized cats indicate that the spinal micturition bladder hyperactivity in humans has also been
reflex is mediated by C-fiber afferents and is blocked demonstrated in clinical studies in which intravesical
by systemic capsaicin a d m i n i ~ t r a t i o n . ~Vasoactive
~,~' instillation of capsaicin suppressed bladder hyper-
intestinal polypeptide immunoreactivity, which is a activity in patients with various types of neurogenic
marker for bladder C-fiber afferents,' ' ~ ~ is distrib-
~ 9 ' ~ ' disorders of the lower urinary tract, including spinal
uted in a wider area in the spinal cord in spinalized cord injury. When administered intravesically in
cats."' In spinalized animals, small doses of vasoactive concentrations between 100 pmol/L and 2 mmoliL,
intestinal polypeptide administered intrathecally fa- capsaicin increased bladder capacity and reduced the
cilitated the micturition reflex; whereas in normal ani- number of incontinence episodes in patients with
mals, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide inhibited the spinal cord injury or multiple ~ c l e r o s i s . 15'' ~ ~The
reflex, suggesting that an alteration in the actions of a effects of high concentrations of capsaicin in patients
putative C-fiber afferent neurotransmitter is impor- with multiple sclerosis persisted for weeks to months
tant in the emergence of C-fiber-mediated spinal after treatment. Capsaicin also increased bladder
micturition reflexes.l,"%'' l capacity and reduced irritative symptoms in patients
In paraplegic animals and humans, reflex voiding with hypersensitive
is inefficient due to tonic activity of the urethral Another example of a reorganization of C-fiber-
sphincter (detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia) . In rats, mediated reflex pathways was obtained in studies
this functional outlet obstruction induces bladder of the cold stimulation-evoked voiding reflex. It is
muscle hypertrophy similar to that occurring after known that instillation of cold water into the bladder
outlet obstruction induced by partial urethral liga- of patients with upper motoneuron lesions induces
tion~l'X.l~" Both conditions are associated with afferent reflex voiding (the Bors ice water test)."" This
neuron hypertrophy."'.''" Electrical recordings using reflex does not occur in normal subjects. It has
patch clamp techniques revealed that hypertrophied been shown in the cat that C-fiber bladder afferents
bladder afferent neurons in spinalized rats exhibit are responsible for cold-induced bladder reflexes."
increased excitability duc to a shift in expression of Intravesical administration of capsaicin to paraplegic
sodium channels from high-threshold tetrodotoxin- patients blocks the cold-induced bladder reflexes,
resistant to low-threshold tetrodotoxin-sensitive chan- indicating that they are mediated by C-fiber afferents
riels. I i1.I iZ In normal animals, tetrodotoxin-resistant in humans as well.15''T h e ice water test is also positive
sodium channels are mainly expressed in capsaicin- in patients with multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular
sensitive C-fiber afferent neuron^.^^^'^^ disease, and Parkinson's disease, as well as in in-
Another type of plasticity in C-fiber bladder fants. I f 1 I , 161 Thus, it is suggested that cold-evoked
afferent neurons after spinal cord injury was evident bladder reflexes are enhanced or unmasked after
as a change in neurofilament immunoreactivity in the the elimination of supraspinal controls by spinal cord
cells. In normal animals, C-fiber neurons that are injury or damage to central pathways in patients
small, in size exhibit poor or no neurofilament with multiple sclerosis. It is noteworthy that the
staining."" However, spinal cord injury significantly cold-induced bladder reflex also has been detected
increased the number of afferent neurons with in elderly patients who have uninhibited overac-
prominent neurofilament immunoreactivity.'54 In tive bladders without any other obvious neurologic
addition, the sensitivity of bladder afferent neurons problems. I h i Taken together, these observations
to capsaicin decreased in spinalized rats.'" Taken suggest that cabsaicin-sensitive, C-fiber bladder
together, these findings indicate that spinal cord in- afferents are involved in various pathologic conditions
jury induces various phenotypic changes in C-fiber associated with neurogenic bladder hyperactivity in
bladder afferent pathways, in parallel with the emer- humans.

Int J Urof 1997;4:111-125

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