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Tech Tip



3 Things Parents
WhatsApp Should Know
1. WhatsApp users can send unlimited
What is it? text messages, images, and videos, even
WhatsApp is a mobile messaging alternative internationally. Users can also set specific
to texting that uses your data plan or groups for messaging. It’s a great way to
Wi-Fi connection. Users can send and stay connected with family and friends,
receive messages for free with anyone else particularly with those who are overseas.
who uses the app.
2. Users do not need to “friend” you or be
in your contact list in order to send you a
What is the age requirement? message. However, users can block others if
To sign up for WhatsApp, users must be 16 they choose to no longer receive messages
years of age or older. from any individual.

3. Once you download the app, all of the

Where can I learn more? mobile numbers from your contacts, whether they use WhatsApp or not, are
shared with the company. If you are using
the app via Wi-Fi connection, be sure you
are on a secure network when sending or
receiving personal messages.

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