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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My motivators

Studies of successful individuals have found that there are a few motivators that
guide their career and job choices, and make working an enjoyable and successful
experience for them. Below you will find a list with the motivators that are most
commonly mentioned by high-achieving people. For this evidence you have to
organize them in order of importance from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the least
important) and write a composition expressing how they have been part of your
professional development. Recycle the grammar and vocabulary you have learned
in this learning activity. (Example: I feel variety is the most important factor in my
motivation. I don’t like doing repetitive things. In my current job I have learned how
to use Photoshop and how to market different products online. I am becoming very
good at it and now I am able to teach others.)

Fuente: SENA


Challenge - Competence - Independence - Interest - Lifestyle - Money -

Recognition - Relationships - Security - Variety

1. Interest

2. Relationships

3. Independence

4. Money

5. Variety

6. Security

7. Competence

8. Lifestyle

9. Challenge

10. Recognition
I feel that the most important thing is the interest I have for my
work, my family and my friends, it is the interest that makes me
that I work hard every day and that interest is what has made my
relationship with my partner be lasting, that my relationship with
my co-workers is good. I consider that independence and money are
the following factors, since self being independent and having my
own money makes me do not have to worry about others, variety is
very important, it depends on that many people can buy In my
business, people can see the security that reflects in my business,
besides, to the reliable things they can buy there, I think
competition is a fundamental factor, but if I sell or offer is of good
quality, I don’t have to play disloyal and dinally my lifestyle is
something that is always reflected in everything I do and with
everything I do I will have a recognition for my achievements.

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