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Treefrog Times

May 25, 2019

Summer is Coming

The year is wrapping up!

Important Dates
Thank you so very much to everyone for all of the lovely
5/27 - No School birthday wishes. I received so many cards and gifts, all of
__________ which are dearly appreciated.
5/31 - Field Day
The fight for the House Cup has begun! The students have
been sorted in the four Hogwarts houses in order to review
6/17, 18, & 19 - EOG’s for their three EOG’s. House points are earned by being
__________ courteous, honest, and responsible. The house cup will be
awarded on picnic day to the house that has earned the
6/27 - Recognition most points!
6/28 - Picnic Be aware of the weather! With the heat coming sooner,
please be aware of the need for water and sunscreen. You
may think of sending in a water bottle with your student to
“A well-educated mind will always have be used after recess.
more questions than answers.”
- Helen Keller

Learning Updates
Math: We are very quickly nearing the end of the fifth grade math curriculum. We are finishing up our geometry
unit by studying Wassily Kandinsky and creating abstract art using geometric figures. We began to paint on
Friday but will continue next week. After, we will dive into our final unit of multiplying mixed numbers. This should
be a relatively short unit since we have practiced the skill using decimals and whole numbers.

Reading: It truly is the end! Next week marks the beginning of our final unit in the 4th EL module. We will be
discussing how to create an interactive and engaging oral presentation while also creating emergency
preparedness kits for various natural disasters. The PSA’s that students have already written and recorded will
be used within their final 3 minute presentation. Any student who wishes to finish their reading scavenger hunt
needs to be wrapping up their reading! Only a few weeks left to go!

Science/Social Studies: Students are currently engaged in their final science unit of the year, weather! This unit
is particularly difficult since it is more abstract. We are also studying the Civil War and underground railroad for
our social studies unit. I encourage you to continue to practice vocabulary. The science EOG is primarily
vocabulary test. Students will not have many tools to help them answer test questions if they do not know the
words within the question. Keep studying and make vocabulary a part of your daily life at home!

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