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Roles as follows:

Sean as a schoolboy
Ethan as the overall bad guy (pesticides, global warming, etc.)
Kian as a flower
Izagani as a bee

We will be ad-libbing a retarded version of a theater presentation for our thing, so in essence a

Sean: Wow! Stem has been so much fun today! I learned so much about carrying capacity,
resources, predation, competition, and disease! I even learned about the carbon cycle, and all
the other processes within our world. This day has been great! If only there was some way it
could get even better…
(izagani enters the room)
Izagani: Well hello there little boy
Sean: What? Who are you
Izagani: I’ll tell you
(Izagani music and dance number)

I’m just a bee

Well i’m only a bee
And a bee is what i’m gonna be
But pollution has destroyed my home
Pesticides do not cause flowers to grow
And right now I am just a sad bee

Sean: well mr. bee, why are you so sad?

Izagani: Oh, I’ll tell you why

There are a lack of resources which I really hate

Not much flowers are left for me to pollinate
The industry has taken my home
Trees and bushes have been viciously mowed
So there’s now, no more hives for a bee
And while the bears they are, sometimes a predator
And different types of bees, sometimes hate each other
None of these can even really compare, to human pesticides put into the air
Make me sick, spread disease to us bees

Sean: Wow! That’s horrible Mr. Bee!

Izagani: I know!

Humans when you go out, please appreciate

The crucial bees that you seem to hate
We’re responsible for most of your food
Killing bees it is not really the mood
So for now, please just go save the bees
(song ends)

Izagani: You see little boy, us bees are in a lot of danger. We get involved in nearly all of the
processes that make food on this earth, and yet we are dying and disappearing! Our precious
resources our disappearing due to deforestation and industry! The leaves, and trees that we
once used to make our hives are being chopped, and the flowers we pollinate are getting
destroyed as well. You see, we do have some predators like bears who eat honey, and some
competition in the sense that other bee populations often want to use our wildflowers, but our
real enemy has become human impact. HUmans have been releasing pesticides that kill flowers
and also make us sick. I guess you can say that I am really bee-pressed
Sean: With all of your habitats going away as well as all of your flowers, does that mean that
your carrying capacity is also decreasing?
Izagani: Of course!
Sean: I thought so, with the decreasing amount of resources and hives to live in, it would seem
that your ecosystem can’t support that large of a population anymore.
Izagani: Exactly, and our disappearance hurts everyone in the process.
Sean: Mr. Bee, how exactly do you interact with your ecosystem?
Izagani: I interact with other plants and animals in a multitude of ways. My place in the food web
is odd, as I help the producers grow so the consumers may be able to eat.
(Kian as the flower comes in)
Izagani: You see, I come in as a pollinator, and I help spread the seeds of the flower and other
plants throughout the ecosystem
(Rub up against kian)
Izagani: I drop the seeds everywhere and they grow into full size plants, which are then eaten
up by the consumers
Sean: Wow! That’s amazing
Izagani: So I guess you can say that I hold the whole ecosystem together
Sean: Mr. Bee, how do you help cycle matter and energy across the ecosystem?
Izagani: well, as I said, I’m heavily involved with plants. And of course you know that plants
create energy via photosynthesis and create glucose. Well, since I spread plant growth, I spread
the amount of energy producers, then the animals consume these pants and in turn use them to
create ATP themselves in cellular respiration. I personally get my energy from the sweet nectar
of flowers, by in any case, I am in charge of a great deal of the energy flow of the environment.
And of course you know about the 10% rule of energy. Well, since I create so many plants, I’m
able to help create enough energy for the tertiary consumer since some energy is lost as each
trophic level.
Sean: So you’re almost like energy control!
Izagani: Exactly! Us bees are also heavily involved in the carbon cycle of the world, as the very
plants that we pollinate take in CO2 on the daily, and the carbon they store is passed on to
other animals. However, there has been an exponential increase in CO2 due to human activity,
and the pollen and different parts of the plant are acting very sensitive to it. This is making the
food I get from plants less nutritious and it makes me weak. An imbalance in the carbon cycle
due to a disproportionate amount of it in the atmosphere is hurting me! All of the plants and
beings in the biosphere are negatively impacted when I am negatively impacted, as I make
much of their food.
Sean: Wow looks like we need to take action now before it gets any worse
(evil music starts to play)
Sean: Oh no, what is that ominous sound?
Izagani: I know what it is, big industry has come to destroy us!
(Ethan enters)
Ethan: Mwahahahahaha! I am evil Mr. Industry, and I have come to deforest your lands, put
carbon into the air with my big machines, and take your homes so I can make money!
Izagani: Oh no!
(Ethan kills kian)
Izagani: Not the flower!
Ethan: Do not fear little bee I am just building a new mall over this nature area, no harm shall be
Sean: But no! You can’t do that! (sean proceeds to explain how hurting the plants destroys
homeostasis as the balance of plants and animals is out of whack and the bees maintain it)
Izagani: Yeah! (Talk about how this is causing a lack of plants and decreasing the amount of
animals, less food for us all)
Kian: (Stands up, starts talking about how getting rid of the plants gets rid of the bees, which
gets rid of the animals leading to a lack of biodiversity and that it is harmful)
Sean: (says more about biodiversity)
Ethan: Wtf I thought you were dead!
Izagani (talk about how humans depend on food and should not destroy the area for that

Ethan thinks for a second, but decides he does not care and starts to destroy everything

Proceed to start to die, then sing lucid bees

Ethan expresses a change of heart, we sing don’t you forget about bees together

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