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Step 1: Let’s analyze your Foot Chakra.

This chakra deals with your true path

and purpose in life.
I feel like my path and purpose in life is unclear (1—5 ) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
I am afraid to take the next step in fear I will fail unclear (1—5 ) Rarely-----
Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
My life feels ordinary and that I am just one of the mainstream unclear ( 1—5 )
Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
Taking the next steps of what I want to do is so scary, I keep stopping myself (1—
5 ) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5

Step 2: Now let’s look into your Root Chakra. Your Root Chakra affects your
career, money and abundance.

I feel like I have a difficult time manifesting what I want, especially money
(1—5 ) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
I am stressed about my weight and body image ( 1—5 ) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = sometimes =3
I am confused about my purpose and career path in life and moving forward in
confidence (1—5) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
I feel like I don’t belong in this world (1—5) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5

Step 3: Next we’ll cover your Sacral Chakra. This chakra decides whether you
enjoy pleasure in your life.

I feel like I need permission from others to care for myself (1—5) Rarely-----
Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
I am unwilling to spend money on myself, in case I run out of it (1—5) Rarely-----
Constantly )
My answer = constantly =5
I find it hard to have pleasure (1—5) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = constantly =3.5
Sexual intimacy is challenging for me (1—5) Rarely-----Constantly )
My answer = NA

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