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During the case presentation, the students of BSN III - Alpha will be able to:

1. review the anatomy and physiology of the neurologic system (central, peripheral
nervous system and the associated structures) and the circulation and protecting
structures of the nervous system;

2. identify the objective data collected from the patient and significant others while
gathering the nursing history;

3. identify deviations from the normal using the inspection, palpation, percussion and
auscultation to elicit objective data while performing the physical assessment;

4. state the normal values and interpret findings with significant deviations in the
laboratory and diagnostic tests and examinations (e.g. CBC, Clinical Chemistry, UTZ);

5. trace the pathophysiology of diffuse axonal injury ;

6. tabulate identified problems according to degree of priority;

7. formulate nursing care plans using the nursing process as the framework of care;

8. tabulate drugs given to the patient according to name (generic and brand name),
dosage, route of administration, timing or frequency, content, action, mechanism of
action, indication/s, contraindication/s, adverse effects, and nursing considerations; and

9. appreciate the role of the nurse in caring for a patient with diffuse axonal injury.

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