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West Visayas State University

La Paz, Iloilo City

General Objectives:
At the end of the case presentation, the students must be able to expound and connect all ideas and
knowledge gained to the nursing approach in doing valid and outmost care with the patient diagnosed of
Open Book Injury APC II Secondary to Motor Vehicular Accident, utilizing the nursing process.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the case presentation, the students must have:

1. listed the different vital information and clinical assessment about the patient;

2. identified significant historical background related to the disease condition;

3. determined the past and the present factors that contributed to the current condition of the patient;

4. identified deviations and their significance in the vital signs and physical assessment from head to
toe utilizing the IPPA method and IAPP method for the abdomen;

5. determined the deviations of the laboratory results whether increased, decreased or normal and give
its significance appropriate for the disease process;

6. presented nurses progress notes through SOAPIE format;

7. discussed the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms related and manifested, nursing, medical and
surgical management based from the textbook;

8. enumerated the different the pharmacologic therapies to treat the disease condition including their
generic and brand names, functional and chemical classifications, dosage, timing, route and
frequency, it's mechanism of action, indication, contraindications, side effects and adverse effects,
special precautions and special nursing responsibilities;

9. listed and prioritiz/ed the nursing problems identified by using the ABC (airway, breathing,
circulation) and Maslow's hierarchy of needs; and,

10. presented thoroughly the nursing care plans that have been formulated.

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