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What did you learn from your I learned from my sustained research about my content within my
research? production which is what’s actually within my expository
documentary such as a mass amount of information on talent
shows, auto-tune and the music industry, this was done because
it will allow us to give the production texture, something for the
viewers to remember the production by. I learned from my
research who created auto-tune this was Dr Andy Hildebrand
1996, this was found on the website A Quick History of Auto-Tune,
apartment therapy. This website was very effective as it gave me
a very great amount of detail on the history of auto-tune. This will
be very useful in our production (Money Over Passion) as it will
allow me and Ben to explain to viewers what auto tune is, why it
was made and the first examples of this such as Cher’s Believe
and 2 Pac’s California love, this will be done in order for us to
transition to modern day auto-tune to show the unfortunate
effects it’s had on the music industry and the creativity within this
which has been destroyed by new generation music youths, who
use this as their musical identity which makes events such as
concerts where you pay mass amounts of money to see your
favourite artists a con as it’s almost the same as listening to their
music on your phone.

How has the research into your target The research into target audience has allowed both me and Ben
audience helped you improve your too develop our ideas much further for our production (Money
ideas? Over Passion) because it has given us a much better outlook on
who we are aiming our production at. This also allows us during
the planning stage to filter what genres of music will be within this
production. For example as I have learned from our research our
expository documentary should be aimed towards 18-24 year
olds, so youth- early adults, therefore our choice of music needs
to be more relevant to our decided target audience. Because of
this result as learned from our survey monkey has communicated
to me instantly what genre’s we should choose, due to this it will
be mainstream music (pop), Hip-hop and Rock as these are the
most relevant genres to this age category due to the lyrics often
communicating a relation between the audience and a singer. I
learned this from a survey monkey which I sent out to large
groups of people which was furthermore done through social
media such What’s app group chats, email and Facebook.
Through this primary research I only gained 9 results from the 40-50
people I sent it too which is unfortunate.

Despite this I still gained reliable and trustworthy information that

will benefit our production in the long run. I personally feel I
gained a small amount of results because too get mass amount

of information, you have to send it out to a mass amount of

people for example maybe this needs to be sent to 100 plus
people in order to gain at least 20 responses, this could be due to
the fact that people feel this does not benefit them by doing this
survey so therefore they will not do this as people are more likely
to do something when it benefits them more than another, in the
future I will ensure this too do this in order to gain a mass amount
of information. Another piece of primary research which allowed
me to develop my production further was a planned focus group
with a group of people. They had never heard the questions
before making this research even more valuable as they were
straight up honest about what they believe as too who my target
audience should be and why. I personally believe this target
audience focus group was highly effective as it communicated
to me valuable information that will benefit our production
heavily, this was valuable as it was first hand and had been never
heard before, therefore had had information others didn’t.

How has the research into your I have learned from my research on platform who our short
platform helped you improve your expository music documentary will be aimed at. I did this through
ideas? the use of primary research that consisted of a beneficial focus
group with four individuals, two of the younger generation (male
and female). This also had two others one male and one female
of the older generation. This was done to learn diverse
information due to the age groups and gender as I wanted to
see if these answers were similar or completely different due to
this. Our production had developed a lot from this as I now know
where this production will be aired which is YouTube. The two
contenders for airing were both Instagram and YouTube. I
personally believe this focus group was incredibly successful and
has developed our production much further as we know have a
strong knowledge of where our audience which is 18-24 will see
and watch our expository documentary. I personally believe that
YouTube was a great choice for this production too be aired as
it’s globally known as the biggest video platform where anyone
can express their though, ideas and feelings. Furthermore this is
where a large amount of visual music content is posted such as
music video’s which will allow us to reach our target audience as
these too be mentioned musician’s will have a strong social
gathering within this platform as this is their main location of visual

What have you learned from your test I learned from our test shoots where I and Ben chose to weave off
shoots? How will you use these ideas into different directions as to what specialisms we wished to
in your production? develop as we communicated this professionally to each other. I
chose to develop both my camera shot’s within documentaries
and furthermore my editing techniques that were both general
editing techniques but furthermore ones that could be altered to
my mediums advantage. These techniques were rule of thirds
and positioning for camera and colour grading for editing. I
learned these techniques successfully using You Tube video
sources and furthermore articles that were reliable and
trustworthy as they were created by professionals who were

experienced within the industry.

What work do you need to complete I currently need to complete need to complete little work for this
outside of lessons to stay on track? research section but this will be done quickly and effectively to
ensure that all work is finished before deadlines if not on that
deadline day as this goes against my grade of being reliable and
professional therefore making me ineffective within this media
industry. I currently need to complete the rest of my target
audience section by analysing the focus groups answer and
furthermore ensuring all secondary research from, articles and
video sources has been referenced to my bibliography because
if not this would be plagiarism. I also need to add more
secondary research too this section to ensure I meet a distinction
grade such as target audience’s spending habits and what this
communicates to me and Ben as creators who are trying to sell
this visual production too them for example what age category
spends frequent amount on musical items or occasions such as
music concerts and festivals. This will allow me and Ben to find a
target that are going to be the most passionate about music and
would be opinionated on the topic as music is as opinionated
topic in terms of what genre you admire or don’t, this just does
‘not have to be about music though we can also think about
which generation is going to be more easily influenced by
opinions so in this case the youth generation which is what we
have chosen. Finally I need to analyse the focus group from the
platforms section to ensure I have a strong knowledge on the
location of where this music expository documentary is going to
be aired. This will all be done quickly and effectively to ensure I
don’t fall behind schedule as this would heavily effect Ben’s
overall grade.

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