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One hundred questionnaires were distributed to nurses of the Accident and emergency unit of the
Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital.
The overall return rate (response rate) of the questionnaires was 100%. The sample consisted of
forty eight nursing officers representing 48% ,thirty three staff nurse (33%),thirteen senior
nursing officers (13%) and six (6%) senior staff nurse. The largest number of nurse respondents
were married (52%) and in the age range from 31 years to 40 years old. Nearly half of the nurses
were single(48%).
Almost half of them were female nurses (51%) and (49%) male. Regarding sample distribution
among the five units: 22% of sample were taken from Orange ward,20% from CDU wards(Male,
female and CDU pediatrics),15 from traige ,27 from Red ward and 16% from Yellow ward. The
tables and figures below summarises the characteristics



MALE 49 49.0
FEMALE 51 51.0
TOTAL 100 100

From the table above 49 (49%) responders were Males and 51 (51%) responders were females

SINGLE 48 48.0
MARRIED 52 52.0
TOTAL 100 100

From the table 48 (48%) responders were Single, 52 (52%) were Married, there was no
record for Divorced and Widow



38% 54%

20 - 30 31 - 40 41 -50

The distribution of the respondents indicates the respondents age were as follows 20-30years
(54%), 31-40years (38%) and 41-50 (8%)


The study showed that female nurses respondents irrespective of their marital status
preferred day shift work to night shift. This is probably due to fact that they need to be with
their families or their young ones. The married male nurse regarded night shift as strenuous, this
was in contrast to the response made by the unmarried male nurses. Who regarded night shift as
comfortable and had enough energy to perform thir duties, but did not have enough sleep time
when on night shift.
Night shift affected the social life of female nurses especially those who are married with children
with family responsibilities ,the situation was no diferent for married male nurses .However
unmarried male nurses considered it to be comfortable as they get day off to visit friend and
relatives and attend to their other busineses.Nothwistanding they also complained about the
difficiculties of getting enough sleep during and after a night shift.In general almost all of the nurses
said that other patterns of shift schedules are not only strenuous but also dangerous since they
involve transport problems with rostering.


In general 72% of the respondents said that night shift sometimes affect their social life with 13%
claiming night shift always affect their social life ,some of the problems of night shift and the dislike
of it stem out of the social difficulties encountered by nurses.The marital status, family needs,
societal values and the lifestyle of the individual within the community influence the nurses attitude
towards night shift.Nurses had to sacrifice their family ,children and friends for work. it makes them
lonely as some who are married said most of the times they don’t get enough time to talk to their
spouse as they seem to be running shift with their spouse as well.The time they close for night shift
in the morning they don’t get to see their spouse and children before they leave for their daily
activities because by the time they close and come home they had already left for work and school.
This lead to neglect of the children and separation from loved ones. This affected the female nurses
more than the male nurses as they have a major role to play in the house-including household
chores and mentainance of the house.They said,the only way to cope with this is to stay connected
with social media and make new friends at work.
Furthermore the effeect of night shift on the mood of nurses were also studied and 73% (73) stated
that it sometimes affects their mood whiles 27%(27) replied that night shift don’t affect their
mood.A large number of the respondents complained that night shift is uncomfortable coupled with
a heavy workload and low salary makes situations worse for them and this sometimes affects their
mood in giving care and in the house. They sometimes feel angry,sad and feel that their work is
unappreciated or not valued.
The study also measured measured if night shift affects nurses nurses attitude negatively towards
care.the results came out with 48% saying it sometimes affects their attitude in giving care with an
equal 48% also responding that it has no negative impact on the care rendered to the patient during
the night.However a small percentage of the respondents consisting of 4% stated that night shift
affects their attitude negatively towards care.
Finally the effect of interpersonal conflict at home as a result of night shift was also studied and 73%
of them made compliant that night shift sometimes causes interpesonal conflits at home since they
often comes home from night duty already tired and with no sleep coupled with the trouble of
managing patient and controlling angered patient relatives who sometimes provoke them at the
work ussually leads to displacement of their anger at home which sometimes cause
interpersonal conflicts at home also social isolation caused by night shift is also a contributing factor
in causing interpersonal conflicts at home.The results of the effect of night shift on the social health
of nurses are summarised below.

Table 3. Effects on social health

Variables Responses Percentages

Night shift affects your attitude negatively
Yes 4 4%

Sometimes 48 48%

Never 48 48%

Night shifts affect your mood

Always 5 5%

sometimes 80 80%

Never 15 15%

Night shift inncreases interpersonal conflicts at home

Always 0 0%

73 73%
27 27%

Night shift affects your social life

Always 13
Sometimes 72
Never 15
Results of the effect of night shift on sleep
effects of night shift on the sleeping pattern of nurses were studied. Changes in sleeping pattern of
nurses has been studied to have a negative effect on the circadian rhythm which is known to
maintain sleep.The major problem faced by night nurses were the lack of sleeping time,insomnia
and sleep obsession.Many nurses complained that they do not get adequate sleep whiles on night
duty and also they don’t get enough rest after a night shift as 71% of the respondents claim they
sleep for less than 4hours after a night shift.According to them its difficult falling asleep during the
day coupled with domestic responsibilities makes it diifficult to sleep.Also among the respondents
29% stated they sleep for 5 to 8 hours after night shift whiles none of the nurses sleep for more
than 8 hours after a night duty. Moreover the study also examined whether nurses encounter
sleeping problems ,among them 57% stated that they encounter sleeping problems after a night
shift ,and the common problems they normally experience are insomnia,sleep obsession and
symptoms of sleep disoder. Also 43% said that they do not encounter sleeping problems during and
after a night shift. Moreover many nurses (94%) expressed their dissatisfaction over the four day
night shift system as they feel it is too long and they become extremely tired and worn out
especially day 3 and day 4. Also the three days off periods is not really three days as almost half of
the first off day is spent at the hospital. In general night shift is uncomfortable for nurses as it
deprives them of their sleep causing disruption of the circadian rhythm and expose them to sleep
disorders. the resuls is summarrised in the table below.

Effects of night shift on sleep

Variables Response Percentage

Do you get enough sleep after night duty

Yes 22 22%

No 78 78%

How many hours do you sleep after a night duty

Less than 4 hours 71 71%

5-8 hours 29 29%

more than 8 hours 0 0%

Do you encounter sleeping problems

Yes 57 57%

43 43%

Is the four day nifht shift system comfortable

6 6%
No 94
The distribution of the respondents indicates the respondents age were as follows 20-30years
(54%), 31-40years (38%) and 41-50 (8%)
From figure 1 above 33 (33%) of respondents were Staff Nurse, 6 (6%) responders were Senior
Staff Nurse, 39 (39%) were Nursing Officer, 13 (13%) of respondents were Senior Nursing
Officer, 9 (9%) of respondents were emergency nurses and there was no record for Principal
Nursing Officer

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