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The context takes place in an office that belongs to an Advertising Company. The speakers are
collegues that work together in the same área and have the same boss. Apparently, that boss is
looking for a new assitant.

Richard wanted to establish that he was lucky because the boss arrived early and probaby he chose
him to be his new assistant. By saying, that the boss is STRICT.
Richard meant that the boss rewarded people who was always early at their work.

Richard used the language to give emphasis to the value of ‘’responsability’’ by saying that Jhon was
not present at that important momento. He was implying that he had been considered by their boss
because of his responsability.

Richad’s dialogue represented a responsable employeers, he wanted to put emphasis on the fact that
being early at work was a responsability to be highly considered.

Richards talked in an informal way because as they were just work partners he didnt have to use a
formal language or technical words. It was just a dialogue between two partners at work.
Richard also showed that he could establish a good relationship with his boss who acknolwledged
Richard’s effort and discipline.

Richard through language showed a perspective of being pleased with their boss’ attitude
towards responsable emlployeers.
At the same time he conveyed that people who arrived late were not being considered by
the boss for the importance positions in the Company.
Richard’s made a connection between responsability, rewards and good luck.
He used the language to conect the posibility to get a good position in the Company to the
fact of being responsable at work.
He also pointed out that being responsable had positive effects because his boss had
considered him to be his assistant.

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