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Managing Communications,

Knowledge & Information


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

Page 1
I am highly indebted to my Lecturer for her guidance and constant supervision as well as for
providing necessary information regarding the project & also for his support in completing the

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who
have willingly helped me out with their abilities and also extend my heartfelt thanks to my
family and well wishers.

Executive summary

This report provides an understanding of the subject of managing communications, knowledge

and information and explores how data, information and knowledge will support the effective

Page 2
decision making process of the selected organization .in this report we have consider the types
of information and knowledge needed for effective decision making, importance of information
system and identification strategies to improve the networking and learning management
information system.

Methods of analysis include, types of decision taken various managerial levels, identification
of different stakeholder groups ,existing communication process of the selected institution.
Results of the data analyzed show the need of an information system for the organization.

In the second part of this report it has been discussed the improvements could be made to
enhance the decision making process of the organization by use of knowledge and technology,
and how to increase the personal networking to improve the communication process. And also
a personal plan has been developed to show how to improve the communication skills.

The report finds that Esoft the computer education provider must adopt an management
information system which will ensure efficient and effective exchange of information for
decision making process.

Table of Contents

Page 3
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 1

Executive summary.................................................................................................................... 2

Table of Figures ......................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6

Task 01 : situation Analysis ....................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Range of decisions .......................................................................................................... 7

1.2 Types of information and knowledge needed .................................................................. 9

1.3 Sources of Information .................................................................................................. 10

1.4 Stakeholders ................................................................................................................... 11

1.5 Existing communication process ................................................................................... 12

1.6 existing information system ........................................................................................... 13

Task 02: The Solution .............................................................................................................. 14

2.1 improving decision making process............................................................................... 14

2.2 Personal networking....................................................................................................... 16

2.3 developing a communication process ............................................................................ 17

2.4 personal plan to improve communication skills ............................................................ 18

2.5 Improved information system ........................................................................................ 20

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 22

Recommendation ..................................................................................................................... 23

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 24

Works Cited ............................................................................................................................. 24

Page 4
Table of Figures

Figure 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 .................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 .................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 .................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7 .................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8 .................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 9 .................................................................................................................................... 21

Page 5

Communications do not automatically take place effectively in organizations and thus both
information and work based knowledge is often deficient when decisions are made. This means
that managers need to look to improve the planning of their communications processes as well
as improving their communication skills.

The report promotes the need for Esoft managers to adopt a more inclusive approach to
stakeholders affected by the decisions they make and thus maintains the need for managers to
network on a more structured basis. It also suggest that managers need to make the information
and knowledge the y gain accessible to other parts of the organization

ESOFT is the premier ICT Education centre which was established in the new millennium. It
is a a purely Sri Lankan company managed by a group of leading ICT professionals. With the
commitment of the management and expertise of the staff members, they have implemented
several ICT education programmes in their short service to the Nation..

Page 6
Task 01 : situation Analysis

1.1 Range of decisions

A decision is the choice out of several options made by the decision maker to achieve some
objective in a given situation. Business decisions are those, which made in the process of
conducting business to achieve its objectives in a given environment.

According to the nature there are three types of decisions taken by Esoft Computer studies at

1. Structured decisions- recording the newly enrolled students for computer studies in
their systems. In this matter the decision maker can follow a definite procedure for
handling them to be efficient.
2. UN structured decisions – introduction of a recognized and approved new computer
studies for the next batch which will be stating from next semester would be an
unstructured decision taken by the decision maker. In this case he must provide
judgment, and evaluation for the decision he has taken.
3. Semi structured decision- scheduling class time tables for different batch students
would be a semi structured decision taken by the decision maker, here certain standard
procedure will be applied but considering certain factors he may have the authority to
change the time tables.

Figure 1

Page 7
Management decision making

Following charts elaborates the different types of decisions taken at different levels of the

Senior Unstructured

Middle Management
Semi structured

Operational Management

Figure 2
1. Senior level managers determine long term strategies and set corporate objectives to be
consistent with these objectives. All decision makers at this level rely heavily on
personal judgment and institutions. Examples for decisions could be: - deciding to
introduce a new course or a computer degree program, approve capital budgets, and
decide long term goals for the computer institute.
2. Middle level managers must implement the objectives and policies made at the senior
level of management by identifying the tasks that need to be accomplished. Ex: -
analyze the best university recognized module, develop a departmental budget, and
design a new corporate website.
3. Operational level managers complete the specific tasks as directed by tactical level
managers. Ex. Determine class schedules, setting payment methods to students,
determine special offers to students.

Page 8
1.2 Types of information and knowledge needed

Different employees in the Esoft computer studies need different types of information to do
their jobs. The key to using information effectively is to filter it. This way, employees receive
just the information they need to accomplish their job functions. Based on the level the required
information can be changed from level to level.

Strategic information

Strategic information is used to solve strategic problems. Strategic problems are unstructured
problems that cannot be solved using a predefined manner. It will also used to improve the
organization’s awareness of its environment and competitive position. Ex: - launching new
undergraduate programmers, projected manpower costs, and expected technologies. The effect
of strategic decisions is long term and also
effects the entire organization.

Tactical information

Tactical level information consumed by the

middle level managers to solve these
tactical problems. This information used to
decide how best to use the resources of the
institute to meet the strategic objectives set
by senior management and used over a
shorter planning period .Ex:- cash flow
forecast, capital expenditure budgets

Operational Information Figure 3

Operational level information that is required to the day to day transactions in the organization.
This is used by supervisors and junior lower level management to ensure that specific tasks are
properly planned and controlled. It is short term information which is very specific in nature,
for example outstanding purchase orders for computers, or several machine downtimes. These
decisions affect the organization for a short period of time, such as several days are weeks.

Page 9
1.3 Sources of Information

Data collection

Based on the sources data can be collected from internal sources. This type of information is
necessary for all levels of management. It will relate to activities performed within the


1. Marketing information on performance, revenues, market shares, distribution channels

of the institute.
2. Financial information on profits, costs, margins, cash flow , investment etc
3. Internal documentations such as student handbooks, procedure manuals, payment
receipts, and enrollment register

Internal Source of Data

Most of the internal information collected within the institute, used to make decisions regarding
pay rates for lectures, when deciding promotional campaigns for the institute deciding the cost
and the investment to be made, every data which is collected and recorded is used by the
different stakeholders of the education institute, specially employees who belongs to different
managerial levels will be access the information, Example to collect information regarding
employee skills and competencies data can be collected through training officer, HR staff,
employee surveys and internal training records.

External source of data

This kind of information will be obtained from outside of the organization...external sources
may be formal and informal. This information includes websites, research papers done by
qualified research analysts, critical review, competitor, and reliable government websites.

Page 10
1.4 Stakeholders

Stakeholder analysis is an important part of decision making process. Considering the

stakeholders of Esoft computer studies at wattala , there are many group of people who have
the direct interest over the institute

Internal stakeholders;-

Esoft is managed by the Board of directors, shareholders, line managers, departmental heads,
coordinators, and service and support workers. These are the people who internally take part
and contribute their service to the internal administration for the institute. For example the
board of directors has the authority to exercise all such powers as granted by the institute and
they are entitled for remuneration plus other expenses as agreed upon. And shareholders who
have invested their money in the institute are expecting an adequate return for the capital
invested by them. Each and every departmental heads and the coordinators have the interest
over their departments to show more results and performance, supportive workers they have
their interest over the institute profitability and the stability since they will get higher wages
and extra benefits.

External stakeholders

School leavers, regulators, environmental and legal entities, media, other computer education
providers are the external people who have the interest over the institute. School levers could
be the customers of the institute since they always look for education institutions which provide
best courses , so Esoft must place their mere concern on the students, and when
conducting educational programs it must comply with the rules and regulations which
implemented by the regulatory bodies. And also the competitive education providers has the
most influence and interest over the activities of Esoft, since most of the education provider’s
target is the students, so by employing lot of promotional strategies they try to attract the

Page 11
1.5 Existing communication process
Communication is the exchange of facts, ideas and emotions between two or more persons it
has become very important in internal and external matters from acquiring information on the
type of computer studies available at market, students interest, competitor institutions
promotional methods, institutions where they are available to gather overall global information
and to plan for strategies for successful socio economic environment.

Objective of communication by a manager or administrator of the institute is to exchange,

impart or receive information, to the upper level and the lower level employees

Methods of communication

Memo, Letters, Fax, mails, Notices, summary, reports,

telephone, and meetings are the main communication tools
used at Esoft. Especially E-mails plays a major role to
communicate messages to students, other departments as well
as to the top management. In this method information is
transmitted by PC, fast and convenient and can be add much
attachment. Even if the IT department want to make any last
minute changes that also could be notified by sending a mail.
There is lot of factors to be considered when deciding the
mode of communication

Figure 4
 Time
 Complexity
 Distance
 Feedback/ interaction
 Confidentiality
 Recipient
 Cost

Page 12
1.6 existing information system

Esoft use computer based information system (CBIS) to

collect, process, disseminate, store and distribute data and
information to end users .CBIS mainly on computers and
modern electronic data processing technologies to
perform information systems activities. This is also
explained as electronic information system. This can be
explained by the payment methods done through CBIS.
In the accounting department, all in the relevant
information regard the students from the batch number, Figure 5

registration number, name, address, department of

studies, enrollment date and numbers, initial payment made will be recorded. When a student
comes to make the monthly payment, the accountant only need to enter the enrollment number
of that student, so the system identifies the details and it includes the necessary information to
the system. While adding the monthly payment to the system, it adds the payment to the course
fee and subtracts it from the total fee.

CBIS has inherit advantage over manual information system used by the other department

 High speed
 Handle high volume of data
 Accuracy is high
 Low transaction cost
 Efficient and effective communication

But there are a few inherit issues in the CBIS

 Implement cost is high

 High training cost
 Maintenance cost is high
 If there is a breakdown the entire system will collapse

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Task 02: The Solution

2.1 improving decision making process

Two methods I would like to recommend for the improvement for decision making

Taking the institute, technology, and the stakeholders in to account when the company
approach problems solving, can make better decision making. Organization problems can be
generated from factors such as structure, culture, etc... And stakeholder problems could be
employee inefficiency, student complaints, and internal managerial issues etc, technological
problems could be techniques, tools, methods of networking etc...

For example if Esoft come across with a problem like if there is a trend in increasing cost of
production. The management must identify what is the problem? is it a real problem? And
course for the problems etc, to do that Esoft must adopt a Problems solving process

Steps of problem solving process

1. Identify alternatives
2. Evaluate the alternatives
3. Make a decision
4. Implement the decision

Figure 6
Using the business system model helps place the decision making environment in its proper
perspective. Managers at three levels must use all the resources at their disposal to meet Soft
objectives and perform the management functions of the planning, organizing, leading and

Page 14
Figure 7
Figure 07 illustrate how the corporate resources of money, material , people and information
become “input” to the various functional units such as operations, and accounting. Employees
use their talent and knowledge, together with these resources, to provide educational programs.
The business system acts together with several entities, such as employees and, customers and
suppliers to make decisions on time.

The success or failure of Esoft depends on the correct decision on time. To do that decision
makers should have to follow the above mentioned two methods. There are two main
requirements to be successful in decisions they make, decision maker’s knowledge and the
correct information on time.

Page 15
2.2 Personal networking

To stay in touch with the people who connected with the

organisation and stakeholders who help to achieve the
organisational goals having a network between the entities and
external parties is very important. It will help to build alliance
that will strengthen the operation, to stay in touch with developments and get access to
information that will help the work. Effective communication supports the development of
positive relationships with the stakeholder community and can also be utilised to influence
attitudes and behaviours within the wider environment.

Stakeholder analysis is an important element in the establishment of a communication strategy.

As computer education provider it is important to present information that is accurate,
meaningful and actionable to a very varied audience.

Different stakeholder requires different consideration:-

Internal stakeholders: - top management, departmental heads, coordinates and supportive

workers who directly link with the institute since they have more influence over the firm,
especially top managers and departmental heads, shareholders, have a common interest in the
success and growth of the firm. Lectures would have the interest over the salary rates
comparing to competitive education providers and supportive workers concern about the daily
wage rates.

External stakeholders: - other educational institutions, students, regulatory bodies, media have
indirect influence on Esoft and less directly affected by its activities. other colleges always
watch full about the launching of new educational program, students may also look into that
matter as well as the cost factor, media relations are an essential aspect of the communication
activities of the institute dealing with the issues of social or political interest , especially in high
profile such as demand for different education categories.

Communication network with stakeholders

All forms of communication (internal, external.) indicate an extremely complex network of

information flow. It is necessary to determine what kind of information the internal

Page 16
stakeholders need to have for effective decision making. Communication channels for the flow
of information may be linked in a variety of way to from communication networks.

Formal communication network must be established for the effective communication and
decision making of the operational activities of the organization. Information will be flows in
downward, upward and crosswise method among the three managerial levels. Downward
communication used to provide instructions about the policies and procedures and giving
feedback about the company performance through meetings, speeches and telephones. This
takes place in the form of memos, letters, manuals and handbooks.

Upward communication useful in providing ideas for improvement of activities and

information about feelings on work. Especially suggestion system, appeal and grievance,
complaint system, counseling sessions, moral questionnaire, and exit interview and attitude
surveys will be done. Especially Esoft has setup a system that gives employees a confidential
way to get a message to top management outside the normal chain of command.

Strategies for improvement

Following technological methods could be used by Esoft to enhance the relationship with the

1. Computer networks:-Implementing WAN and LAN link the single users inside the
institute and remote users. And establishing the Information Superhighways Esoft can
exchange messages with other internet users, access electronic database and subscribe
to electronic news letters.
2. Electronic Bulletin Board: - this system allows the posting the information to access
and read by many other people. This is allow the firm to keep their employees informed
about all kinds of things
3. Teleconference and video conferencing allow the people who have geographically
dispersed to meet via telephone and discuss issues.
4. CRM- this is the essential part of the institute which needs to manage the contact and
relationship with their customers , since this will maximize their profits and cheaper to
retain their customer base and easy to track information for decision making process

2.3 developing a communication process

Page 17
Since Esoft is mostly rely on traditional communication tools it may not support always
effective decision making process of the firm. Developing electronic communication methods
would enhance the operational activities of Esoft. Email is commonly used by the many of
the organization , but except that methods there are other few methods could be adopted by the
firm, example voicemail, videoconferences, online newsletters, instant messages and intranet ,
the intranet will be a great way for the middle level managers to obtain information and
feedback from the workers.


Certain developments must be made to ensure the effective decision making process by
utilizing the telecommunication methods.

Changing communication – as we know currently Esoft employing traditional communication

tools for the communication process. Which will not support the entire operational activities
of the firm, so by adapting to an electronic mode of communication, the following benefits
could be obtain?

1. Higher speed
2. Wider access to information
3. 24/7 global communication
4. Interactivity & multimedia

And also changes must be done the institute’s environment for Example

Networking the telecommunication medias and interconnect them would help the organization
to easily exchange the information to different departments within the organization.

By flattering the organization structure well trained workers will be more productive when they
are directly involved in the decision making process rather than closely supervised by many
layers of mangers.

2.4 personal plan to improve communication skills

Page 18
Using technology may lower the operational cost and enhance the dissemination and access of
information to the end users, though it has lot of weak points as well. Considering the Esoft
issue, if we develop electronic methods of communication method following disadvantages
could be come across while in the implementation.

1. if employees receive messages only from managers or others they consider this kind
communication as impersonal
2. Emails may create confusion when employees require more feedback than normal
personal communication methods
3. Tele communication methods can create lot of security issues, since they are vulnerable
to hackers or others may have the chance of access the confidential information.
4. Additional equipment cost of implementing electronic communication methods in
5. Esoft need extra time and resources to train the individuals to use this method

Personal plan to improve communication skills and interpersonal skills

1. Before engaging in any form of communication decide what to say and work out a plan
how to say it
2. Once the purpose is clarified, eliminate the most likely cause of wasted effort and
confusion, for both myself and the audience
3. Develop the structure for the message
4. Improve writing by planning chapters, paragraphs and sentence structure
5. Use illustrations often, but keep them subordinate to words
6. When writing , thinking about the reader over the shoulder
7. Building a good rapport between other employees to learn the new methods
8. Communicating assertively, informatively and supportively
9. Try to manage conflicts and problems during the communication process
10. Developing listing skills

Page 19
2.5 Improved information system

Considering all the drawbacks of the existing system of the institute it is necessary that ESoft
develop an information system which supports the data collection, storage, dissemination of
information to the end users.

To manage student data and managerial purpose it is advisable to implement a software

application which supports the information system. This is called as A Student Information
System. This could be an information system which collect data from the student level and
permit the departments to collect & analyze more accurate and comprehensive information to
meet managerial reporting requirement and inform policy a programmatic decisions

This information system cater for management information requirements which provide a
extensive range of information which support the institute to achieve its strategic objectives
and also it reduces the interdependence of written
communication mode and support the self service
model, and also try to eliminate the duplication of effort
and data in different areas in the institute.

Few functions of SIMS

1. Managing inquires from the potential students

2. Conduct the admission process
3. Automation work of class timetables
4. HR, Accounting services
5. Preparation of reports Figure 8

Strategy to improve the system

Implementing software will not give an entire solution for the problems that the institute
face .certain information could be already exist in the organization some the system analyst

Must get to know from the employees for the effective decision making process and the success
of the information system, in this case adopting a Knowledge management approach will
enable Soft to gain more comprehensive, integrate and reflexive view of the impact of
information technologies by obtaining a better understanding of the cross functional issues and
obstacles when using the information system.

Page 20
Knowledge management strategies

One KM strategy would be maintaining a data base and a data warehouse would provide ample
amount data from various operational systems and provide convenience access to end users. At
the same time firm can use certain KM strategies to reward the employees as means of sharing
their knowledge, introducing master-apprentice relationship and adopting competence
management practices would enable the firm to share knowledge which will support the
implementation of the SIS

Of invert collect information this enable the employees in Esoft to develop the ability to collect
information and share what they know, which lead to actions that will support the outcome of
the organization. The interactive cycle of data, information and knowledge within the Esoft is
at the core of an understanding how knowledge management can be used to support continues
learning within the organization.

Figure 9

Page 21

In the first part It has been discussed the rang of decisions to be taken at different managerial
levels at Esoft institution and how the firm make use of information and knowledge to make
effective decisions and also identified the fact that how data will be collected to support
decision making process of the institution. In the later part of the assignment it has been
outlined the existing process of communication of the institute and it uses the computer base
information system for the collection, formatting, storage and disseminating information and

In the second part of the assignment the solutions were given to improve the decision making
process of the institute by creating a personal network inside the organization as well as the
outside. And also a new management information system was created to enhance the exchange
of information system by following a knowledge management approach.

Page 22

In light of the above conclusions , the organization we have investigated must emply certain
strategies in order to gain competitive advantage interms of managing communication and

1. Using tele communication methods for communication and free flow of information
2. Adopting to knowledge management system to achieve competitive advantage
3. Establish a data warehouse which contain lot of data which support the decision making
4. Transforming from the computer based information system to student learning
management system.
5. Developing a personal plan to enhance the communication skills and interpersonal
skills of the employees to participate and persuade them to take part in organizational

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Information Management & Application in Business aat Srilanka intermediate self study guide

Works Cited

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