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i want apologize to all the women

i have called pretty

before i’ve called them intelligent or brave
i am sorry i made it sound as though
something as simple as what you’re born with
is the most you have to be proud of when your
spirit has crushed mountains
from now on i will say thing like
you are resilient or you are extraordinary
not because I don’t you’re pretty
because you are so much more than that.

1) People are not just beautiful: the speaker addresses personality

traits instead of their physical beauty
2) All woman: it uses the phase “All woman” to dress all woman
3) People are more than what they appear on the outside: the
speaker uses words like intelligent, brave, resilient and
extraordinary to describe them.
4) A Man: Men and boys seem to focus n the physical appearance of
the opposite gender.
5) Positive: the poet apologizes to women in general by saying the
phrases like “i want to apologize” and “i am sorry”.
The next time he
points out the
hair on your leg is
growing back remind
that boy your body
is not his home
he is a guest
warn him to
never outstep
his welcome

1) Body Ownership: you body is not for other to comment on.

2) Teen girl: that other people care about their appearance and
teens seen to be more aware of what other people think of them

3) Your body is not for there to critique and control

4) An Adult: it seems that the speaker as bin in this situation and is

giving advice to a younger girl.

5) Negative: these words sen to be working a body to respect what

other people want to look like.
what’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn?
that since day one. she’s already has everything
she needs within herself. it’s the world that
convinced her she did not.

1) Being ok with yourself: Accepting that you don’t have to change

for other people.

2) All women: the poet generalizes by speaking words like

“women” and “she”.

3) Believing that you are enough

4) A motivational speaker: they speak with words “women” and


5) Positive: the poet uses the positive line before addressing the
negative that most women believe.
i am sorry I made it sound as though
i don’t think your pretty
i’ve called them intelligent or brave
that is want you have to be proud of
his welcome convinced her she did not
what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn?
he. is. a. guest.
that since day one she’s already has everything
she needs within herself.

1) The speaker calls them(Women) intelligent brave is what they

have to be proud of instead in beauty

2) The poet used a phase like “what is the greatest lesson a

women should learn?

3) Women are “intelligent or brave” and character traits like these

are what women should be called instead of just pretty.

4) It seems that mostly men comment on the looks of the opposite


5) The poem says that “she’s already has everything she needs
within herself.

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