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Jimmy Sharma

Who teaches children to grow as
Cynic liars

Not family ?
Not society?
Not any system?
But dont kids become constructs
of indifference
after they turn 7 or 8
With the indirect training
The insult and fights in the houses
With the abusive language
they gradually receive the signals in minds
Of the disrespect for others
Of the casual attitude that is deemed funky
By the time they become teens
Watching a porn or passing a vulgar comment is a common scene
they are bound to encounter
Perhaps parents are busy in earning and creating a comfortable life for their children
The time when the teenagers are on the surge
Nobody bothers to talk to them
And then they don’t bother
They don’t give a damn
With the lovers or the beloveds
See the changing scenario
For some
Alcohol is now a new sign of being modern
Getting physical at a small acquaintance
is now an argument for liberty
People are shouting for justice
But who are nourishing rapists or murderers ?
Who teaches a small child of 9
to misbehave and remain a naive
with the abuses,
the obscene jokes,
the bond with some 'grown up adults'?-----
The silences between parents and kids,
Lack of sex education,
Increasing interest towards obscene, irresponsible and vulgar media.
Where are we heading?
Posing everything normal
Whom should we talk?
Who wants to hear?
My friends advise
You talk of love
But please don't talk of such disease of mind
It will be cured by some grace of God
O yes, by the teachings of some gurus
May be by a specialised medication
By government s policy
By joining a social group
Its simple
by closing our eyes


A farewell is must
How else would you remember the parting!!!
Someone to sing a swan song
Someone to inscribe a message
Someone be the orator
Some seasons last long
that make the memory a present moment
Let me give you a moment (not a memory) to live forever---
with my words
my songs
my promises
my prayers
my truth and conviction----
No return gift I need, then

Essence of Love
Love is not wanted or needed

It is the exuberance like the way tiny rain

Droplets create a stir in your soul

The vibration is not planned

It resonates then and there

Then it stays forever

You don’t give love

You don’t receive it—it is not an object

Love is when you get back to your own self.

They say, “Name it first. Then enter the shrine of love.”

I say, “We name what we own. I don’t owe him

I breathe him like one inhales the air

Do people name the bond they have with air?”

Will you wait?

Will you wait?

Till I traverse the deep recesses of your soul

Till I make the stars of your eyes shine with my love

Till I explore the universe of your heart that makes me look like mine

Till I forget my “I” and drink your “You”

Till I make you feel the same

Till I remember the long lost touch of our previous births

That we will continue our voyage with the sail of satiating silences to ecperience the sublime

That’s all I would use

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