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Welcome to LillyKids

Dear Parents,
A warm welcome to all our little blooms. Preschool is a time for children to expand their
love of learning, social interaction and interest to reach out to the world. It will be a year
of magical wonder and amazing growth for your little star. We are looking forward to
working with you and your child as we teach them to reach for the stars.

Our Curriculum and Approach

 Children need large blocks of uninterrupted time to explore activities and conquer
new skills.
 When children play make-believe, they use their imaginations, and develop
 Children develop small motor skills by working with puzzles, crayons, markers,
playdough, pegs and boards.
 Children experience cause and effect by building up blocks and knocking them down,
using sand and water (measuring, pouring, etc.), blowing bubbles, rolling cars and
balls down ramps.
 Adults help children's language development by reading to them, singing simple
songs with movement and encouraging their participation.
 Our learning goals for children include the following:

 Moral and behavioral aspects.

 being respectful of others and property, sharing information, listening,
taking turns
 developing early language and math concepts:
 expressing feelings and ideas
 recognizing symbols
 exploring math concepts through manipulation of objects

Please turn over for the rules and regulations to be followed….

General Rules

1. School Timing
a. For Play Group and Pre Nursery – 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Students should report by 9.15
b. Regular attendance is desired. Any absence must be duly informed.
c. Children should not arrive at school before school time as there will be no one to
supervise them at that time.
d. Please be punctual for arrival and departure timings.
2. Dress Code
a. Children must wear neat and comfortable clothes.
b. A handkerchief/ napkin and an extra pair of clothes in a waterproof cover should be sent
with the child.
c. Do not send valuables to school. For safety, jewelry should not be worn either.
3. Food:
a. Home made, healthy food is generally preferred for snacks.
b. Junk foods are strictly prohibited.
c. Few suggestions are – bite sized fruit slices, dry fruits, nuts, dates etc.
4. Others
a. Please notify the school office for any change of address or telephone number.
b. Feel free to communicate with the staff for any concerns.

A Basic Day in Pre School

1. Arrival, Bathroom, warm up stretches.

2. Good Morning Task
a. Wish everyone
b. Calendar, weather
c. Daily Message
3. Daily Activities – as per week theme and lessons to cover
4. Break – Snack time
5. Daily Activities Continued
6. Clean up, Pack up and Play time.

Warm Regards,

LillyKids Team

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