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Sir, maxwell said that when a charge particle accelerate an electromagnetic waves

or radiation is formed. 'therefor a photon must be a charged particle?"because it

is a wave particle of electromagnetic radiatio.but photon is a neutral particle.
Please explain.
- deepanshu (age 17)
It's true the EM radiation comes from accelerating charges and interacts with any
charged particles. That doesn't mean that EM radiation is charged. So the EM waves
aren't charged, and that's completely consistent with Maxwell's equations.

Mike W.

(published on 04/28/2013)

Follow-Up #1: photons and charge

we have studied that any electromagnetic wave is formed of photons .. and photons
aren't charged .. and in the same time , we have studied that the electromagnetic
wave is formed by the vibrations of electric and magnetic fields.. so, how is that
and the photons aren't charged ?!!! those two fields came from what ?!!!
- moatasem farid (age 18)
kafr el sheikh , kafr el sheikh , egypt
Your question has much in common with one we answered recently. Let us know if its
short answer is enough, or if you would like some follow-up.

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