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10 Handwashing Do’s and Don’ts


Handwashing is a simple way for people of all ages to stay healthy. It doesn’t take much time or effort, and
offers a very effective means of preventing illnesses ranging from the common cold to Hepatitis A and
salmonella. By making this practice a habit, you can play a major role in protecting your health.

5 Handwashing Do’s

 DO wet hands thoroughly under clean running water, either warm or cold.
 DO apply mild soap to hands and work into a lather, rubbing hands together for at least 20 seconds. Together,
the soap and the friction created by rubbing loosen and remove dirt and germs.
 DO cover all surfaces of the hands, including the front and back, the wrists, between fingers and under
 DO keep hands and forearms lower than the elbows to prevent water from flowing from the most contaminated
area to the least contaminated area.
 DO dry hands thoroughly with an air dryer or clean paper towel. If possible, turn off the water faucet using the
towel. To prevent chapping, pat rather than rub hands when drying.

5 Handwashing Don’ts

 DON’T use hot water to wash hands. Hot water has not been proven to remove more germs and tends to
promote chapping of the skin, making it more susceptible to bacteria.
 DON’T allow water to run over hands while lathering. This washes soap away and makes handwashing less
 DON’T touch the sink surface after washing your hands. It is contaminated with microbes.
 DON’T spend extra money on antibacterial soap. Antibacterial soaps are no more effective at killing germs
than regular soap, and may even promote the development of resistant bacteria.
 DON’T skip handwashing if soap and running water are not available. Instead, use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Handwashing - Do's and Dont's
A basic list of things to consider when washing hands.

Things to DO when washing your hands:

· Avoid wearing rings other than a plain band.

. Remove your wristwatch or push it to the middle of your forearm.

· Stand before the sink, keeping your hands and clothing away from the sink surface.

· Turn on the water and adjust the temperature to warm.

· Wet your hands and wrists thoroughly under the running water.

· Keep your hands and forearms lower than your elbows to prevent water from flowing from the most to the least
contaminated area.

· Apply 3 to 5mL of liquid soap to your hands and lather thoroughly. If you must use bar soap, rinse it before and after
you use it.

· Using plenty of lather and friction, wash your hands for 10 to 15 seconds. Vigorously wash the palms and backs of
your hands, each finger, the areas between fingers, and your knuckles, wrists, and forearms. Wash at least 2.5 cm (1
inch) above any area of contamination. If you hands aren't visibly soiled, wash to 1 inch above your wrists.

· Use a clean orangewood stick or a nail-brush to clean under your fingernails.

· Keeping your hands down, rinse your hands and wrists thoroughly.

· With a clean paper towel, blot your hands from the fingers toward your wrists and forearms.

· Turn off the water; if using a hand-operated tap, cover it with a paper towel to avoid contaminating your hands.

· Discard the paper towel in a proper receptacle.

· Apply lotion to your hands to prevent chapped skin, which can harbor bacteria.

Things you DON'T do when washing your hands:

· Don't touch the sink; it's contaminated. If your hands touch the sink or tap at any time, start over again.

· Don't splash water on your clothing. The rinse water from your hands could carry bacteria and so you would end up
spreading contamination from your clothes.

· Don't use hot water, warm water is best. Hot water tends to open the pores and remove skin oils.

Procedure & Rationale:

Remove jewelry before hand wash procedure

Eliminate source of organisms

Rinse hands in warm running water

This allows for suspension and washing away of the loosened microorganisms
Lather with soap and, using friction, cover all surfaces of the hands and fingers
The minimum duration for this step is 10 seconds; more time may be required if hands are visibly soiled; antiseptic
agents require 3-5 mL (one application from dispenser); frequently missed areas are thumbs, under nails, back of
fingers and hands

Rinse under warm running water

To wash off microorganisms and residual hand washing agent

Dry hands thoroughly with single use towel

Drying achieves a further reduction in number of microorganisms; reusable towels are avoided because of the
potential for microbial contamination

Turn off tap with towels used to dry hands

To avoid recontaminating hands

Maintain short neatly trimmed finger nails; do not use finger nail polish or artificial nails
Long nails, artificial nails or chipped nail polish may increase bacterial load

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