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Interview Lewes about food & drink:

‘Excuse me sir/madam, can I ask you something?.... I am Amber and I come from the
Sondervick College in Veldhoven in the Netherlands. For the subject ELC (Which means:
English, Language and Culture) I made an interview from 10 questions about food and drink
and I have to ask this interview to someone who come from England. Do you come from
England and can you answer these questions for me?....

 Question 1: ‘What are typical English dishes?’

 Answer: ‘Fish and chips, roast meat with vegetables, curry and rice.’

 Question 2: ‘And which one is the most famous and why?’

 Answer: ‘I think the roast meat with vegetables because it is the traditional Sunday

 Question 3: ‘What do you like to eat for breakfast in the morning and is famous in
 Answer: ‘Porridge and toast.’

 Question 4: ‘Which drinks are typical English?’

 Answer: ‘Tea with milk, coffee and fruitjuice.’

 Question 5: ‘And which one is the most famous and why?’

 Answer: ‘Tea with milk because it is a comfort drink!’

 Question 6: ‘What is a typical English Christmas meal?’

 Answer: ‘Turkey and vegetables and Christmas pudding.’

 Question 7: ‘What do you eat and drink on a birthday and is that also typical English?’
 Answer: ‘Birthday cake, we just drink normal drinks.’

 Question 8: ‘Which fruits and vegetables are popular in England and why?’
 Answer: ‘Potatoes, carrots and cabbage because people like them!’

 Question 9: ‘Which sweets are typical English and do you like the most?’
 Answer: ‘strawberries, apples and pears.’

 Question 10: ‘And if you go to a bakery, what is the most typical English thing that you
can buy there?’
 Answer: ‘A chelseabun.’
Thank you (Clare,) for answering my questions. Have a nice day!

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