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Being immortal isn't as fun as it may sound. Sure, it sounds great, being able to live

forever, but there are so many downsides. Relationships are so much harder than they normally

would be because they’re eventually going to age and you’re not. Also, unless your family is also

immortal- which mine is not- then you’re going to have to watch thm age and eventually die,

which is an unbelievable burden.

The main upside, on the flip of that, is being able to do whatever you want without

having to face the consequences. You can eat literally anything you want to. You can go

anywhere you want to go. If you do something embarrassing, you can go and sleep for thirty

years until everyone has officially forgotten that you even exist, let alone that you did something

embarrassing. You can stay up for countless days straight playing that video game that you really

like. So, yes, there may be downsides to the whole immortality thing, but you can’t have a down

without also having an up, trust me.

Mythical Creature

This… “thing” stands in front of me. It’s got to be the weirdest thing I’ve seen in my

entire life. It’s on the small size for weird creatures, around the size of a fully grown husky. It

has the face and head of a husky with the body of a large cat. It has a large tail that very much

resembles the tail on a horse. Its fur is an interesting shade of pastel pink, and the fur is very


In the next moment, it opens its mouth and an unexpected sound comes out that sounds

interestingly like a lion’s roar. It startles me to say the least. I begin to back away slowly, hoping

to save myself from this strange creature, keeping an eye on it the entire time I walked
backwards. However, just as slowly as I’m backing away, the creature steps towards me. It’s

almost like it doesn’t want me to be able to get away. I stop, and in turn, the creature does as

well. And that’s when I realized something even stranger. The creature has wings! What was this

thing? I had to know. I began walking away again, quicker than last time, after deciding that it

didn’t seem to want to hurt me. I allowed it to follow me home. I needed to get a better look at

this thing.

When I arrived home, the thing behind me, I let it inside. As I got a better look at it, it

was actually really cute. It was strangely colored and it looked like someone photoshopped their

favorite animals together and colored it, but that was what was so appealing to the eyes. I slowly

reached my hand out towards the creature and gently pet it on the head. It seemed to enjoy this. I

tried some commands with it. I told it to sit and lay down, and it did both of those things. I

discovered later that it was a girl. I decided to keep her as a pet, which led me to name her. I

named her Luna, after my favorite ​Harry Potter​ character.


I’ve heard of it before but I ​never​ believed that it could possibly be real. I mean,

everyone’s heard of it before, but, like me, no one believes in it. No one is going to believe me. I

have magic abilities. I know I sound totally crazy, but I swear that I’m not. Or, is that what a

crazy person would say? Whatever, I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not lying or making

any of this up. Hear me out. I’m able to do things that I previously never thought were possible. I

can move things by just ​looking​ at them. I can listen to people’s thoughts by just making some

type of physical contact with them.

Okay, some backstory. I was sitting in my room when this all began. I really wanted to

turn my light off, but I was too warm and comfortable to in my bed. I didn’t want to get up to flip

the switch. I stared at the lightswitch for a moment, trying to decide if it was worth getting up

for, when suddenly, the light shut off. Just like that. One moment it was on and the next it was

off. I frantically looked around and didn’t see anyone else in the room with me. It wasn’t

possible. It just wasn’t I couldn’t believe it. I ​had​ to test this out. I looked over at my tv remote

and willed it to move over to me. Before I knew it, the remote was in my hand! And that was

when I discovered it. I had magic powers. I had magic powers…

Talking Animals

I was walking down the road and I heard a soft voice calling for me. I looked all around

me and I didn’t see anyone anywhere near me.

“Up here!” I called.

I looked up and didn’t see anyone. I was confused. I continued to look around me as a

bird flew out of a tree near me and started flapping stationary in front of me. It began to speak to

me as I rethought my whole life. Was I having a psychotic break? There was absolutely ​no way

that this animal was ​speaking​ to me. A deer trotted up alongside the bird and began to talk to me

too. I had to sit down at that point; I thought I was losing my mind at that point. The bird flew to

the bench and perched itself next to me. The deer stood there in front of the bench just staring at

me. They began to explain to me that animals could talk, but humans just couldn’t understand

them. They informed me that ​I​ was the chosen one. I could now understand the animals…

I live in a world that is unlike one that you might have heard of or that you might live in.

In the world I live in, the first word your soulmate ever says to you are written on your arm in a

tattoo-like style. My arm said something, of course. The words don’t show up until you turn

sixteen. Mine says the following: “hey, do you happen to know where the closest coffee shop

is?” It makes me smile when I read it because I love coffee and I spend a great deal of my free

time at the local coffee shop. One day, I was at the grocery store when someone tapped me on

the shoulder. I spun around and saw a boy around my age with dark hair and brown eyes. He

smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat.

“Hey,” he began, “do you happen to know-”

I heard that and unintentionally tuned out the rest of his question. I didn’t need to listen

anyways, I knew what he was going to say. It was him.

“You-” I stuttered, “you’re on my arm.”

He looked at me in shock, then looked down at his own arm, then back to me.

“I did not see that coming.” He laughed.

I laughed too. I couldn’t believe it; my soulmate was standing right in front of me.

“Oh-I’m sorry. My name is Kalvin.” The boy said and extended his hand for me to shake.

“Jemma.” I responded, shaking his hand.

“So… about that coffee…” Kalvin laughed, releasing my hand.

“Oh! Right. How about I take you there? It’s like my favorite place.”

“I’d love that.” He responded with a smile on his face.

This felt like happily ever after. It was truly meant to be.

I feel exhilarated, kind of like I’m being spun around a whirlpool, circling closer around

the same people and the same events but seeing things from different angles. Things are getting

increasingly interesting. It’s become hard to remember what my life was like before all of this

started happening. Nothing is the same, it seems. I’m stuck in an endless loop of things

beginning and ending, but it’s not a bad thing. I keep seeing the same things and people, but

never the same way. Every time I look at the same events/people, it’s like I’ve changed point of

view. I’m seeing it as someone else in my story. In the story of my life. I have a million

perspectives of everything. It’s like a hundred different people recorded the same event and I’m

taking turns watching all the different views. Even if two people are standing directly next to

each other, watching the exact same thing happen, their perspectives are slightly shifted. They

both are thinking different thoughts about what they’re watching, and both see something a little

different than the person right next to them. It’s a lot like alternating between covering one of

your eyes at a time. Things look different. Slightly only, but still different. I’m seeing myself and

others in a whole new light. It’s hard not to change your thoughts and perspectives after that.

Mow the Lawn

One Sunday afternoon, it was beautiful out. The sun was shining and it was a comfortable

temperature outside. Not too hot, not too cold; just right. My dad knocked on my door and asked

me if I could please go out and mow the lawn, as it needed to be done. Of course, I agreed, and

changed into shorts and a tank top. I pulled my hair up and slipped my phone into my pocket

after turning on some good music to work to. I slipped my headphones into my ears and zoned

into the music. I went outside and started up the lawnmower. I got to work cutting the grass
when, right in time, I noticed something on the ground that I was about to run over! It was

sticking slightly out of the ground, looking like someone had buried it, but it had made its way

up to the surface. I stopped quickly and turned off the mower. I stepped around it and got closer

to the object. Upon closer inspection, I realized that it appeared to be a wooden box. It was

relatively small in width. I wrapped my hands around the exposed part and pulled up. It was

definitely a box.

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