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NAME: Thanabodee Denvittaya
BIRTHDATE: 20.10.1995
EDUCATION: 2010-2014 Shrewsbury International School
2014-2017 Lancaster University
On Paper

This was in the vacinity of where I lived in

the UK. Being a view I often see walking
down the streets, it had become a part of
my daily routine. I found the geometric
form of it simplistic and easy to look at.

I chose this in order to study the shape and

form of a generic style of building. It
allowed me to practice my use of shape and
Fineliner On Paper

As my bedroom hasn’t been occupied for

years, things start to accumulate.

I sketched the room to closly observe and

study the proportion and size of each furni-
tures in relation to the room. This serves as
a template for redesigning the room, which
will be futher detailed in the following
I tried to use black furnitures to contrast
the white walls. I also incorporated wood
into the design, which when combined
vwith sunlight would provide a more
natural feel to the room.
Fineliner On Paper
Walking past these houses while traveling in
the subburbs, I was urged to capture the
area. I think the wood and the elevated
design contrasts the metropolitan nature of
the city, and yet complements it in a pecu-
liar way.

While sketching, I found the multiple points

of perspective in this piece confusing to
draw at times, but overall it was an enjoy-
able experience.

Physics has always been one of my passion.

I choose the Solar System as the main topic

to explore as it seems to be one of the most
interesting topics in Physics to most people.
The Sun
...Our Solar system’s own star
The Solar System First successful landing
Inner Planets
and most massive component Luna 9
Inner Core First spacecra� to land successfully
Radia�ve Zone on the Moon; touchdown at
18:45:30 UTC on 3 February 1966.
Photosphere Returned data un�l 22:55 UTC on
6 February.

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Dense, rocky composi�ons, few or no moons, and no ring systems. 6 terrestrial manned
Composed largely of refractory minerals, such as the silicates, which missions happend since;
form their crusts and mantles, and metals, such as iron and nickel, which all to the moon.
form their cores.
Subsurface Flows

Outer Planets The Earth

Make up 99% of the mass known to orbit the Sun.
Convec�ve Zone Upper Mantle


Outer Core

Did you know...?

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
1.3 Jupiter and Saturn are together over 400 �mes the mass of Earth and
Oceanic Crust
Million Earths could consist of hydrogen and helium; Uranus and Neptune are far less massive
fit into the sun (<20 Earth masses each) and are composed primarily of ices. All four giant
planets have rings, Although only Jupiter’s is visible from Earth. Inner Core
Con�nental Crust
The Earth is about 4.5 the Solar System was formed
Lower Mantle

billion years old

Mercury near
5 billion years ago
Contains 7.6
Earth billion people

Venus Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

The Solar System to scale Million kilometer from the Sun
6B On Paper

To practice shading, I picked up a couple of

items around the house and place it
randomly on a fabric covered surface.

It also helped me better gauge each

object's size and proportion in relation to
On Paper

I chose to draw several objects lying around

my desk to study each object's form and
On Paper

A view of the 228 Peace Memorial Park I

visited a couple years back. It showcased a
constrasting Chinese architecture of differ-
ent eras.

As depth of view was empasized in this

piece, I used a couple of ways to convey
perspective. I used .05, .1, and .3 fineliners
to draw the background buildings, the
objects across the pond, and the closest
building respectively.

The detailes of each of the closer objects

were also empasized. This piece mostly
allowed me to better utilise different tech-
niques to represent deapth, and also
observe the proportion of each object in
relation to each other.
On Paper

This piece allowed me to experiment with

graphite, a medium I never used before.
Arcrilic On Paper

I picked the original picture off of the inter-

net to experiment shading with arcrilic
color. I often used arcrilic to paint polyhe-
drons, but never used it to paint curved
objects. I chose the picture as it has a sim-
plistic form and is symmetrical, this would in
my opinion draw attention to the color.

For the background I tried a unique

approach. I painted white on top of dried
brown. While wet, drops of water were
sprinkled on top to keep some parts wet
while the other parts dried out. The wet
parts were then wiped out so they show the
brown underneath.
1mm Paper

While looking through a catalogue, I came

across a very interesting design, and
deceaided to make a model of it.

The process was much more complicated

and time consuming than I had initially
thought. I had to make a digital representa-
tion of the model using sketchup with
correct proportion and realistic measure-
ments, then cut each surface out and glue
them together.
White On Blue

I explored several buildings' facade to study

their shape and design.

In my opinion the most definitive feature of

the New York skyline is without a doubt the
Chrysler building.

I chose the night to highlight the design of

the building' s facade. As most of the
picture was dark, I decided to experiment
with Linocut using black ink.
On Paper

This was one of my first attempts to draw a

human face. I had to learn about the pro-
portion of each organ in relation to each
other, and their respective position on the

Shading was done with graphite, and parts

were emphasized with EE pencil.
On Paper

A Cafe I often visit.

Rendered with ink and white poster color.

Used to study the perspective and propor-
tion of objects in relation to the room. Also
shows an exaple of design with good use of

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