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Final Exam

Gisell Morfin
Vertical Positioning: Bird´s Eye

Camera above the object looking directly

down at the object
Vertical Positioning: Worms Eye

When the camera is on the same

level as the object
Vertical Positioning: High Angle

When the camera is above the object at an angle

Vertical Positioning: Low Angle

When the camera is below the object at an

Vertical Positioning: Dutch Tilt

When the camera is tilted

Horizontal Positioning: Front

When your taking a picture of the front of the object

Horizontal Positioning: Back

When your taking a picture of the back of the object

Horizontal Positioning: ¾ Front

When it’s the object is facing front tilted

Horizontal Positioning: ¾ Back

When the object is facing back tilted

Horizontal Positioning: Profile

Object’s side
Rule of Thirds

When the object is at the edge of the camera

Rule of Thirds

When the object is at the edge of the camera

Leading Lines

When the picture is showing lines repeating

Creative Lighting

When using a creative type of lighting on your

Creative Lighting

When using a creative type of lighting on your

Black and White

When the color of the picture is desaturated

Black and White

When the color of the picture is desaturated

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